THE U. OF M. DAILY. *-J . o f -Z A . T of , new play w hich has m et ivbh great 3 u c s ui g h a t w e , a d W r i* t & D i t o0 't3 T e nck etS jwhicls will be given a hearty recep- ulsedDiy(SnasexetdRdrn 109tte2pr oueb hesu the Cottege year, by inatseorahueb te5 Spauldintg's Rackets ansd a Complete Lute of Sportintg Goods. dents tlesiring so honor their old THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION 3 eachser to-morrow eveninsg. The ~O ~ ~ ~ T H AUSPBIHNMOS. play, "A Modern Husband," is a Wholesale antI Retail Agents for Miehigans. farce-comedy, wvell staged assd pro- Glee and Banjo Club Tour. duced bsy as strong a company a Trhe U. of Md. Glee and banjo cosstd be selectesd. Cluibs returned frosssttseir annual I httepoesrslos( cs ___ westrn oncrt our atelas his old souse as tlse authsor ofa Tisey report a decidedly fssancial ply'sntsrrsis oIss vs sticess. l~eaiug n Apil ~ listened to him whsen hse lectured on thyhave appeasred in a frnihtaasthe LEAtDINGOsc OOznof BUSINE~S 51s Isst itis ts istnorh-tastes oertesilvays intshiat tdirection, eatrasCam t5 aes5ts 13 o thebestcites i thenorh- o manscrpt wotk-Enas.sho Ssrthandstn 'Vise dates and ilcssvr salthsosughs, as a teachser, asd as te -'Penmnsp.tilegant builsisg, serveat C eos GassslRapids, a8its; Chsi - austhsor sf a series of esducatiossal p ek s -dat-sue2 nughtliving eapenses0extrcmery lows.,5tt o iao,1ths; lsostisgtoss, loths;w 1rst iesade foe hissself a lastissg Frcatalogtte, addrerss ARlYPrestidett Sprissgfss-ldSlstt; S I. Lou s 22 "reputation. is last ovork,'"Thle __ -_,L tKassas City, 2d tLavenw~orths' Art of Itlayovitisg,"Ibrougtthism at Cmm tat1n'V 2itOai, 26t;S.Pu,2t;once issto theatricalosmssinence, and Etrs t1s'.iotMisDAILYv If"i.LI J Dh isis 28 h Aissseaplois 29ths;! nosy Iis susccessfsul play, ''A Mode'rss Sseeasli sies of thse csty hsave iss-'-o \Ililoasskcc , fothst-sstssd,'n tlscBlsissrsssedts wh oty teI)us v sdoes ssot pusb- S rn At Chsicag, s teciussmet sise 'recognsiztdsdramsatists ofltisscoon-ishise-veral sdaysssisolod-snce tlist misotsstlssshsiastic recepstion of thse try.' lectssres wvich islol be slelssveresd by Sut 4 entisre tosur. 'listy alptearedl inithss., thse differesntiproftssors, so thsat thsose( .I lese IuicIal oissI-o sLotr. outsidethtte University wooare ister- antof Pres. Asigell lectured yesterday i s Irs ; atend. Cannt hrefter Pantaloons, audene, ndblu ad yllw fow1Ciisa."'lieIcsays tisat ansong thic Monslay thst prinscitpal lectutasto b tss1 sslir.J. A. Jasssssoss sc r sisore interestisng thsassthseie religiosss. Republicans, Attention! Fancy arose frosss Iis stat isn thc ball casmecfIThe lectuse was cosnfissedsliotly to I-very 'sood Repusblic-asnissthse upon115thst stage soills;Ni r. Joy asnd thse adsuso ftehsoyadcn nvriyi re oatn h clusisassdlthe isoipular song soas res- adiiosostof thsreesisgrytrelisssi1 nscrst ooegi o teis leVestinfr (ltZso le ieegcs I limss e setsingis tise LawyLectuse roosssat siered bIy- teisnismitablepaieroithl Cossfusciassisnm, 'IaoissisiansI ludd- 7:'0 Wednstday evessing. i to 5 I 00 mLi br.o D ANi I~olr susch efftct tisat thst sass ausdiesscc- his. Notyitsstassdiss thst fact thsat ture sill be distribustcdIasnd goodl woas cosnv-ussed osithllsaughttr. 'l'he Ieachs celtstial hsas all three of thscse spseechsossasde. ltbssso menso TQ QV prograns oudtsbledtwticc' by esn-retligiono, Pets. Angell drewclo ss1 tic ssfosbaqotserhol essscsured~ cosets, sosss songs brisngissg oout fouse 1isses of distisnctioss betwveess thc at osnce ass sle will becosse gesneral No. tl9 Sossthls Isilt Street. asnd even five. After thst concertiusodes of soorslsip, inlu~sencts asss aftesrIN erlscray. I-ecserved usstil ________________________ list clubs oert tesnsered as receptionss relative wooths of ech i. He slso thetnsfoleUniversty Rtpubiciasss. l Toledo, Ann Arbor and North by- thse Ussiv-ersity Clusb. spoke of thet err~oeouss beliefs shch J1\:11,St'. Ii tICKS Thse snmbers ovhichs received umost - abound concernsing 1listdet.hostility of lvsdst ihgnRiwy - ."0-----Timc Cued in attest AJ sa y id, 5511 1lrsiasssoss BUSINESS LOCALS. 4 Atrival of traiat usAnts sOPIOr only. hiosmtcosicert ossA-tlarchs ss, steIsooswthse'difficusltiessvhicai-aese are____-- Noesllancie .\Iarcls, El Paj aess Valizes caussedIImostlyIby lteigssoransce of these _Nlotis soerted in ls 1col iun at Itse rate ((GONORslTH. 0111evel" s " ls riglsof l0 ct~cocper lisle. special faslts drotisugcsr Not 1.tMil stud tExpress.......:7aIn an Mest sltOtecsforl te aoassissi~5onariets conicernintlelgio stn coltd extra 'o uishsssdby 511115 oi't tNo:. 'onoe. ,Ants Arbor- Acoos...111 001noon Cilub;- and Kismset, IDearest, Awake' cusstomss assd sperststiouls beliefs (If Se at volretsalsooneNo.5. Mullom 'sset. . 2p 01111 lt Ilssuter's Chorlus foe lis thtilt ple withos-wls omss ty- asr e 11'O t. i5l1 No. 2. ttail Pasts-r .. .. 11 .1 8it (Ec-Cii v~eksg.fss tst toTs-tf y OU ll ill-0illoiisig'Or No.54. Otsii ope-s .......... 01p. m. GleClb wrin.h ibo sstso tlstsou its sitintIS. vero- 1No.11. Pssngoe, Toledo Aennsu. -- t lls..lii. (wIofg tteecrowsdedl cosnditiosn ; eostfimssor troosserlisit sill be to - of ossr colussns, thse D isco will lob- U. uf P. Succumbs. yiousr isiterest to oee the lit f wooless --itspl sayedlasithle Cookt Iose, Wesaesi- isis the 1particuolars osf the trips into-0 'ITse Qnal-elhavisng ssowsseid Valeslsay, llsv -tis, sy the (Gslden's EsogleI msorrowis ue 555. I, sse C'u'sotoms ID lattleuttof IDetrsit. They laes-ars asssl risncetonsmet seeronlyIssindslete1bststgoods aisdlemploy --odr Wubtd' \aterloos tss h 1 tetislesis la., ats thle mstsasrtistic s'stterssisnd sailors. A Mden usbnd" Waeroo, I Stu-Ion easlwasys tdepends1155gs'ttinsg t tday-. neighs lssoted tsn 7 7to I.jcirrect style stsans mst ttrfect lit, be-- Prof. Alfred leassesliin , fsor smansy 'I'leIc-igls sit said that Captai stitles asavssing of sit lesist Fl011 sssit or years a teacher isn theUiviersity, Yousng, of Prisscetosn, Isasd orittesn illecofet.ssHundsredsiofvew ats sste- called ossl t h usaz, Saturdalsy. litetsemislttingstsal hay-sit was over- niveoil retired front teachinog several years rated, assd that stleywootldlisot find ago t engage its tramsatic writing msschs troubtle its hitting biss. In J .-j ALL _E R, ansd teaching at Detroit. "Itunkey" fact Blayne u-as pretty wvell touchsedsl a z E , u-as alwvs a great favorite with tlheu0.103 Isits overt madle off Isis de- Repairing aspetielsy. 4i6 soUTHstAIN ST. stusdensts Isere, ansd looks and acts livery. Reece filled the box for just as he did wvhen lise left here four Lehighs. I-Itselivers a left-han yearn ago. ball, straight aind spetedy. His nup The professor return to Ann psort wvas excellent, while testupport Wdfl x'jO9 RA.PII JR Arbor this tinse as the authsor of a of Bayne wvas lout indifferenot. NO. 12 W. HURtON ST. I Teais5 and 6an eoatween Aonn11,1Arboe usd Toledo Ionly. Centtralt Standastrd Time. All Trains tDaily texcept Sunidayo. W. Ht. BENNETT, Ri. S. GRESENWvOOD, Oti s-is. Agent. Local Agent T. D. STIMSONT & SONS4 State Street Grocers. Students patronage espleeially solicited. 24 ic. STATFU:TREET.