THE U. OF M. DAILY. Latest Styles of Hats. BOYS! ' l IljR.1]fp SL A RG We have nobby things for you in Negligee Shirts, Neckwear', Hats-things that you want. Come and see them. . THE TWO SAMS. ANN ARIBOR. "1LIIJL j w7. E LINE OF TRUNKS AND VALISES. OBBY LINE OiF NEClCWEAIErT'., E.TC .,AT 'E J. T. JACOBS COMPANY, 27 arid 29 MAIN STREET. THE 'W~ O TI~ STE7~WO~h TENITIS GOOUS AT MOORE'S 0EoISToE TEFISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. 106f-148 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. (rompnete e«- Stork just ree'ived(. lothieg ;bit lnew, fresh goods. SEND FOR OUR MANUAL. 1T0. o -. iT,. = \S .i-, S ., - .Zi't.T AR~T ORI. 7 _Zl_= 7T\,TZj6_==7S7 I JP,; 7 S BUSINTESS PIRECTOLY. SEASON 1892. Gzz sp owis rrii 7 7 v 'ltI G Lir VandiT"iACKC ANDi RAGGAO lLINE. Arrilliii (hit] V. \eWStock of LAWN TlI ENNIS IIACKQITS .ard ALL IS P1_S(IF' SPO1ITI N(, LIVERYr eu,~oi'. i'rdi. i. GOO1)S. Watch for orePrices. Lowest in tire _"A"'.'ri ir pro mptly attendedito.lottie' .>O SOUTR SLATE Silt E1. Speller's Old Stand. fins ol l tiroernchi ,rt'iO,riandois pe' ric. ommrcialtiiworkir rni n'Srt tsrmt'day rL1J WESTERN A .jjt 11 _iH1_ .iAN OJ E jJ T TL Ol,rst lirnrt. AF.(£', rl tT1,tPrrrr°itir (Ctre ad i rnorrated.) I ANL ~OM-MARTIN, OrRAWD RA' _TDS., TOIT KFINE PHOTOGRAPHSSiEAiLESR IS 2 0TE") Pfor t ,'iirl niR't tSr PSrepres trideiK orayol o r scc~i~i -MILLINERYADARGOS1 Cloth Caskets, Metallic til colil the I ('t1rr0ritrr111irar1ittt0rY.tririri A D AR OO SANDt tCOMMONt)ECctirI'iE5. 1^o it CLLIr'E titIi-l;. Pepae or he 'eesandaisNaSthYboaEst ulurean Fo r it'. Zr'rrM: iO T-itITER'ii' '1tr:IiNGIC JTiAiiT-iE't'. Orreiol rtteni ivri ~ers inreit--sril, ~' li er 1 ' Lii'>t ii,'i't1i"i'iT Irrr1rr r rlr, utrrrrrrritrte i'rritrr tIIt io.r rit t I RIitSAL _ANI)SI M OttttS _\I) i 1) ItLi4titMC I'', trreI r'rrr ;h oolrrrrIoftri~ trerr. I' or thetrrr e etly' rrrirraitrie riens trr sirrr t teIrtr i trto 'tie rie rerl eircrrnt cn erifri lrr lour er rrvti r taniat riryirthei'r trrr'rtirrrrrl rotitirrirot initire currrrr nd'orr i t ..rrrerrroli~i£ i 'rrriti'. . . E VREX, President, INTER-COLLEGIATE. rfring tSriChina. 'ire r collecionr rs valudrr at $5,000.-1''X. 'lire grrduatirig class at tCorneill ' nrergradurate crorrse onifer thi~s year riruibers 250. years in electricai enrgirneeriingSias TSie liriiiCetoO Inter-(Collegiate benestablishedl ir tire Scihrorlof teamrhSis treen p hotoraprhed el rf ir ires,(ColumrinriiCo'lilege, ini addi- Frank Leslie's\Weekly. tirorn ritirte presettSo-year post- Tire trustees ofthtie tniiversity onfgrardriate corirosevwichi los Seen iii Ilinoiiis hrrre ,rppjropriaited ,$400 to tire srrccessfrloerartirrr for severai years. srrpp~ort of thirrcoliege pir. eee ofEliectrical kirgiocer soill Ileirry Stryker, wsohasbrr nbe i. flaying secoind base for Lafayette, 'Sire frlloingirs meni Sinse beern seas toter5deadS illiris roo1rirlastentereri Sircomrp~ete is tire S arvarri W\ednresdaryaf ternier. irarrricraprracesioi May 7:Weeks, There are betsoeerr 70 and So Srmithr and Straightir thSie too yards; stuidentis at Ytate swho are eitirer par- .'rarvei aond Riclirorri, in tire qune- tialiy or wolloiy sorrkirig their wsay See ruSio; IDolarn, in tire mite; Btrow- thrrourgh college. sell, in Sireomile swalk; Ettlis and 'lie numirber of reqiried irours in Webb, Sn tireiramrmer Strhro, und Sire 'reshmranr year of Sire Schrool of Meloorber, in tire rrrnnirng righr Arts of Colombia hras been shortened jrump. troir sixteen to fifteen a week. 'rhe follosving cliippedl froni Sie On the last Eaastern trip the Yale 'IPrincetonian'is tire record, so 'irniversity nine marde 35 runs, 45 far, of tihe Univ. of P~enn. in She hits and 20 errors, against 27 runs, field-April 2, :Philadelphia, n-In2; 43 hits and 38 errors of their oplpo' April 4, Washington, 3-I2; April 9, Amherst, 14-2; April r s, Harvard, vemnChina13-9; April 13,Darimouth, u-I; Tang Kee, a lecturer fromCia April 16, Yale, 6-2; April 18, Yale, Sins presented to the Univ. of Texas 4-6" April 2o; Lafayetie. 13-5; April a lebiaryf containing 38,0o0 volumesl 23, Fordham, 12-5. -' ltriirlers andrdir ers'in SHORTHAND TA'A.t. roceries, ProvisionsFlour and Feted, CObSEI. anrd S I. WrstintreoSt. IT WiIL I'AY Y0[7. Shotoabnd Sehororr, Nie- ___ ____ silirr', "' Siruthi trite Street. 1 =Y -T Z Stattler, riq nierdic, iras r ercivei VE I I+ P O unocofhsapitetoltedicrl staff at iPonritac Asylirr.i -AT- Jrrstinr Winsri ... 5), of Stars- ARNOLD'S, 36 Main St. artS, so-lS reliser tire annrratlcoim-__________ rierreierirtnitretinerrlJurire ;oiir. "' c illllit as 'Sieiolirsgcal Socriety mleets this t rirrirri. $5',rrr r. ~rri ,t irr rSr ri-, $?,,Urr. evenrung Irrn er iim 9 .at 7 o'lrcik. ltrrDosi t te'r'irrr I 1r ;;ro r untCo-. irrirs in- 'iro inrterestinig pp rs wl e led eresitirnrSarrigi1Wr1inlire -itety 5r~er iiie reaiti(t nit: iir fra, t r it. 'ii .10 d ws'ii i e urf n ariditienalrIti. KS 'SM 1r . F.I 1iS ,Csir exainaini scooyo au_ --(aymringrat 5.30, forrtire benefit ARfll Ar ontor to~f ~ nly. ofrhosrasenrromreithSe iist oexir iironr. WORK CALLED FOR anedDELIVEIRED. ----- --- SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. Niri ci--T'hie tCheral tirirrieets Office, - 23 Soutih Fourth Ave. for reirearsal thins eve'riig ai 7 e'cieck.-H P in.00ii v. K. BARBER N>r