THE U. OF M. DAILY. .4 to bevcongratulated vfor vsurprising W ' n ' li~v ' even his friends by his delivery, jbeing several points ahead oif all his Pablishedt Daily (Sundays excepted) during competitors. It was the extremely, the Collegre year, by and we think unwarranted, lowv grade THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION which one of the judges gave bins on Subscriptio price $2.50 per year, invariablyp1ttbought and composition that lost aadvaae Single copies 3 'eats. On sale at himn the prite. Sheehan's and Post Officeewnnastand at 12_ o'clocks, noon. Suscriptions soySte et at the offieeof the DAILY, Opera House bokat AVE believe that the large attend- Sheehan's, at Stofflet's, or with any ot the ance at the games Saturday and a editors. Commauncations shoutd reaeh the offiee by wveek ago was due in great measure s 'etoeh P.MN. if they are to appear the oext to the fact that the games were slay. Address all matter intended tor pubhiea- tion to the Managing Editor. All husiness played on the new athletic Field. commsunications should he seat to the Busi- In viesv of this, it will be well to re- nss Manager. cl h atta huhte:il THE U. of M. DAILY, caltefcththog teFid Ann Arbor, Mieh.I has not yet formally been turned over to ,the studeni'ts-tihne ctro~l Ihas Wright & Ditpon'3 Tennis Racket3 F'QR I892. Spisilding'a Rackets and a Complete Lisie of Sporting Goods. Wholesale and Retail Agents for Michsigani. t s thet.EA5IO,0 SCHOOL ofBUISmxS. - ="I h ost departmnets-Commia tl, No testsbok omanusciripti-worh-Engish. Shorthand and 5 _' Penmanship Elregant building, lange at- z tendarecleent instrsietore,'sorb thos- t. .I t l been 0 the ,,. r C250 per torch; students assisted to positions. F. E. JANETTE, Lii. '93, Managing Editor. ee given totoFiaculty wui~y For eataliigue, address P. R. CLEARY, President. GETRUDiEiCK,-o Lii. '94, Assistant. Board of the Athletic Association, _____ 1. G. ((ti ot, Lit.'ii:, Assistaot.frterconcrtoi.yFor threaianis steoch L N ..J. K its Lt.' o st' stat..and frhethat the board hasronrtiss. for th irasot i hop J. C. TR 'iAYIsi, Lit. '2, lBusiness Manager. ranted the association per- greater. Mr. Schsroeder is the nesv itw . t.i I)FifEs ,it ii. 'sa, Assistant. ..i'. Ji'i'i'cis, Liat '91. Atssit. ! mission to use the Field, Ps'se idcd, violoncello soloist and is justly con- -o JR.ANErIti., Sedie '55. that the grounds arc' watered and siderced one of the finest is theL..WIEIA),Lt1i3prelycedfrhssrngadwl. "S rn . WroprlycaeKEforthssriniani.eu94l.O- Wt. H. Er too. Loit '1 summiier. 'This mlay appear a slighst A chansge bas been maide in the F'.A. MANsY, Lit '9. 1 psoviso, but it will require an outlay metlical course so that juniors are utn s ('. N.SOWERti, Mdi, ) 3.LtIjm O. A. DEO, it a3', of money. 'To this mast be addled requiredl to take bansdaging. 'T'he LUtIA Kit c, Lii "'5.0 the obviotus trutht that shuoter bathts arraingenient meets twitht favor ontP nalo s d~ tii'.i rying rooms, grading and fllinsg, the p~art of studenta~ 001, ' The Editors do nout hold thsemoelveccoit eces an beahes oth a- EXCURSION. t} pondettis,iiappe'arig ithe DIY ommodatioii of spectators now Toeov.5Pui A d THE ausPULISIN HUS. ompelled to viewt the gooses at a ,___ disadvanstage, are necessities not ..lau an fbs ilsilb ~n, Timi' IttR CEOF TirDAILY F1OR THE yet nmet andtt provitdedtfor. 'te.\s- played ii 'oledo, Suiiday, M~ay lutl, btenaoenmdcus diso RO.AIA tDER OF 'THE COtLLEGEI YEAR ~ itln sunable tissake tene-to whlichi till(se 2.5c. 'ITie Toledo IX 'W f. 1,EJ ONE DO1AR.I essary outlay. Htaving expended Aisn Arbor road w-ill rui a special trai n Vestincis oiver four hsuisdredl iollars to ise et onl this ocaiSon, leavinig Ann Arbor at ,) t)a. im.. returning leaive Toletlo at 9.301 Il5151ENOLAI) AND s SCOTLA.ND 'lii nis-sidt enllusasn thit bills cmmiit friiis last year it p. in. F'are for round trits one (j)tlol- casnito do nosnore than send thtelir GE'iio, T Q \j QF 7 f1n playedt at list gamst Saturday evoked c easl. 'isat the ood tvorkAgent. I. , a lachrytmose complllaint Ironsl t cot- I BUSINESS LOCALS. responsdent representing the 1). A. ma o tpsot hrfra No. 191 South Main Street. Saccessionssf fusds is imsperatively INoticesoisetedsilis c olumnoat he ~i'rate. C' in (tecolumn~s of Ssunday's '"Free Iof 10 tests per lsoe. Special rates forssere 'ress.'' fTecondutct io a fewt blt elatdtI psirtotiasb e ieDALoico(c triocd1repbii t Toledo, Ann Arbor and North msote long poswer tlsan discretions, ill coaltinlgs, or trouloeriltgs, it still be to Time' Cued in street Jonuary 24, 1811. arc credibly inlformled, willl do all displayedi lt tile('oob htouse, Tlues- - critical psoints illl t game, tdoes isot. day, May t1t, by the ('oltien Eagle so repsresetthl sentimettof thelsup-htisieesry tIlstb blCustoimiDepalrtmienti of IDetroit. They No. 1.Mi-ol and Expess........... .ta. 0ous to thse lectutre board tltat a lilt oinly hadtle the best goods anid employ No: 3. Patir, Ann Arbor Accsii2 0 sets. isorters of thse game-thse student t thiossrtnooletiti1acu tle most artistie cutters and tailors. No.=.. tall Paooengr .............4u.i . aththctatoport'nSuchmconductli-vtrdo You tan al-toys depensd on getting tile GINOUH specatos. Sch ondut w doto the benefit anld gratification of correct style anld most perfect fit, be- No.12. tMail 1'asscooc ...............111t8 a. i no inedtetlddiscourttose vesties oy itl rsidtes a saving of at least $10 on suit Or No. d. Mail Exprecs ............8 40p. so. btt i i tathestde teappreciatenccodgy.I il eotercisat. htitiiiretlo of hoet' patternts No. 0. Pasoenger, Toledo Accom.... 7 00 i. m. butif t "ees tat he tuent aprecatd eiioiee sumnier novelties joist ar- Tralinisd 6 eua beliten lin Artonand hatt it in for the D. A. C.plyr"Tedon. 2saer' Irved. Ceoteal Standard Timec. it is onhy to thte jaundiced eye ansd So yPorm Suite to relit, also one sintgle room. All Traino Daily except Sundoy. SypoyPorm Cheap. No. 41h S. Division St. i-. H. BENNETT, H. S. GREENWOOD, oesestv nevssilsFre Fosllowinig is the program of thte t0WAN1TE. tset overcoat, site 30 Gen. Pass. Agent. Local Agent, hiress correspondent. bIto 3. Stats price and wthiere it can be _ concert by ltst Boston Symphony seen. Addreos, t)Ui readers i-ill regret to note Concert Co., in University Hall, ts- t51-tt K. W., City. thsat thse sesult of ltst Northern (Ora- Bleethoenei. Sympoiny No. t. A iaoir. canipus, Tuesday aifternoons. $2 re- torical Leaguc contest has bcen Choepiii. Coiicerio. E Miser, i--lrd. . Eu'nDAbr.N .Cx .Uiest v.qiemtral hne eas f Saint Pocus. "L' Reset d' Ompliale." Slack Nos. of U. of. M. D. for 1891 h the discovery of an error in the cons- a. Chiopin. Nectiirne. andh h892, can he had at Stofttet's News jsuting of the judges' usarkings. As b. Ooltemoo. Allegro. Depot, 12 N. Mai. 153-3t. the result now stands, Northw-estern c. Klingel. Copricia. AvnShodr.HALLER receives first prize and Wisconsin Wogoer. "Vorspiel, Meistersinger." second. This is the peculia'r'result The change of concertos, while a ErZE of the "rank" system, for by the matter of regret to many, will, on- Repairing a specialty. 46i aOrTH AIS. s or iirduder the circumtstances, afford Mr. J.D.A. POLHEMUS r SNS "rd"system used last year, the D'Albert a better opportunity, for J.A OHMS Northwestern would have received the orchestra is leso prominent than I:.L I V - EJR State Street Grocers. Stdnsparng spcal slctd only fourth place. 'Mr. Roberts is is thse case ins most of the classical ALSO 'BUS5 RACK AND- BAGGAGE LINE Suet arng seilyslctd North Main StreeL. 24 S. 5TATE:STREET.