THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. New Wareroouito, Corner of Alain anid Liberty Streets. I waill "Open the Ball" by placintg a l1ine stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. P 'RICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find SW ZzBs 'B My02BIO Swom-, 25 South Fourth Av-ene, City. YOUR GIRL AlayLaw 8choo! ESTABLI55100 1851. Would appirecate a box of those COURISE, otte yetar. Three full tertms reqotiredl. Terms begin, Septreiber, Janttary tatd Mtarclh. Fine OhocoafeS ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. i1,yT FllConsf lstryo and o urrs Degree of LL. B. Conrferred. C alkin'p Pharmacy Fail Terna of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. Address thea Dean or Seretary, TRY'l IT. ALBANY.r N. Y. A notherI ]nvoice ____OF Springj $uitp - - .''-r - GO 0T - --- For HIGH CLASS TAILORING. Iletoas the LEADING StRING ANt) SUMMER IcOODs S i Siig., Trousetiogs a0a Silt N eoings in the city'. FItll iess Sojijuigs a Spuecialty. Pleaecacol aindIexamine. No. 2 East Washington St., near Main. U ~ 'flCIGARS BY THE BOA RjEtCOJOLLY Pitts..trlt Sto trs 1001)ttt Bx "len-iIIuir." AND ALL li"Penner,, >tlkfhN ____ lE, Toomllv," it-ut t.tOritorsotiroaIt S ipper,, ATHLETIC + :GOODS. 44 Main Street, South. All1 kindtof00Work.-eorly rtodoeatrasoootileresr. p J. B MIDECOrr, ;9iiiSooth ftu'ivevoitt Avr. YOU C"AN GET Wh Iat qyu wr,'iit, (tat hacr i''r will Sr ) y1, ul BROWN'S DRUG STORE. Chemical Physical Apparatus Q C.P. and > Htare Chemicalo, Mcroscopical Spplies EI3IEISMACH & SON. E HA.EEANEA O e 07T Y4OURTAD SbTUDENTS' HEADQUJARERIS. tBoyss"ifyou"aretloohingifor anyoetyour finds, ttaa hanr in the Occidental HoteI offieefoto.en minutes. You trill suiely art. them.tivFceocckdiner, Sundays.Specalt rate. 71 Fort St., West, - Detroit. Mich. LEAVE YOURORDERS -AT- P Q.N 1 T NNewepa pera, Magaznes; Perio4 ias, Fine onfections. Cigars and Tabwo CAMPUS. IH. C. Ellis, P. G. law', soas colled hionte last st-etkbsyite illnesohisl mthler. Prof. Heitrtt till examoitte hisoc l~ec iono itoGeroatn cotutltlots Tues- lay aftcrnioon. t latlt" w till lie the suibject dis- cuissetd by ite Sltokcosere Semuintary classes this sweek. Bertie Macitivets, of Toriointo, it visiitingtier sister Jessie of the D~en- tat D~eparltmecnt. MIfrs. IDr. Canmpbell lias Ibeetnoab- sent from hecr classes several days otn accounat of sickntess. Saturdoy ovas tprolific its class teetiisgs, every claso its the literary dlepartament holdinig otoe. L.. R.1Keensey, '92 mtedic, hat beets rolled hionte on account of tiii serious illnsess of Isis mother. Prof. Davis' sectionso in descrip- live geometry have completed thei Sadvance weork for thiassemester. Owinog to the Sytmphony Orches- Ira concert Tuesday evenling, thi Choral Utoion weill meet Thsaday evcning. 'The Engineering Society met last flight in room A. Mr. J. R. Keyet read a paper on 'The Substittitet for Steanm." The class of '95 met Saturday afternoon to consider athsletics and The Oracle, bet on account of lhe ball games. the meeting 'adjournetd until next Saturday. o" - - BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, 50 2 >U- - S~i.s ' SIAT1 STIIEEl'1', A \NN7 AIlhBOll. i < _ _ _ > TH RU,-- 23DEAN & COMPANY . N J 1 P N Toe 5'. of M. tCamerai Cltsowilt FIRST NATIONAL BANK t eet toighlt at 7 o'clock, its t ti- OF ANNN tto~tt. cal latoratary. AmttaettrsocanottCaititSiaiii,ti0ii. surplus Oatdt trofits, 0$30,000 s TrR~icots I~it ittertl Il i n t buttsitess, fir- a)tit htmiss this ttl tip i ot '.vitt ciuc-r olt, letters of creiteprocuted Ni-r. Tootletasoi-esigtnedIfrotthliii.r trawt livsabod Cit.ICHiMOND, Pres. T'. OA(1,V. I'ves.. tasitliats boardl, tattithe tlot acnntt- S. iv. tCtaioito, Cistier. -cies base beenti hi ledi 17 tesrs. WY ~ w bletary- 'rieditats atntiIttli 'Teco-eds of '9- hetl1 a tileting G . N Saurdiay msor ntintg to nitra nge. lot a S O F R D A C 'Te mtinltg of thoe Unity Clutt MMM -this cevetting takes thre fonts ifta________________________ ssocial. A not-el anad uniue trn. granm has beent prelparedI. This is sthe closing social and all are itoited. Y President Angell lass issued an ad - P[9TOGRAP I1 R dress to the friends of the "t. of lt., NO. 12 W. HURON ST. srequesting those wo nhas-c subscribed-- eto the Gymfnsftd to renmit, and urg- Ihorrance of the D)enstal departmeint, ing tile necessity for furthuer sub- perforisied the operation of rentotv- -scriptionts. rnanitelpulis. hDrs. Taft and Wat- i\Iiss Ada Thomas, lit '92, has ling, together withi many' othecrs secured a position to teach M1athe- from that department, were present. matics and Germsan intshea Pontiac The orchestral players in Detroit e High School. M~iss Grace Worrell, are very mudh excited over the re- '92 as s been secured to teach Greek Itearsals of, the "Danmnation of and Latin in the same school. Faust" music. At the last rehear- s t Theclas o 'g hel metin sal of the orchestra a large delega- Saturday and appointed a comnit-tino orhsalmicnswe tee to draft resolutions on the death present as interested listeners. of Miss Davidson. In was also de- U. . Bickley, '93 law, has been cieV ohl lassca. Ti offered a position with one of the e'94-'95 field day was discussed. leading law firms of Minsneapolis, r Minn., and leaves for that city at 1?At the HomoeopathicIsospital the close of the, year to remain dur- Friday, Dr. Obetz, assisted by Dr. lug vacation.