THE UT OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. TNCW XX rer)om III ( ic If 01ai iii 1(1LibertyV Stretst. I Nvill'Oriel the11Ball" byplacingga fine stack of G uitar s, 11110 110etc PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU- 1'ind '97.i. zm's Rafonoc Scomoz, 2:> Sot our thAvenue, Ciy Another Invoice YOUR GIRL \Volld 1appreia ~te a 0ox of'l 1(1 Fine Chocolc'IeS AlbayLaw 8clhoo! requiiredl. Teriiioleiegn i eltenilher, Jiltiiri il ((CI Mai00l. ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. j Degree of LL. B. Conferred. ,SpringSwits iT O- - 1'I.. - For HIGH CLASS TAILORING. 11e had e LEADING A1 lNi, (Xi 0 M1 10 GOODill o 5 Xi I C No. 2 Enst WVashington St., o -r iM til. C 1kinip fPharn ccy Fall Term of 11392 Begins Sept. 13. ilNY IT. ATI7L iC " GOUOS reeoevi I ti A 11I (I ~K qj 2: I 11I1T[ BR O rN'S f1UG STORE'j. Chemical Physical Apparatus Sn C, P. and ;-) LE111 X( 14 &;SON. H REPUTTIO F ORi OL 0 (ISi v m',1 0'OppCort oue 'It hDENTe' HlIAQLAlRTRSc. "Bos," if you ook ~linlglfor anyofyour friends1, take1 1it hairin the iOocidentl iHold. offi1ce for ten m(iutes. Yiiiiwill surely see them. Fe cock dinner, Sundas.Sp5ecial 71 Fort St., West, - Detroit. Mich. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS P, 0. NEWS STAND Newpae, Magazns, Periodicals, Fe Conf~ctionn. Cigarsn and Tobacco. IAldress the Dersor Secr-tary, AIAIANYN V CIGARS BY THE BOX. 1 i , -f V- (j, *]il- fllr Nsi I Bto lY 1ItY -Ii (1" 22 3LLI~lTTS HZL j 1(11i lissertaI) I. I'. 1. Stirer-.: debael eso I -o 1pn fr rceptlionlc i 1 s. able in 1(1(e111( theIndian(11(11 0001 -- -- vion tii(101o setloleentaftiia11ti e , 1101. 1lois 11 l, toAl bion > 11r. F. WI. Nell 1(111 Ie lti (01 100, is 1n tile city. iSIr. 1 1(11 10 1(00 III r. 1.. 1.. (1)01.I fessor of cmistry aet Albionl, 0111 "Te wihisperingsoif tile Sphinx'"'i1 taking special 111(0k1hlre for his wlehe 1 topic of Dr. Cohera's lma~ster's degree. secoici lectulre on "ELgypitian Motoi-IThle Alpha N~ l programc fur tis lneents and1 110the ible," to he given weck rearts 11: iMusic. Recitationc, 01n Succday evencing in tiele l. I:. :'Miss 11100 Laddt; reading, .. I curcic. 'lie style of the iPentateurch Holmles; extencporan~eols spSleerc,C. wiii he shcowvi to be Egyptiae, andI C. Spencer; dlebate, resolvedoTh'Fat thce Egy ptialn ideas of the creation the Uniited States shoedi strengthcen ancd of prinitive mniwsill be couc- cer military forces.'' Affirmcative, pared witic tlceile account. H. H. Porier, C. Sternc. Negative, (ln Satulrday evenling ill:alphca A. Alt. Brooke, L. B. Lipson. Nu Hall, lice fiillowing porogranm wili At a mceeting of tile '93 foot 1(a11 be renldered: nmtsic; rectations, Miss elevenl ITuescday evenincg, L. (G. Inezc Ladd; extensporary speech, Wiciteicead was elected to fill Cap- M r. A. H. Holmes; debcate, Re- tamn Cleverdon's pilace ill case tile soil-ed, 'That lice Ulited States latter soldl not returnc next year. should strengthenc its military forces; Ticencajority of football players of affirnmative, Messrs. Porter and Itice class are comning hack early scxt Sterns; negative, Messrs. Brooks fail and twenty or more of thenm ancd Lipson. will go at once to a training table.