THE U. OF M. DAILY. BOYS!I We have nobby things for you in Negligee Shirts, Nl, Onte t1int.....b -wan Spring Suitings. LARGE LINE Latest Styles of Hats. OF TRUNKS AND VALISES. 1V Ct:I Conic and see themn. STHE TWO SA.MS. AN N Alt N()1313Y LINE OF NECKIWEAR, NTC.I ETC., AT THE J. T. JACOBS COMPANY, ZBOR. 27 and 29 MAIN STREET. _ ® THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. TEITNIS GOOPS AT MOOR0IE'S BOOKSTORlE I06-105 WAl}ASI[ AVE., CHICAGO. comeite New Stock just received. Notintg lbit t c, fresh 9goo1s. SEND FOR OUR MANUAL. NO. 6ti0Swsa'waa .O--.iN 101., - AN12N ARZ~Oac. -' ,74 'L-USIITLSS JDIL.EOIOLY. SEASON 1892. I Grzz r s~ti'ow'S Ari'ivsiiss diily. Ness'Stock of LAW-N TEINNIS IRAC QTFTS taid ALL IK IND)S 0" SPORT'ING vgvSlttomNIIJi I, d IN GO D . Watch for our Prices. lowest in theite ' . OTitsforirmptit etlundef+id d (, tc., A Rs I \'=R ZY ZOOTKSTO --__ _ .THEa . I :- c~x f x~2iSJ.OR- I,AN .zIUV c> SOUTH S_1. ATE .rSriSTREET. Spllr' d0(1Stand. al heiunit oedit tictittioi iandi s pe Cic ieeecit w k ii i itc'it IHJE WESTERN ZMI(IIGAN C(OLLI GE 1LiT A '1\T'\TNA T T 2 Esrasn (Cluitte citant Iiierlwated.} --- ~ U U X . 0- zA1.K Z7 01.4. TT)S. TC tcr_ FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, -NOWT-D fitic 'tiiN'Ai IATO)iYI' Oi'iiii. trepaesecs'udetns ifertny eccttcorgcien- tf icnnholit) i''ittiiuntry. Pcne u tc tccs ii atcn u ii- MILLINERY AND ART GOODS! Forii Xit tM1, i SIC ANPT 'i'SAi'O)~lt35 '' I'S "1t~., Sconto : o"illN the iiinit' tactes ite 0. M.MARTIN, DESALEISIN Cloth Caskets, Metallic AND OOt~tN COItiiNS. RINSEY & SEAEOLT, Bak~ceiiiand idel esin 'ii is i(Jii.tlih;ttctIA . tt1.50ti ~i t'i'iiANO OefisiPtiei7;S'rthe leadiiing schooltmmIti ieisci For teexticesnimiderate'cciicnce t imtiieitciitattenin.'The expensceccomunit citl e ig- urticdiiinoer ittitiht miitnthamer I(Ancaitnins iictitiomin. h onr, n t~h A. T;. VIE EX, P'resident. Castalian Meeting. 'fie lIdependiets of te class of 19, held a mteeting Saturday tutorut- ipg So discutss tite possiilty ittipit- lishiing, ttastalian tiet year. After considinth. ie sariouts tpltnspro ptosed itivas idetertminedl Sialtte In- uependeitis ot. '<); shtouldilshita Casstalian. 'lTe iboard ofleditiors scere intsrutctedto Staiske stctsteps is swoutitdsarrant She success of te tastalian. Thte bioardl, as elected, is as folso's: Misses A. Tanner, J. Fddy. V. Dutffy, Ml. Siorgesscwto scere electedi Sy sicciaatioit, andt M\essrs. 1. K. Friedmni, F. i;. Niekoisot, tC. I). Joines, GI. S. 'Toiwle, .. Balwin. Commnuication. itt studttes atS te I'.of Al. are jet sery imotderate ;circumttstances, atitido nt feel like pauyinug iSty cets for every hail gamte playedi here, besidies gisito nDietroiSo yell Stir teboys whien pattes are iplayedltere.TSite iea thtat lhcre are ottly a certains numsber StiatillS1attensd a billiganme aniyswauy lisiotcvalidi. 'To lie sure tere are ltoseitat swill1attendti S anty cosStutitite oter calls for monileyiteavseraige sttudentcaitnot afford So ito so, howsesver idesiroutslie may lie to see sitletics SIiris. IS is te oiioittsof ttanytsy Slt ore tisoieyswottld lieniatde b h ie assn. ciatisnamutcht la'rger critd isecuired, atct conseqiuently tmore enltusiasm titatnifestetd i ifte price oittd'siini swere reiduced., I SHOQRTHAND TAK EA Groceries, Provisions,(- our and Feed, CO}LESE. 5iind Ilc. WashintoinSt. IT WcILPAv YOU. ShotnehtuleitNtew cc-- __ ilingi20 SutStiaste Set. Ritewc; a simuilar plictiontothSep ,.rf-"~~ Val air Jo urnaiitwts sittedislit tSO.I'JA.k + 11 J'J I. fail in She Lasw School olfSVale tUrii- -A'T' versity. 'lThis ws aolowediss by tyhii ARNOLD'S, - 36 Main St. establishmuuentof te It-collite Lawt5 Jouirtnalm pubitheditiii in IjI 4 ' It t11 1 S. Vork, atndilaterity te estabiitsitmtet t I'tiiti. $'Oillll000, ipt a rrdIi it it 1.'ii ,0tt1i. iftS e Sis'M ichigitia ssaw surtial itt the t)( l i i enciui itii iklii*5tinc'c.s is i Liss School at Anti:arbor.-ILx. isce