THE U. OF M. DAILY. ]BARGAINS ! BARGAINS!. TWO SPECIAL ONES. YACHT CAPS, Made from Bedford Cords-the new goods-all colors- worth $1.00, for NECK WEAR, Four in liand-Tecks and Windsors--all the new shades, worth 50c, 01ur price 27,5 0CI.TS_ SEE OUR WINDOWS. Th T os r.. Springj Suitings. Latest Styles of Hats. LARGE LINE OF TRUNKS AND VALISES. NOBBY LINE OF NEC'KWEAR?, ETC., ETC. , AT THE J. T. JA.COBS COMPANY, ANN ARBOR. 27 and 20 MAIN STREET. THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. E, II OB TMOR' OKTR 109-08 ABAH AV., hICGO.Complete New Steck jest received. Nothing but new, fresh goods. SEND FOR OUR MANUAL. No B c)u 2f Or., - Ar avav 2~T ~ 7 BUS~INELSDIRECTOLY. SEASON 1892. s-o ' Arriving(iaily. New Mtock of LA WN TENNIS IRACI{QUtETS and Al.T. IKNI)S OF, SPOETING LIVERY, SHACK AND SIAGOAGE LINE. GOODS. Watch for our Prices. -Lowest in the (lqy.Odesfopromplatteir~nddo r ~ ~ ~ T~~STW ~ OT~S Ql elephone 05s. 21 N. Main St., op. Post Office, 'rE- EXCFISIOR - I.AUND]XV '?O SOUTHC STATE STRtEET. Spteller-'s Old Stand. Has all the improved omachinry, and is Iro pared to torn otflost Class work on shorst 0o- tioe. Comnmerial wrtrsed ot save day 1Tt rzT m T i O- I L ricesreassonableand od rk gusranteed. No T 1N E 11 WESiTERN IC IGA C LI E E1 - T1 TT 20 FastHuron st. A. F ft.(SIt , P~ruietor . Chartered andI Incorps isteti I R LA NJJD7LA ..LZ 0. M. MARTIN, CxZ S T AC==3S. M=IIK.FINE PHOTOGRAPHS,. h EALER IN 7 NOTE)foi te ss PREP~tARATOR2Y tCOURSESi. Prepares studensts toe any college or sien- Cloth Caskets, Metallic tifle school it is teatontry.MILNR ADATGO S! For- itsrCOLLEGE OlflURSS. Prepares for thte degree. antd aimst at the bteoadestesulture ansdMLINR ADATGO S! AND COMMON COFFINS. ithe tost practilresutst.30EsHuo Ste, Foe its T0113L41, ANT'IACFHflISi'TRAINING f)SARI'Ail '.S~t pecial attention given vISsrSsi RINSEY &SEABOLT, t preparatnttr totsttittttt i ut ndtesohine. For is -MU'IC' _AXI) FINE A ,-sITD1'LtlT.IIOTIv, IsSecontto (t sac ini te laited tte -tt-t Blakers andtdealers in Foe its OitMEWI~tI, .ANi) SHORITHIAN~D Dl'AIiTI1tX1 O, tite leatditng-school ofStisittess. fDIIATlT.AK E 1A Groceries, Provisions Flour and F eed, For the exteely mtoderatte expense to stutdetsatening. Thte exptettseacoutc-tttria be fsg- SHORTHANDV , T >(nd50 ~tttisttn t urdlwrw as tatn at ay other etuctiontal itnstituttionin the coutrttty, und atjthe{ U S .6at8E.Wsigo S. Sattt meOtolive teltad Cotn ftiattle. Eseesititto f ttettsttt-ttIT (FILL PAY YOU. Shorthand Scl,51NewreE.V ~ F ,P eie t uidn,2 ot tt tet THE BLUNDER AT EVANSTON. '9a Social. rwooetl a fair coi-etd, doing every-Q~f7J~flp*~~n- thiiig puossible to rin her affertions. SL2IIi Causens Mionigan's Orator to Lose 'lire rlass ot '95 heldit s seciiiitl'Thin tie ttedic, te loreanithenginet r -A'r- Secon Place. Sotial at Nerelerry fI tll Satirday All waoiste etanser a day-tatnd a 6yManaS, B tttw itsisottsolaite thtey cl it ,, AR O DS Satsirday niorning wentithe rot- evenintg. Aloul 1 50 freshiiiirt o rltte aidttteltiped niitt t settttslit."- ventioni ofitheNotrthierin Oratsirical fL'Cl rlttaii er tjyabe~~~I~~B League niet, it csas aniiouirced thatl n5 a lcot ieflovc Eastern Games., t thtl ~OtP0575 aproiramikeahartnbertdladeainreadioapitalF ,$5cras0roitrirod SowcliProfit,_;, $1_,000. ah mitakiiadceeofmdinrSt dng retty Ctin (" 'g; Glt--lub;1read-Does agettera lBankintg ltusitess. Pays itt- thiakn flr trtevaunt. HarvardtwonSatuday'0F105 i erest ott Satvig Deposits. His srafety Prhebinlg, *Mr. 11l11 Valentine Scht-tfromt Irinretoni, sc((e, 1z3 to . Deposit Boxe ot-sCienot. Inta f8 o '~.Lye ehdtisice 9iBa oClub Ilgho stiit Nas R. -KEMIF, lees. 10F. l. E5E, Cashsier. nmcant it 6y. This rciangedl the to- The \leoir , betIeaspsantIgthenLs Young aitit lirnsehi.nlirorric revfealei tal results entirely, A. S. Mason, of Th eiteLw n h n on n -on fondfae Nothvctrircevngfrs laegineer, Mr. Brisceaind flub; Coruell Fritday 1510t3.The ganoc All Ar or Qt i JjJoLndii Norhweter) ecevin frtrreivii3tgtiaino solo,\tiss /immnermasngat was railed oilerlihe secvruth ott ar- M.IyrLfUisoninIecivngII5U.alisUIIrete isesKit Mr mtyrey,hWsonsvin g M g~ldes treteMiss ilcounalof rain. Batteries: Calthorp- serolc o oney,'hs evng .redge, \tcAllister, Stinison, nanit dt Fie-l Norse antI Fieldfor WORK CALLED FORanod DELIVERED, Roiberts tint. Mooreswith Mhiss M\lOiiber Is ac-t ornel; for lsowvii Sextitoilan SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. 'The markinogs of the ttiree judgesroia10.-- of thotught and comoposition and the The siorial seas nmenorable toorltst Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. three judges of delivery as corrected0.-- reasonls. IThe '9- BhanjoliClub's ~ - are in total as follorws: Oberlino, 44S;uoe wstefis r rnlrd J.It. rt155F,iit '94,tiat test cl A B R S O N W,455; lorva, 489;IsMicligan, ilpteii . K A B R S O 472lWisCn~in 476 'inapreuced c:hrby the club. Careful lge. results in ranoks as follows: Oberlin, cerysio',te ''h rotrit ot tl sthowerams aticnnectted with sesTb. clbpae ngood timno d sie x- campuis, is ntearly reatly fior o jc ttcu-aloastsstrtleal a -22; N.-WV., 16; Iowa, 18; Michigan, pression, antI received ani enthusias- pny J. R. TRO Iwx, 17; Wisconsin, 117. tic tdouble encore. The ccasio ncy lJA~sI 'fie league's election resulted as ocai N ewsevshv ee u na'3 . ahntnS. nnAbr ihgn folothresn ipeident e. . Hll, singing of Mr. Frank Blriscoe's ne the museunm, and the wvork of arrang- -- - Norhwsten;vie-pesdet, . "song, ,'The Medic, the asy, and ing the Archaclogical collection isI Ann Arbor Savings Bank Johnson, U. of 1Lt.; secretary, F. the Engineler," the reords and mu- well under way. Anprp5sil.~~5nl,5555 Jacksono, Madison, Avis. sic of which were bsoth of Mlr. Nevbc eshv eneetd Oganizedunader the O$nner001 Banhing Lawn - lriscot's own compoosition. It of this tate. Rleceives Deposntn, buys and 1r. Voss wvill his class ussoein dcddht Tesn e behind the tennis courts. Tlhe nals exchange en Dhe principal eitien of the give scoedailcied hi.Tesn e ntdstaten. Drafts cashed uoen proper "Ws\illiam Tell' an eamuination lates howv a medic, larvaind anmen- courts are in good condition and ace identiitaion. Officers: f annCHRIANaMACK, Fees., Wedoesday. gineer ecd fell in love with and being much used.j W. D.xHnA R:Vis os.ahe