THE U. OF M. DAILY. BIARGAINS! BARGAINS ! _ TWO SPECIAL ONES., YACHT CAPS, MI\ade from Bedford Cords-tile new goods-all colors- worth $1.00O, for E50 C0In rws =&i~scm NECK WEAR, Four in liand-Tecks and Windsors-.all the new shades, worthf50c, onr Iprice 275 C0NWS_ SEE OUR WINDOWS. Spring Suitings. Latest Styles of Hats. I YRGE LINE OF TRUNKS AND) VALISES. No bl Y 11N1' 01 NECKWlEAll, 011 , 115T(. ,01 THE J. T. JACOBS COMPANY, ANN ARBOR. 27 and 29 MAIN STREET. T I3 KAY TO TI-IE S2TUT20C ENI OOS TIO-E' EOTT THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES.TENSGOSTMOR'BOKOE 710-105 WABASH, AVE., CIIIC AGO. Compllete New stock just received. Nottintg btt ew, fresh gots. SEND FOR OUR MANUAL. htNtO. o6MmTo-uz= z sm- a. - ANAAem Oem 7, T BDUSINTESS PILEOTOLY. SEASON 1892. scr w' Arriin eidiailt. New Stck if LAWiN TENNIS ItA C1IQUITS J"and( ALL KINDS S)01" SI't)liTINC LIVERIY, HACKO AND) BA(GAG(,LINE-1 GOODS. Watch tor our Prices. Lowest in the 0".ees roptelyanded to.iiiii, i. Telephone (18. 21 N. Main St., opp. os lfii.cile. W 7"AKRI S TJNhTUT S TW QO STOR ., TIRE - EXCELISOR - I'AUNiuiRV ?O SOUTH STPATE STREET. Speller';,01(1 Standt. Has all the imoproved msachinery, andi is pre ________________________________ pae otnotis class wiork o hort asno- "T ice. tCommnercia workhtssened otia mentitdays r EWESTE RN MtCH IGAN COILLEGE StePrces neasonaahie a to (CIatered aniiingorporieed.)f{ A N D AL L Ea . M.MARTIN, G-ZZ DR -T),MC _! FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. y, CaetIN NOTED forits1R11id YCt1S,.Peae tdnt o n olg rsin lt aktMetallic le shoistecutyMILNRAN AR GOD!bits t CLIlOlt(iURlSES. Pceparees er he degree.sand imis at tthe broadetestlure atndtMLIEYAN R OD AND COMMON Ctlfi'INS. the mts t atii A l rA suTIlt l I~~N ~eulateN tcii slais iei30 East HurSeetc, For ts ORM1, NN)I1 CI~fRS "IRAIINGDE[~t HEW.Speialattntin gvenRINSEY & SEAI3OLT, tt peparactiiot torcsxatitntionttnttilltisittao_________ leew its li dt.I ND) lINE AIlTI'ltlIi972I'TFXON' , Sneil its Noiw iii r Uitleti usIlkiers andiSdealers itt sell its ti I'A. ANDSH ltOTtAND )IItIITtIIF.N , tse letadiig seltssi 01fhbusitness. QflZTX Tf AxT A Groceries, ProvisionsFiour and F eedl, r tihesetremelyitmodlesateextpetnse to tudiens alttdi. Itte extiense taccount: cn elists i S L(atnS t.tttstitgttDt o dlwrw tieus tianats tsisy othell educastiontiisal intitutitsnitteeoutry, indtial~tctle UJolStL. , 6an 8E.W sigo St ttitie ie y e li tssico rtiact le. fserNsltu tirn isi A. 1. VEREX, 'residenl. Control Of the Athletic Field. Assiociatin oust saree to swaler itie grouunuds all nest sunmmier at its uswn lii e Atiiletti oarilnetl in Alpha expetnse, itfivater he pltin iithe grandl it h ail laot nigpht. IProf. Rolfe siandi. ptresentedl tie tollowvinig comuinica- ftctouse the agr eemuentiis siiljcct lion fromiilres. Aingell, in ansiwer i tint the applroval iif tine oard iof Re- the reiquest for the use of the atihletic eiii s othicli tmeet siext week. 't'he fieil for the rest of thie year. Bort of Directis agreed tinacctept -The directors of the Athletic ieirifil 1 hs eno thegrondson hes tems. The Associatioin are tioosae contriil if treasurer svas iiiotructed tlo sell tickets the atlletic fieltd for thoe remainider tin hoyosmilder tovelve at a twventy- of thoe college year untler the gesoeral five cent rate. The Tirack Athletic directin of thoe advisory boarsd. Conmnittee reptorted that a program They lierehy pledlge themselves to load heen prepoaresd for a field day, keep the groundts ln goodI conitiin, hot if the track coutldl noitlie put irs injuring themlnonismsore than is inevi- csoditiona 10 field stay coiuld bnc tabile fronm thoe use that miay lie eld, as the fair grounds are also ailowtesdhy the asdvisory board. It unfit for use. The conomittee w05 is distinctly uioderstoosd as one of instructeil to hring here, 'sr. Fitz- the conldition~s of the complete con- patrick, trainer of the il. A. C. to trill ly tioe directors of the asstocia-seifterakcudbptino- ion thoat thne groundls shall nint he ditioni in time for use this spring. rented or let tosanasy organieatiio, or _ -0- -- personsioot consoected swith tloe Ui~- Record of the Clubs. versity. Tihe associatiosn is entitlesd under tlis arrangemetnt to the full 1 he greatest weakness of the col- gate receipts." lege teams in general, this year, is :Prof. Rolfe added as a farther at thoe hat. Must strikingly is this condition of receiving tile grounsds the case in the work of Yale asnd. Itoe rest of the year. The Athletic Harvard. They seem to have stored IT IiLL PAY YOU. Sbhlnid Seolttl, Nets(- - llnildineO2t10 stlh Slate Sireet. asway their hattinog clothes its somte Q 1 VE 7 JR { spoopsfl siiig c ornier; pe rhatis thoey ate keel- cii 11 CCE ipg thiemnoliwsiar later ini the seasitn, --'l' boui their effiirts t<) knockl5ithe aill ARNOLD'S, - 36 Main St. over the fielilers dloes not alliiivfur such a niethiod of reasoninig. 'sit I taxlwh' td an hlha'iihh the strangest part of their swork is Catau10 t,00 tSiittlit es'sss~iis, Sitosut(. thtliw eotheoy are comtpletely tie- l oet aenercal ttssssisse busissess. Pasin t- ceivesd at the llate, thoe owork of thii cpst ~o fr oetll II..E MItIt, lees. F. II. lll'lnlOI, Cashier. respective pitchers,ilooversIloose, lsssnh oenSattusdaveeig Htighlanuds anti totes, is of the piho- noea odr t is aentirely dtie AllRlAilior Stu lILalllry.' towekes t h btthat the teams __ in iuestion owe the defeat ihey sos- WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED, tainedl at tie hands of the tTliversiiy SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS, of P'ennsylvaiiia. Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. It may lbt saidl nowi, oith a feeling of certainoty, thoot unless there is a' 0. K. BARBER SHOP decidedl inmprovemnent in the hailing Masthl issin, ettttsetitt. Ituceltits'ilts. of the cillege cliiis enteredl for I Sittisneetatls cotnntd with enelshilut. inter-collegiate hoiiiors at the cud of J~. R. ,mTROANo3WSIKI, the present mo nnth the chiampiono-I ship racestill lbe tie sost exciting thr'srglekoni er . 1E ssttgst 1.AssAteOilsas pichrs srugl noliinyers-Ann Arbor Savings Bn )ick" Ingleovood, in The Campus. AnBro i, allSack nkhoo Ssurplas, $10)Q. - - " f Org*aniacti under the General Banking faws of tkis state. Receives Deposits, hays and 'The )emocrats at Princeton have sels exckange ass Ike princtipal ities of Ike United Stales. Drafts csed apon proper organized a Cleveland Club to carry id~lSentia N Ofcrs: osn systematic campaigns work. W. D. HARRIMAN, Vine Pres., >tCnss. Rsstceca, Cashier