"Z c.of W at ae hsbe rpry eraie rgh pns:tand affairs aebigconductegd o Wri h & Ditpo' Tennip Rckets
a systematic basis. Quite a little 'oR x.892_
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during money baa been asdent to put the
the College ayear, lbyY 1 1 Spasildisag's iRaeketsanatd a Complete Line of Sporting Goods.
courts in good condition.
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Thiis is a step in tbe rigbt direc-= - i ..
The Editosrs is net hotd themselves respoun- tion, and it shosulut receive tar sup-
sible for the opiniosa or statements at carenaeitreste i Wholesale and Detail Agents fur Miehilgani.
ponddents, appearing in the DAILY. p at alt whsoarinestdn
ph~ysical culture. It is an indtica-
rr~ wR~a uaLar~no oua. sion aattae younig swomein are not
rtis Pia Os'ny 'aw:Ilackinag in enthussiasnm for atletics ___
asla has so often been chsarged
ci iiixitiaall T I : ci conx'csaThere has been snnie reason for tbe
'a 11. illS aNE, laall.I SR.accusatiotn in thec tast, wee admit
- ' --_ but it is eviadent thsat thits is not Dow ltethtnsaottttiir
P~aitonsif tthe talitical censsistae case. There is notbintoapr-Fan edparttntst-toamit rctiilalstii
toas Ptotfod h etltsyun - rantlacti5tat h-EihlShoShaiuandt
taes t a sttts datas~ fvettthe 1U. of 1M1. co-eels from taeingt enmtanrhipt a ntbiit inttett raetat-
to)iaa te1 Iiboe. as goodt teinnispiaayers las the womel III , i ing eeesesex ctretmci ea owPazt
1 5" per weecki.studentsasasted to pasitians.
'irrircsfof Wettesley oar Vassar, if tiley willt Far catlogaue, aairess P. It CLEARY, Presidet.
Saartysglilbait take hold of tisswork witht-
yesterdaay's issuer, was tile cst start. Mlany ptadackri of tintiin a verly forcileminnner. His i"TJ"T
comaitlete rporct issuledtby any ibut ti ssantiigfrxtibspeerchias 1followsed ba generatal e- F U L L L II E
paper.tPersoins desiringc "extras"'Iiesaaac a lace aynt bateifter whitch Mr.(Clevand dr-
tsar ainy puarpose cantiilalin them free poeta ir r ixalsfr feinaea t hae bill. cIr.Lrsointhen
of charge lay callin~g at this samie gynaiuainxious tsa be womaen pitdouat tlicriefects of thae bill ii nin~
kenrlsar lcvlrl-clrraldgeevelopedl phtysically as weltlaa avigocoaustapeecha. After tebatchad
tReak s aroeiii pevgaleaiilaycoiaeofing entally.tprocereedfoar sonic time, it w1as Sujtjn s,
tile spetorsgiaaute i.11111smio audthtthraaino ormIf a sllffcienit inmtr joan liaras- ha
thes spactatoralaingthalgrandctstandag ispresent, Sevr eal melmbern ainl
Saturdc~ay. If therse eceIIof iliesna niletiais angod iarxtiyarcilay is ateryadljournedl, altn he hose 1Pantaloons, J.q
ibe not saifficintto in terdicnt tile cut ilb ncen
nilstc ti l d xaae itild orsxiiieilne ac ets po gtn -jyacoa piantly dournedetotamaeet aglianext a111)1
algeenit wilt strrtch an d in 10 a , that ,aai oliaaiitien. ~ 11 alt ftmbs besprecetxaL thre ,p
cotirse in caly colurts callbetardasie iltaltatibr 1etreeaItl
airectionilbefoare tile inxt -aame.1... uls h oe sfrhcmn ineter.lil"in oldler toa ieetduplFanc
''~~~~~~J etIarcar a s aaxtile ladies Relalb ;ail inotol a aeilt canbe gis e n ull n trs," '"-
tiadCab ietlvriyo ~illess ptacticer has imiade good l aay-" -
lica Clb, te Uiverityof lich- 1 i prohibition Oratorical Contest. "
4111 stainding secondl, il tesail era, so t11a1 it is especiatt llyiport- ( sl~
stallce odf a stalielil-nt in the Ifact alat thaat es cy v ounlg laisy shoualsd Considerrable interest 15id eing Iia ''~At Sl ~~t-t
and1 Rtlumor"''lumnl itof a recett
Crimisoin. :Noxw, since ania nquircy
ainong thle highl lights of University
tRlllilic aiaisili here rev eats tile fact/
that no canxvas hlas ever bern anaadi
sat the clubl anal aoboedy kniowvs thow
manyl mIemnbcrs tihr clib has, tile
(Cardlinal'a statemntiltlviihale ltd ie
regacriedi as a 1"2111 o1.
Theian al~gers of thet Reipublicaiij
blanqu~et arc to tbe conagraltulaltedililt
on their diplhomaay illiaakaing tile
banqilet a social evetat of nte. 'l'tha
aluci a1hiandtsoime list lof esteeiaead
ipatrons as 'Mrs. Russell A . Alger, of
D~etroit, Mrs. J. I1. 1Ang e l rs. i)c.
Vaulghani, Mrs. Jeronmr C.'Knoxctn
\I rs. Evart Scott, -Mrs. 'M1. I1".
Coloey a1011_Mrs. Juius IE. Beat, to-
gethier witht assurance oif a pdarty of
society tallies fronalilanay surrcoundl-
inag tonsi,lath anqut is somaethaiing
to be looked forwcardl to xxitha ileas-
ace by everyboeiy.
Tennis Among the Co-Eds.
'ro the U. ocfli. DAItY.
This year the young xvomena of
the University are showing monre in-
terest in tennis than heretofore.
The Young Ladies' Tennis Asso.
ciation, formerly little more than a
1011intieassociaioin, ant11 1not1onliy'
jinu it. but also use tile courts coli-
Al particlar~s alboult liar lse of
tile couarts analiifolrmlatiola n c eria-
ilag liarulies can bedr balinledifronm
blilssAlice Cramlaer, Miss .\ogfordi,
Mliss :Mills, Miss tlier, o aac91lss
Ainy yaouiag xwomla inIattenanlce
showdnvin lthearsaatorical Icontlest lof
thae tile IProhibition lu ib, wihdlwilll I SA.F K
bae hlitelleawltectu~rtroost n JOil IfS A F
antayerllg hr vi ~ No. 19 Soaltha Maint Street.
live contestallts. of whotwo xo arr
younig ladhes. 'this xiii be fll iavssl, Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
later ill tile mlonlthiy tile StatreihgnRiwy
Itler-Cllegiate Contest.MihgnRlay
- --T-. .--.- -t~m a i d in effetJuarty 24,i192.
BUSINESS LOCALS. y- Aitval of trasat naArbora onsaly.
12 ee nsrer n hs lmaitt he rana ati R1.
nmembier of tile' associti. bthiirettf10lents pe~rline Splcil'ala tseorlongerNo. 1.t Mail 1and11Exptess...... a 7S. 1a1
timtill ndlaexetra lincestaarbaisheadaiylay'pnsi-"1gealt Ni.)3. I ais: n neA bor1Aclas A na..1,1 1101noon,
piayiiientof tile smlll sunllI ofififty till'D~AaL Oev 1-.)' No. 5.MAail1Passenger ....... ....... .. 0)) ii. c1
crats. Suite baa renat, alsaaoaneSiaglc raliia.GOsNGiaOUTi.
Chlesatl. No. 4;7"S. litvisioni St. No. S. ail P'asegr.........1Is a. iaa
It is to be hopedC11thlat lte iteret t Snitx''I o a' olalgbnNo. ilItigres ......... s 501, .i
S'1 (_ETS. If on ai' lokig f)r No. I. SPassneTaledoa Accoml.... 7I(isa. ini.
alrceadiy i show xxiiilnotl ie oult, bitthtie tobhii'st thinigs fil SlititigS, overa- Trn's13 aad 65un etwa eeniaAnn aArboail
lxe coaltt~.ian ortrousernigs, ft xsill he to Toledoly l.
thtat see shaall soon avi a iniarsouar fnterest to see tilitle of wcooeleins Central Sltndard Tiama.
wncplyrasaetbefoulind i ye t tae Conicous, Wdne- All Tcaias IDaily excett 5aayv
ii) lly' ollee. (.sl.EI ialy, Mliy 4thl, by ttiac leiilEagle Wss11siENNn'rr, as. a. GOIENscetoD,
inay'olee C-1, CsteoianIDepatmenitoaf Dtrtoit. '1They Gcn. Pass. Arentt. LtalaiAget
- - - silty tlillhdle the illst goodts 111111emplosy
The House 01' Reprenentatives. tilenmot asitfstfecaauttersan11111talors.
X'i all al asydlependuioatagettinlg till
corrict stylesaid timost sterfeet lit, be-' K
'1The toaase of Rnetlreentatives as- sies a saving of lit leaist $10 otasit or
seilleetill Alphta Nu l laa 1Iast lavercoat. Huaiedis of 11ew paitternsx ii
SpekerReadonin hein choife seaiiar snoveltfiesust an-!
chanir.nrg ace, wsgie rha ed. 'j/~
car MrPakrwsgvnlaeof abseiace for thae rest of this sea- J. HA L LE R I ~
sioit.'rTe Free Wool 11111, vwhich. 7E-,J'AkI\ W (M,
is ideeitical seithtahie Spjringer Bitt, Repairitag anspeciltiy. dliSOUCTHtMI TtO. J- --
recently cotnsidereel by Cotngress
and wehicha had been tabled at the
previosmnaeting, waa taken from T IS~
the table. Mr. Lonag spoke first forPI TO 1A I[ R Stdetat Street Grocers:..
the epulicnsoppoingthebil Pit0 1L'*1 0G P CK tudntspatronage especially soji~sited.
th eulcas poin h il NO. 12 W. HURON ST. 24 S. STATE:STSIRT. . ,