' o AL Von,. II.--No. I.>0. Vot. 1.-No.17th. UNIVERSITY OF AIICIIIGAN, WEDHNESDAY, MAY 4, l1f92. Vie uci:CNS T) ( T .t <. , 7EN T 1 . ..LIC iJ L° . niti'. ,1S. THE WOMEN'S LEAGUE. Addressed by Mrs. Alice Freeman Palmer.f Al full meeting of the 'iSomiti lea'guie was held in the 'cseoi )11 room of Newherrr iatl last eivening, the presideint in the cr. ~ i following camses of canidaItefo the adltisorr h oard were presrented aced elertedl liearcianmatioin: IFrone mledica l departmnt, lliinpedeti Mciss is'hop; sororityHis Cooe friiia thteiomieoptrhiiy dlt titnt it, SLiss N iehiilii Ifron h enfititit IC- p'iiicett '\iss l'Phillipcs.Ifoiri the lienrrv iii 11 itt his Red Wais ot, is h lp;: nrix 1eta( i 'c, lis IBetrnadkpa ('aminiia,'d ]M'cs; PiI lca ] ri i:(_ xc~ P ii Bu ta, 'cis ) r- At ociick1aiii icline olao ,; o0 hia([ allilixedof lie , e i iii '''ii e s a ionii cl cli ii i]s ~~ll 'cls.ix till 1I ; ThiiompIsioiii ls PIsotiii l. 'ICeeeMs 'teMs ed rolxisi c c, r s, 'desaI ttttt.'.i I iuean thiers oItice en cies ladies. Mrlix Aii'elI iiitroducdii IS IPalneticxliiistokeifor ahout aii lioeriin a pleasant confitial strane alig It tiigof ither clxiiilite here cli rears agocecil the chinges thit hare taikeixpla ct sie that timee, hothinliethe U. of 'l. and inedurcathonal liestitutionis cer ti l wrorldl rexregards the recepetionle a cc1 recogneitioneitofloleni stuenits. II i closing worrds xwere a stronge tsiio' tatiuci to the girls to aiim at teipo-, sessionxof "ctalm nerers, la hraiins, stroneg liings antd Iiacks that I impeletus. (Opplortiunity ersxgiv iene 't 'varsity vs. '34. thee close of thce adersxslxii acy xxho 'legceenx tl necs xrtr ilsrcj declMs ~ciii ~ c cay afternoni, xxix verxy incterestineg l'crgeecn cceeer axvailedrthiemsces o rf cclxaccunct of the guiod plaingcx of thee privilege. Sthe '94's. 'lie 'Varccsity s' 'xiii the icr cei cx xi'rx cxx ccxcit leed xxitti therreec s agaeinxt cccxcfrc W~hilt' xwaiing for thxe teami cc (Mecuntil the ifthc exceng' xxecccxe cacti her e'stla1st ceeingce" '51 c cPclmereerxtpcrssedto a'cueitr fcicctlie xn ii' cu~ xdxx to i lxii i xcx xcccit i hli g cx'the S cisc ly dcccxtcc there ecuncud raisieg thirr wcxxxii the subjtis xof interext tee tic'e woimen ret tilt I cxix rrxiiy. fittierWoman'sci encix t heieidtoc thlxsxx ntth c i nn ic g. t nerisrixer'citre'cshilscceiretacdeI lecChitker- Letie sit it escia ci c li am ciiacitricI iin tcad lf iti~ ebcy exiiri llt t ci x ci tc ciccci Aid orstrck, Hmilxbfinetile)am in-ceanc cxcii 'clx sI ial ttIin) ix ix1 tlrt: ittspeikingofiche tier ix: tile ont cccleg pliii s itliuler IIccixi' to licee Itt licerge I liter t tI ercrle ~ Iis iiii'lcccl' Iiiitra i cousecilast it x ehseto' individtil aelectednothere gtats' lthl feeng Icis cceeicc knetrhox he scorrdlecicilxxnLcxc i sscccxtaone ices ato e llec sl ,It cx i c ot i ci cgei ccitc clccc ix illill1 x e dt it li uebrt nd1 cccl I Irciscithex ccxc icraner s toc cotie iner tne cilccii mie1tt ierI yliirxit cliliti toIle xxii thn piecle'cclit i" thatrl ase c l ro 11cr reneares coixecceregtiise seasognof 5 Ienrf''tlic taNocc le ieg 11rcc cl oican l olea citti . egtotlc ete nelle I c ca the pciex'ce iiialltice text _shxv to ent ercold rersn filie said, if iccixiccil see Illicixy o ]Itccfri doiil l xxa ornx'ellace ct te ono doehelstl C wilcstck eterpie etixweltessied a snialiliioworntletnliceeaofeltiil tailies { i I i I i I i G E i J O0 YOUR 1Mailed to You Through'cYour o HAPTEIR L)1lI(l :- APPLItCATION. U~ ~~ ~~A k, SI('til, (KIt), DETROIT, - MICH. pices miI or l f', Ital to tebH o-monlti Straght Qu. xo. I rCIGARIETTES. xiewlln oImyali tle i morlie thnerrx p ic Y ecccilri til icic Ciiaeiicges, itxxfi e-,mst' A l ci, Il xtl rid nd i ghcc cos j itold I c grw i icc r gs inia, 'Pi st heOl andcWasir ugitis o t ir1thciyearcls5 I -y-J.A. POLHEIVUS, _L 11 IJE RZL * ALSO l'BUS BACKAND BAGGAGE LINE -WANTEI)-Lady Secretary. "W'xiitst, aillayofeiinciemient, cccl- ture ndisetChristiachaelrclter, abieut 25 years of age, as private secretary iii i quiiet, lhomne-likce lcawvoflice iii Cicalgo. No expcerience siecessccry. Sahary, $511 per mxonthi. Please stiste age and ecli- cation. Address, Miis,. BR~iuna, Rloom 1,111, C'hinmber of Conlneree, Chicago, ill. Reference, Jl. C. Travis, Buasiness gana ger of this papcer, Anns Arbor, Michigan. 'g3 laws and '9STilts played ball on the campus yesterday. The game was quite event until the fourth 'n nn whent-the laws went to pieces. Score, '93 laws 7, '95 lits 15. ! thecy 'cre cgciiigto he 1puibeic stpeakers I aind tilte' I xxa'ct themieltotprove xw'hat they caix to. I helieve that Ainn Arbortill be he lightctlx aniiy of 1tce eacstern colleges. Ito lnt feet that I xiiixxw'l'cquainted withe the Unci- versity "irlIs of today, heel those never ache,'' if they take tip a mn'sx xork to put into it a mnxs stead-'styaecriny eyhigtad fastness aind fidelity', x"not to drift, proisieg.''Thxe traie arrived aint Mrs. P~almeer left with smany' fare lent to steer, and steer straiglx.''"velts and good wishxes. Mrs. Palmer spoke wihl highx praise 1 --.. of Miss Gentry, thxe U. of M. alu- I Record or Those We Meet. ions, who has recently gained a The folloxwine is thxe record cor- matixematical fellowshxip in the Uni- reeled up to M~ay nat of six of the versily of Berlin. seven teams the Yellow and Bloc is Mrs. Gayley-Brown,, in behalf of to meet on the eastern tripc the Women's League1 thanked Mrs. wenLsseRnss. sE.. .E Palmer for the evening's address, Priseeesn----4 0I3 4 24 9 and recalled the circurmstances at- y . ,... 1 a 33its 1 16 1 tending tbe'forM ation of'the league, tU.fPennsytrsanis.. 5 2a62 V.ax75 Lehigh - --....... 4 4 50 . to which Mrs. Palmer gave the first Brewn .- --.....1 1 1 2 12a2a that lie itekas a forxrcitizeuucn of AnAucrhbor, aiaced'cscute tboy s."1 Ie a farce comcedtyimi'ny theings, snuli as extravaane ufxha- acters, cnt too cirluxe s of cdistinc- tion e htxw'encomeduy 'cid cdirana, msay be excuisedi, acedxwithc the 'cddi- lion of stronger effects cix the first act, "A Micitern H ushbanxth cacnixct helpx provinxg a success. "Financial Union" at Yale. At Yale, tacoo studtents adopted a cocsitution providing for thxe formation of a Financial Union of thee four athletic associations, base- ball, foot-ball, thee Athletic Associa- tion and the boat clubs. The object of the union is. to take charge of the investment and expenditure of all money acquired by the athletic or- ganizations of the University.