BARGAINS! THE U. OF M. DAILY. ARAN!SpringJ Suitings. TWO SPECIAL ONES. Latest Styles of Hats. YACHT CAPS, Made from B~edford Cords-the new goods-all colors- wsortth$1.00, for 50 0O=Twr=S AO~ NECK WEAR, Four in hand-Tecks and Windsors--all the new shades, worth 50ca, Our price SEE OUTR WINDOWS. Fria 7='=0 a Xs LARGE LINE OF TRUNKS AND VALISES. aN)u11YLSINE OF NECKWEAR. E TC., ETC., AT THE J. T. JACOBS COMPANY, ANN ARBOR. 27 and 29 MAIN STREET. TS KYTO 'S'ASESTTU'JSONh TENNIS GOODS A MOE'1BOSTR TH IKTAHR'AECE.106-108 WAJIASII AVE., CHICAGO. Complete Newe Stock just received. Nothing but ncew, fresh goods. SEND FOR OUR MANUAL. No. 60 .OtJT M =.E cooTo, - eANN Al 0ca 7 T E USIiTESS DIRECTORY. SEASON 1892. Gnz.SW(DVT:S Arrivin-odaily. New Stck of LAWN TENNIS IIACK Q ETS atnd ALL iK INI)S OF_-SPORITING ' LVEYEi Scxt ANT) I1AOGAGE tINE GOODS. Watch for our Prices. Lowest ini the E at1eptOd ersfr rinP r ties, j ij n SsOttc., WMlE - IXCVI,SlOj(- I,AU2I'NIV U'LtI STLATE STR'kEET. Speller' Old Stand(. Has all the irovedi machinen-y, andis epre pared to turnout fit class work onshtcnoc- tice.(tommarcial sorkturead outseciday -T1 ,T________________ rice reasone a nd wckii cccl e eedi. Eo p -W ' wv.mP1)X 1 41 ( Ty !1 i T YCr1 I 1, V fie - - 2 atHrns.A . OET 17rr (Charetrci edad tIetetorporte.) NOTESI) tfeor tt RIit.tTti titld PrI'etaetti ledeals foranicolletireecin il tificiclite rctry. ior its tdfLL,t fi titaoi;S. PtepesSfirte d l-reec andcim lietat tibridsit eitllre andt IFor its I it ttl tt;1t( A NDTO tItll~iittt N ~. l'I'.It-tttith leadriing s cliifi titec. Ftle exeri-tieir ,modetr~teixento :i siitd. tattendiing. The epenecicouet canlie ig- stie tim~ecli)- Wllanttcomfortablle. t-iierc thing f Itieiiti. A. V I TRE;X, Presisleit, A 105 ctass Sociat. ord ofi this comedy ill four years iii Newiv'Yotrk, onie vyain ilBlostoiiatid lires. Vantsly I has ulainned cwhat six tmothiic ii Iticagit. Siufficit pronsestItoea veiyetijoy able or sayite illviibe Iresentedl ler eit isin. '9 ritecsilili cvii te 1 am1el i ifeciiotc of udetail thtat Ithldnetie Satitrda ecetnitig intshlt eat arterizeditsc eetropotilant Cl- -i C. A. parlors. A gooti program wciii gagentents. 2the pade ictomitely be rendered byt1110'95 Glee ('lob,pits- atidl tomtelikec penlple iti a honmely cibly assisted 1_Iy tile ltnjii Clsb. tir.( antI Iottlelilie tmatner, sandtitere is Frak iruco, It lt clss cet~ la nolting abot thei characters or act- Frak rico, f heclss wo asinr tatIis farcicall or tttttatttral, ceorlketi up quitEe arepuetationi as a'She ipocerflldtramtatrcepisodeis ia criter of college sons, itas jprepareed rutttitghrs ac.Tree hilodedl a necw one, entitledl 'Tier Medic, the atnintalc arcetttdten by profecsiontal Lacv, andtIhie Engineer,''antie hlis jocikeys,(biy uteatns of at inltricate teGe Clbuitleffetlive mechtanicati device). A ciii he retnderedi by teGe lbthree-qutarter atietIdtshtitn phaiit to nmusic alstt critten icy 'tir. hirisrete. viecw of the caitience fromitesart lt Titere ciii he otlher interesting nume- finish, matktneatn intensely interect- her on lice progrant. This social, itig atcd realitittascene. lilty leo- conming as it does just before tice Apl tcipate illtile entetrtainmtent, cvhich 15 tatrnishet i citic lweucar, Freshman bantqnet, cannot fai to loads of scenic antd mechanical etn- roniribute mnnch to the snccss anti vironmnets. Seais ciii be placeti pleasutre of the subsequlent event. onl sale Weedtesdlay. "The County h'atr." Librarianc iavis htas in hisi posses- Thte dramcatic novelty of the cur- ett nitrsit crtnt t h rettt ~ ~ ~ ~ haethearical season cili be the hp t lntis ok holding of Neil liurgess' "County There will be an importanct neet- Fair" at the Grand Opera Hlouse, lng of She senior class text Saturday .Friday evening, May 6. 'Tceater mornitcg, May 7th, at 9:30, in roonm goers here are faniliar with lice re- A. to consider the adoption of a n\AIN DALi 1b' FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, MILLINERY AND ART GOODS!I 0 . M.AIARTIN. DEALERtINS Cloth Caskets, Metallic ANSD (lit 'IlE NCOFINttS. f RINS'EY &SEAEOLT, SHOR HA D TAE t raceries, ProvisioisFlour and Feed, 55 'sttSC,'21) Stmth hStt Street. tc E ciass ht, the seniol iaxaici is pan- Yn . ~l~ quet0, thu mbittier if cI titiccee ov~ I ..s o stentlivitations anti senior rereptitotna tickets to lie gitvettolech mitittitet'AiODS an.t etc., etc. 1'IerrW. Riics, lties.'ANL', - 6Mi t ticetit, il ilihe iheititotiihtitNo. k fl111n i l 111a l ' -N.I tiieersitye . C'luiliilsl50'0(u,iii u rplistiurll't-uoii 17,7)(1. beredc Sitsitig Sic D epoits. -Sitssaet-y for rehtearsal tlis ii, t c t ; 7 01chick. 1 oit Boxlieciicstfret. t. KEEMtP, Srec. 5. . BEEt ERiit, Cashiier. No Mill A-W.rC.tQuarles will rY- 1o~ ot230 \odasteiXel WORK CALLED F01R and DELIVERIED, tecseaysluntil lttrthter noti1ce.____ SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS, NEXT SATURDAY! Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. Special Trains In the Athlticie®. K. BARBER SHOP Grounds. L ___ BaitthtRoom';tii ,connecien, IcteliteIttic By request ef a great tmany and to sictivecr Bathelnnecetedsewite'tliii acceotmmiodate iii, ithe' Tledo, Aln Arbor road ills consentedl to runtislice- i . It. '5'rOJAN SKI, mal t-aitis between their statitinail the Atletic grouitits, btinintg cext 150Si. Sashintonit~ .AnnArbott, Michigean. Saturda~y, andli eontininig durieng the -- -- _---_--_ seas55on onoccasions of elicitattraction n-AbrSai~ at that piace. 't'rains wiii be ruit as B 23 ro T3g anlk ofteni as niecessary before and after the Ann As-har-MicSh. Capital stack, $50,000, gaes s retfor routid trp, h0 cents. Os-ganiaerdertSa nraia l Bakigaw Arrangements are ncow beinig made afthtis satse.RSceiesaDepasits, bays ad with th~e proper authtorities to establis sells exchange as the principal cities af the an entrasnce near thte track. P'rocureidest fication. Omffics po roe tickets at office. CHRaSTIAa MACa, Ps-es., 11. 5. GREENWcOOc, Agent. . D. HARRIMAN, vice 'rse, (CHAS. R. HISCOCK, tashies-