~IJE itofATWajj VOL. 1.-No. 158 . UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY -,1 189. Bassos, THREE CENTS. ROBERTS GETS SECOND! masterly manner. His tine phsysiquie impressed his hearers. His tlhought CONTEST OF THE NORTHERNI andI comoion ad hsgerl ORATORICAL LEAGUE LAST 1 npstinmdIsi eea NIGHT. average place himn easily sinner of tihe first Ihonsor. 'Tthere are very fesv Pyre, forSIadison, Rears Away the ciiimst- oe Palmc.ctesnstno. _______ Ft. L. Rolberts thas swelt entertained IVAsOTO tI.,' . ,;sth,(special Iis fellosv delegates for three (lass. telegrams.)-(Ine thosandpersml sthe Evanston. Associations gave an camse tolthe M. 1EcclI a t 1:Ills ]f t eeton after tise contest. son to healrte fvorators. t fll theile'Iichigan cdelegatessilldthee orchestra vvas ill attendanc e. swiths Iresidlenst Ienry tWade Rogers Vice PresideSt Rellisel iltroldlcell ltoday- L". Roberts of Mtichiglnswhsoe I -- " l~rtiol,'Ane l~sl tatIIll~ns TWIRLING THE SPHERE. pleased Sby 115 dethtt of chasraeter Batting Order for the Games To- a1n11strolng personality 01fIlheste- Day. liverer. Bust it wsssma1rred by Iso mllch Ill en"sats"Iilt h~s-ath~stisasts wllble aS- Ioddmooo y, yetatng 'ih forded tswofinse exhibitionss of halt and asppearing to lack reserve force, playinsg at thle Athltetic G roun~ds this anld ithth le climsaxes 1(11 far froms feron the fnists.Neverthleess, hecmadte ate hatng. re o ~etv sulchlall implressionl upon5 the jutdges, Tsnebtisns oowsr: hetw that tey remlemb~eredt him sto thle gmsisflos Ilose. Fte wsSawardedelseconde Anldersonl 311 prze'1111d sas gradtedtfirst ill etci-Ales Mr.hGeorge iieardsley, 11f toss',(gelsI STsompsonc. tse secondtIspleaker11a1171"Tle New-uholner . \Io01 'ilts 's'hichs believes ill thse Dh eigh~t thour lass, thle libleraltions ef Sise Phselpsss, Rllussiall Jesws, andithettioplensing 1of Schulltz 211, tise World's SBair 015 Sunday. 1-e Buclk sh, seas tat first ill at easse, husSoonIgrees nlaturall and perstutsive. His sm~all " iI. 1. C. stature andt lighst voice, howsever, Crowley s. s. swoultd not let him sin, althsough in Codd . thsought and composition hse stood IMle b highsest. Marker r. f., A. S. Mason, of thse Northtwestern, Egan ah, was the next speaker. "'The Battle of Guiney c. I., Gettyshurg," .is an old thseme. He Ducharme sh, was too dramatic in his action, hblt Chpe . f, suited those who, like Ihim, hsad seen Walshs c., so trained. He seemed at Isomle with the audience and will make a handsome preacher. His perora- The"Mchga tion svas grand. He rushsed Roherts I ._ close for second money. The fourthls lst A. H. Cornier, of Oherlin, spoke Lass'journal witl on the tlsense, "Toilers in the Monday. The le Depths," in whichs he treated in a Hon. Albert H. I faithful and poetical way the work lice of thseSuprem of the Salvation Army. His deli- upon "Limiting very sowed lack of strength', and Comsmon Carrier; like all who proceeded him was Goods and L~is wanting in size. Mr. Cornier has a article ia one of, pulpit style and singsong delivery, and is written by J. F. A. Pyre, of Madison, stepped esteemed juristso forward as the last speaker, with all Horton is an alun the assurance of one who intends to versity of Meichi, win. His subject was "Poetry and lively interest i Freedom." He handled it in a nected with the L Crawflord 1. 1. J efienis rh, Roh1l1soll 1 Shiields C. fI Peerrf. SpsitzerIS5 5. SeymIour 5sub. C'. ()IF A1. Spltrney als, Crawford c., J efferis ll, Pearson 3h, Robinson r.f. Bowerman 1. f., Shields c.f. Spitzer, s. s., :Harness p., Smeltzer subh. nLaw Journal." ie of the Michigan 11 be delivered on lading article is by 'torton, Chief Jus- ne Court of Kansas, and Liabilitv of rs in Transporting 'e Stock." The conspicuous merit one of the most If the west. Judge mnus1 of the Uni- igan and takes a n everything con- University...lHe is president of thse Sothw~sestern llnt OF YOUR nAssociation.Ile is hut one, Ihosw- , ii SOIEIY 3BADGE ever, of a tlleg list of emnlenst atlum-OU ci front sehomlsthle eitors1of te WICLL BE Lasw journal lhave received promuises ((aiedenoYou'- of ceontrihbutionss. Juldge Horton's W 'e- Through Your article is es ecillysatlalte hecase("jR (If thse great conflict of ldecisionls I-pnIteAattr-threT Bferedto Spn -e editors of te Late Jounal 1'PRICE - APPLICATION. hav'is n lstitu~tedt5 less dlepartulre illn thte :flayinmber.A selectionsI LI'.jf mtade fr omt ttheclenst cases decied 111, 0,1611, CIi Is th ciatCtl Sup"llremeleCoutrt, of 1 a case 1sf 11mpo11tansce andetthse fulsdJwl 1 ld, 51eie15'lladxes. text of thle coturt's oplinsion is Iprint~edI DETROIT, MICH. switshIsotes. 'Thle case ts tat of '"T'he Detroit't'ran~spor tation'sCo. vs. Thle Bosardl of Assessors of thej City of Detroit,''andlselup11n15 "Residence of Corlsorations forlTas ations Purpo~ses.'' Thtenotes bh Prof J. C. Ksoswltots, leats of ths laws depeartnsent, are 55111ahle, thoughls brief anld conceise. j_________________ Marsl~ll11. tsvelI, M. ID., con- Swhen youllwastlthe tatest Metroplitaln Styles tributtes 15 short article 111o1115' org- in15Shoe at 5c t 155a pirI(lieshnAnlisrbor cry hy Eraslure.''> Dr. Essell is as piles, seed for Catalogeto expert tuponl all qulestios relating tI R .FJF mseellcal jurisp~rtudence ansdlthle t