.^ c + Ct ability tested by performance, not
'.'J upon reputation for ability or mere
personal popularity. Add to thsis
P'ublished Daiyre (Sundays exceptedt)staring the fact that the oratorical interests
ohs colege year, by
THEU. f . IDEENDNTASSCITIO ,of the Iniversity are advanced by
THEU~ F M INEPNDET ASOCATIN! every pulsltic contest, and there
Subseriptmon price V.50O per year, invsriably wosulsd seenm so be cogent reasons
in advancer singltrcosipert3iiceets. On sate as why the classes of other departments
Sheehan's andl PantOfilier news stand at 12
o'clock, noon. Subscriptions may be left atM as well as the law should select their
thesofficestf the DAILY, Opera Hssse blsrk, at orators in this way.
Sheehan's, at Sitoftet's, or with ansy of the
edtrs. ssi rshtesufc y Senior Law Oratorical Content.
7sclek r. a. it they are to apprar the nrxt
day. Address sit matter intended tar publica- A fair-sized and appreciative auid-
toan to the Managing Editor. Aul busisnesience was piresent last night at Uni-
communiestions should be sent to the Busi-
ares Manager. versity Hall to hear the annual con-
THE U. of X. DAILY, test for orattor of the senior lawe
AnnArie. itS Iclass. The contestants appeared osn
EDITORS. II the stage -ta 0t . vi1 , when Presi-
9. E. JANrTTE, Lii. 'S, Managissg Editor, dent A. C. McKenze, sif the class,
GERtTRUDEt BrCK, Lit. li, Assist.sittteitht2
.1. G. ERsIsITZ, Lia''a, Assisn.. stepp)ed forwardadstetht 1
Ei.l. OTTAWA, Lii. '5., Atsistasnt. candsidates had piresentedt orations
. C.TAtI, i, ts. 'it,1iissinesa Msnsger. for the couttest thisyer and that
W5. X. «EEIEcssace, lit. 'lis, Assistant. I yir
A. W5. JdccEI s awis'93l, Arissiant front this niumbler 7 hail teen se-
Id . Assxoisi., Mysic 'Si.lcried to sperak, upomn the biasis of
5. . IEIE.W' 1'ts )i, ist .lO
t0. 55. t5555T50, Lits.'94, thought ansI rhetorical excellence
W. EANSIav, ii. " in their comipositions. 'ihe programs
5'. N. SsOERSt, Mettle'9o. I swas opienedl by music froim is cornet
CA. tosissis, iLit. '93i. (lquartette, compolt~sedtof ;Messrs. Cot.
LU'CIA KiEv, Liti..
Wv. E. Hsst,tS,I Its "my fins, VanderbetIt, Chsils and Jones.
Th dsr istsihldtsssir rsss- J. H.IXWhitely svas introduicedl as
iblr Cr te opsitnions or statemtis of eorrrs- the first spe'sker, his subject beisig,
pondrents, apearginssth e iDAILY. "uprtiio5
r ''Superstitioni vs. Sciesice." > the
THEARVSPUBISIN HOSE- oration showedt considerabile thought.
-Suiperstitioin sees a monster in every
TimE IPRiCE OP TI- IC avSLtsORT1-5P nesv untried Ipower, and lays its band
RCO INE OFi tht THE'' IPcott tilE YEAR on thse throat of civilizationi. The
%Vl1,.,s1E iONE 4 0,i.ARs,1 work of science is to free religion
- -0-- --- ; frons ignorance ansd sulerstitioni.
tiPESIlEiyT Ms'hamghtmin's Alessagse 'The speaker niade fewv gestures asid
to the Mock Congress, psublisheds his delivery, though genserally good,
yesterday, contains a clear anld at timues lackeid force.
concise statement of the msaini qncs- .\lMr. R. C. AiVirtz seas the secondl
tions at issue oni the silver question. speaker and discussedl 'Triunmphso
Toa those stansding in nseest of souse' of .\sueris'an Indsustry antil geni us.''
suchs comprehenisive siewv of she 'i'he prosgress of the Repsiblic' in civ-
situationi (and see believe there nrc ilizationi sas set forth in clean-cut
mstny) this repotctwsll1 comie stost sty le. Milr. Wirtz sdisplayed conusid-
opportutnely. erable earnestness is his delivery,
---' -- Ibsutlila gestures were soniesvhat me-
ilsitir readers are insdebtedl to,'IIr. 'clitnical.
1). NIV. saucy, of the lasv deisart- The next was a cornet solo by C.
ment, for thme excellent account sof AV. Collino, acconipanied by Miss
the Northern Oratorical League cost- Minsnie iDavis.
teat svhich sve publish this imorninsg. I KTe third orator, Arthur 'Iebster,
That weO might receive the despatch} spoke ots "National Tenidencies in
in season to prepare lle."copy' for Our History." Thme speaker's ges-
this issue, Mr. Yancy camustp to lures were qiite graceful, 'and Ihis
Chsicagos from Evanstons after the thoughts forcibly delivered, li1e
event, last night, asid traissisited contendsesd that our legislation looks
his report forthiihl. It reached us at toiward the massing of oser in thse
half past two o'clock this morninig. national government. The tendencey
- -.* "- -' to centralizatioin of thme tovernisseul
Wright & Ditpon'3 Tennis Racket3.
F'OR 1892_
Spauildinig's Raekets andi a Complete Lfie of Sporting Goods.
Wholesale and iRetail Agents for Miectigatn.
PM' .oor departmtents-Comsmercial, No text-book
ormsesnusttwot-E i'stltShSorthae at
- . Penmanship.Elregant buiding, srerat-
-__ ~tend arr reffciest snstuetorsork0thior-
ough, isving expssextssreeyilote,5 to
Vt M0 per wreek; students asisted to positions.
For catalogue, address P, R. OtEAIIY, President.
Apiano solo was rendered in FULL TL' I Nus
pleasing style isy Miss :MinielDavis. "Te Cie BuwaktoNte.N-L
lion'' was the title of thme text ora-I
tiomn, seliveredh by C. IT's. hemumon. Springj
The homteseas deuclared Ilo be the
bsulweark of thme republic anti patriot- Suit inrs,
isms the stroung armi tf the govern-
msent. 'lie subject seas weell handlest
iy ltme spieaker. ilsmoveumensts onE Pantaloons,,~
thie stage seere not altogether grace-
Tlhie next oratmor was W. I. 'Manny,. nd
whsearsubhject seas tl Im'indhividlual i
mint thme Stale.'' The speaker isi1 Fancy
forcible andh sell chosen language
showed that civilization advanced by Vesings
the activity of lime individiual. hPatern-,
alisnsitsn governument means death to Fitumi ENG.LANAND.stsSCuO'ci. 5N
htm liberty'. 'lie isndiv'idual is the
safegusarul of the nation. Mir. 1'sasmsy TAS, Y\IF q F~ ~Flp
msaule a gott apperance mn thie
stage, anut the intense earnestness Nou. iS South MAain Street.
dtisplayedt thsroughosutsilllauelivery
comumandueud the beat of atteniomis Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
froum beginniing to end. Michigan Railway.
"fine Sulution to a Dark itrob-. TimesCurd is effect Jeanuary 24, sum2.
hens'' sas thme sbject of time last tra- { Asiva' at trase sins tAsmArbostay.
hots dtelivered by E'. A. Church.
Ireland seas represesited as the dlark
troblems. Its unfortuate cosidition
was furcibly described and -educa-
tion seas recommended as a remedy.
Mr. Church delivered his oration in
a very forcible msanner.
Wihile the judges retired to msake
thme decision, a troumbone asnd piano
duel was resndered by Carl Jones and
-Miss M''innie Davis. 'lhe president.
annmoussced thiat by thme decisios.. of thme
judges, Mr. Manny weas awearded the
first place, with a total average of 571
out of a possible bioo. Mr. McClure
and Mlr. Wihitely swere tied for sec-
ond honor, sith a per-cent. of 542.
M~r. Webster received 52 Mr. L.em-
mon 552, MIr. Church 496 and Mr.
WIsertz 487.
Rtepairing asspecialty. di SOrUT srANST
No. 1. SMail and Expres............ . 2hu. m
No. 13. Passer. Anso Arbor Areuses.2005noons
Na. 3. MaiPasosenger ................ 4.5 p. m.
No. 2.Mlua sosenger ...............11 iS a. si
No. 4. Mai Expres...,.......... .... 8 40 p.on.
No. 6. .Passenger, Toledo Accom.... 7 005. su.
Trains 35and a russ betweess AsunArbiorsast
Toledo any.
Central Standard Time.
All Trains Daily except Sunday.
W. H. BENNETT., It. S. oltEENwoon.
Gier. Pass. Agent. Local Agent.
State Street Grocers.
Students patronage especially solleited..
DlIsE contest miethosd of selecting a
class orator holdstswuo prime advan-
tages over thme method by class selec-
tion. The seleetionm by contest
bringsa out men wvhose abilities have
been before comparatively unknosen,
and thus affords a wider range of
choice. Then it bases eligibility
upon lime quality of actual oratorical
should be resistesh, as subveersive to
isndividutal liberty.
"To the Victor Belong the Spoils"
seas time aentimsent defended by T. S.
MNcClure. Life seas described as a
struggle for reward. It is the hope
of resward that must and sh'omld and
will ever inspire uen to action.:Mcr
McClure's gestures weere easy.