THE U. OF M. DAILY. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! . ~ TWO SPECIAL ONES. ( pring Su1Ltfl95. YACHT CAPS, Made from Bedford Cords-the new goods-all colors-- LARGE LINE worth $1.00, for NECK W EAR, N01iSSS SINS Four in hand-Tecks and Windsors--all the new shades, wtortlh 50e, ourice THE J. T. Latest Styles of Hats. OF TRUNKS AND VALISES. F OF NECKWESAR, EYI'., EcC.. ATr '. JACOBS COMPANY, 27 and 29 MAIN STREET. SEE OUR WINDOWS. ANN ARBOR. TH EFISKETEACHES'UAGEONCIS.TENNIS OOBIS AT MOORE' s EooZs1oEE TH loK EC E S'AECIS- WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. Complete New Stock just received. Nothing bti new, fresh goods. SEND FOR OUR MANUAL. Nsto. o SOSTTOY MAJOT Sy., - ANNARov SEASON 1892. sT 'o s Arriviiil sdaly. New Stock of LAWN 'TENNIS RACI{QUTETS and ALL KINDuS OFSPOI' TIN(1 JLVERY, HACK AND BiAGGOAGELUIE. GOODS. Watch for onlr 1rices. Lowest in the C11lv. Odes otly , attesdedia ~ ~ ~Telephone 68. 2i N. Main St., spp. Post Oiice. THE - EXCELISIOR "1A . 1P 20 SOUTH "STATE STREET. Speller's Old Staned. Haas aii ihe imeprovedr cieesry, anid is pe ________________________p realit trn out frsteclass workhon short iii- I itice. iCommercialsworktuirned sat samieiiay ,f pT v w L'I1L .N M Clll GAN FOLEGE 1 n T7- n T T Prices reasonablr anid wotrk guarantrrd. No N1ij 2A0 ET ~ i asi. Huosts. A. F. COVEIR'J', Ptoprietor, (Chartered atdIiicaorpioriaieii.) .. \.t v!t JL"..-~.- G~A1 Ap2S3S. M=CNI. FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, NOT ED fori it s'SP~t.?fiA''ORY f'tCt'I'fS. 'rrtiareo sstdeais fir tatipcollege or scios- iarstieschooliinthe ecisntry.MILNR ADATGO S i'or its t'iiLLKE l'OURSNES. Preptarrs for iiie degrers aiii aiiii at the broadest culture andMILNR ADATGO S tie most prisctical resalis.1 For is .NORMAL AND TSEACHESRS' TSRAINNG DEPiARTMENT. Spocial attetios givrn 30 E~stHuon Street, to preparatiois fur exiaminationdti eaii ingtii.________ Forits MSIC''A ND FINE ARI' DEPART'iMENTrS, SFoil to Nom iiii itrtiiited. Sates Stir ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TK itAOSiSttIS ~)Stl~S~iDSAITtltIteIattestoio tsas ioe the extretmely mtoderaite expetise to siteits attetnditg. She s.eraese acutcnb i-trdlwe iiista tayohe dctoa nttto n teonry, adea he CUR samite titmirlire swelltand cotafortablr. Evervttitiefurihedii. ST WILL PAT YOS. Shorthand School, News A. EV-VISREX. president. Riri-" ZnhRstRrp I Cornell Again Defeated. Yale tdefeatcd Cornell, Thursiday, to f1a . The gamoe was featuireless. iBowers pitchedl fur Yale, :Priest for Cornell. Boiisvrs struck outt ive icu.n rest four, tilts for Yale 7, for CitruelL 2 Symphony Concert. ..o inure'ticautif il tcocert ever was or ever coitlit be given-N. Y. Sun, 1Feb. to, '92. Nothing could tie added which would have maade the concert more perfect.'"-N. Y. lHeralti, Feb. to, 92" '"i'he iBerlioz' Symptiony was superbly conuicted anti played. " N. Y. Evening Post, Feb. i.0, '92. 411y all means the bst orchestral concert heartd hear this season."- N. Y'. Commercial .Advertiser, Feti. 10,.'92. The nmanager of the '95 Batijo Club has received an invitation to take part in the High School com- mencement exercises of the Marine City schools, June 24.' U. of P. Downs Wesleyan. 'Thursiday tU. of P. tdefeateid Wes- leyan 3 to . 'hle ganic was a piitither's battle. tBayiie was quite uii toi his record aini struck out nine- teecu tun as against six liy Kiddt, for \Wesleyaui. No-rie-. -'t'here swill be a rcgular meeting of the Illinois Republican t'lub toitight at 7:30 o'clock ini the lasw qizomLrtn. N. 'ricE-Meetitig bylit class, Sat- tiurday, 'May 7, riomt A, 2:30 1'. si. ()racte, attiletics anti other business. F. F. VtN'l'tvl,, Ptres. Nort'it.." '94.- ithere twill lie a class mteetitng Satuirday, S 1). ii., in Rooim A. C omte alt. WANTEI)-Lady Seer etary. Wantted, at tady of refinemsetit, ciii- tore anid Chiristians eciaracter, about 25 years of age, as pirivate seeretary in ia qitiet, honte-like ltav office it Ciciago. No experience necessary. Satary, $50 per mouth. Please state age anod edit- cations. Atidress, Mtits. Bltolvx, ' Roomo 1,111, ('iambter of Commneree, Chicago, 1:11. Referencee. .C(. Travis, Bussinoess IManager of tuis paper, Aimt Arbtor, M siechigant. EXCURSION. Toledo vs. St. Past. .1 teague'gatmte of batse-bellt sill tbe pluayedi iToitetio, Siiiitay, luty 1t.,u bietwveeniabtive naumet clitts, utirissliot to wichleilltte 25c. 'Tie Tledto AnntiArbtorroaditwilt rut a speeilsttraoin tin tis a csiont, teavinig Annt Artbor at 9 a. us., rettirninlt ease Tldio itt !lt) ps. nt. F"tre for roundti trip cite (1) tot- lar. It. f-. G(lu r. scottis, Agetut. BUSINESS LOCALS. I Notices iasertedini this coluimn at the rate of 10 cents per lisr. periat rates tor toeger time, and extra lineifrontashed tbr applyinge as the DAILY oftiee.1 FORt Ss,.-I'iietitnatii safety biry- it. S. GnEEts'ooos, 12:t 1T. & A Dlepot. Suite tot renit. also onr sinigle roomi. Ciheapt. No. 471 S. Diis ion St. 0. M. MARTIN, DEALER IF Cloth Caskets, Metallic AND COMMON COfFINS. RINSEY & SEABOLT, Bakhers atid dealers its Groceries, ProvisionsFlour and F eed, ad 8F. Washintson St. SOuvupuI spoors ARNOLD'S, - 36 Main St. 5 ('ai~t'l. $50).51,toi. S tpta stid SY eu to,, iosf SDurs a generr! aiinhig isiece. Pay s Jin- ferettn5avitngDeposeits. Mat sarfey_ iDeptisit Boxses for Rent. R. KEMP, Prs. 5'. H. H+E-WStIt, Casi' ashk5ov'n Satstrdsy evening~. An Arbor Btlam [aillry WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. Office. -- 2,4 South Fourth Ave. 0. K. BARBER SHOP list t Ittu ts itt connec~tion. PorcelainTi'uibs. Sbo';r at hh eted w~tithOeact'i'uii, J. At.'TI 9JANO WSK1, 'sAN'S' :.-t'tster overcoat, sloe 31;5 . to *i. Mte priceandit tlteroitetan iie S5' wshjtut.,AnAroMihgn Ann Arbor Savings Bank Eos'i'-Fotain enit (Sacettit n Ann Arbor Mich. Ca itaiSok, Stoo, camspus, 'Tusday afternsoons. 1$2 r Surplus, $l'ssess. wardi. Organafardunder tir GeneralSiaphiag taws N. K. ('oN, 7 E. t'niverssty ave. ofths RaeetenDepositn, hays and selexaneats the principal cities of the ; tisited States. Drafts -acased uo='-be itack Nos. of U. of. ii. ID. for 18911 ildeiitltIuattaii. Oleerr - scsi 1892,tcani te tad sat Stufltet's VNews lCtiaisSTANMAt'S, Pren., W. D. HAnnIasAN, Vice Pres., D~epot, 12 -N. Mtii. F15-3t i : . Cf#AS,.. Risseess, Cashierr