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May 02, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-05-02

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c I$ I . of

Al. Wailjj.

IT WAS A TIE) ( bard every time, but was unfortunate (odd base bit and stoats second. I agan
____in tplacing0 bis bits. lHis tongrun- fly out to Sbieldls.(Giney fly- to let- U
SATURDAY'S GAME WITH THE ning, one-banded catch in the fosurth feri', Iliels nine out by 'Spitzer to Jet- O1 t
DAC. feris.
____issuning, waes the brilliant ploy of the NNT IitsN IN(1-Csworto iir oili
Eleven Innings Results insa Draw.- (lay. Eaii's erior. leftoleistilflust oii
Score 4 to 4.-Splendid Show- Tbe game biy innings wssas fol- I a'is eor.s Pearsnessbsse list, while
Ing of Harness, los:;saw food stoics. fearsoss eaughlt onN
FintsT5INtINO -Spuiiney out onsfItsstealito(ssecond. osseniibaisohit, but
The opening pause on tlselite to~uisoy.Craswford ostfi'ossiCrowltoy aughit oin steal to seitondf Chsoke f
atbletic field on Saturday afternoon to Dislshaine. Jotleri se iohist.Peas-oiit to Sfiiiiiiy XVWisl i tio Ssicn
was well sattentded,'ifespite Ilse colid soilsbauseoen balls. Iliui ciifly iost to swhosithrsows swilto Jefeiiss tettin" I PI Wlht tidIeleCtiksot
veathecr. Fully Soo persons includt- Chloke.Crossley taskes first onSpsiftzers ssloth ee tik ss
larg nuiberof athe, sereerror. (odd reatchts ist osii anss'aNWest briso list loing iWalststo sore.o
tog alacnubrolaiswe tismble.IEagiiibhse list. (iisy Csosslos stikes out.
Prsent. 'floe granid standl wasfi811dcr1 udrt ptewotre idt i r1I iyr-oeia aehtILS
nearly an hour before the game ivas Crawfvord, alttowsing Crisisetoaoi Coiddl sit steaits soeon.Ssl'hields fly slit t
callest, uni thleiirectors of tthe th- Ito scory. Duds iifoyIto IiSf5555 , t ii llssster basesousool steaito
iltic associationshab-sitonise oiffitculty siwh osobtedtGiney. s Cliopie stsrsck third. Sift flossle it . (stllisut ou
is keeping the srIieest fte crowd it-itouit. efferis.I-Eaganss uit by Peasonto
sideels rioni" I-ir teset u l-s oiiON INN INO.-boss cuss sosIts out Is boss ( Guiuey striks iout.
sid th rnnig tac. I wa ahottoKelsey.Silsonut to \X Hsi to I'EEiNTii IN NA Nt Hsples sitbty
aiie andthetci owdis s s s o lesposind- IiI s sit ois siill f Cliii 4 ' stoole 0 iiIV t e l osIs ll S- I ' raswfosdil ah e
in nios otcIIi s stefrtSpistber to lest by Wa lshs eror, ndtit ansilste-als si'soust efcIs sslb out
Ingy ntusastc.Ths as hefistto heises fPearsonliout fromsilsCrsily
appilearaciectthis yecarioftthe U.CfNIM iteit's sttond.ilaIlls 05baise list.'Shir-to Ilsilisrine.llsssiirnibaseilo
ini a regisl-r g"mlosun CtheIsiKoie ittItsyout (is Ciowly.los i htwsoiibhals. (husssfrontSpsiitzer tois bluris
prunl -Iti-is lil~til otx-bagso'o hoelsts strike'souit.XX ost XV sst striiit-essthKelsey, fouslout to
yl stirikes mit.Critoly popiup toS'pitzesr. i lsi
piectatiossandlbarrings' bt - hiisI i l =.-oCrsowforldIiasofist,
raogedt fielimini-iseefirst sinninsg, ii .stasAotisel Ic.ci- iinlit ____ i im
playedtualsteadysniappiygause.11111 thrownsto Kineisto ctch111Csawosrd ias xsisiso - 1]inSh oets
Many of tese rirors on both sidesiswIo stoos. loarsonifly ottto KelseyO t e-,ss._ 5 1 0 51 -0
boss ss tstiesoust. flowserm-anifly -out Cd,1 ---- --4 1 I t
miust be attsriteilto the coldt usroa eow i eio 1111tsI iios 015"tI
Awint, wsisltshilsledithtethans-stsof tlie E-aisnout oin grounssilto InSpitzes to Dnsesaisesel1s 5 ii 4 0vIt 0 0
players antt smsde tebalIsharttto Jtfferi siney stirikesouthp, f- I--
holit. XXhlenson account of cdaskness, I oi 5 iii IN Ic -Shietlslion-so he------- -I 5 :3 .o.,
tlse ganseiwis callet at ltes-sdof r00151 iter tiwo bus"r 05 11 11510to ------ o o o ,I 1
tlse elevesnth innsig, neither stl sidhdlisse list aIboi ugStll/osto stole.
seonte basttle, teescore standtso Slsie ~ u oIoss sings -- - --'
(.ele isto out, stasrts house ait is
to 4- caugseht out tor lessvis"gIis bIse50Craws- c of Mis E~ir is
'T'e soul-sise of the ttay seas else food strikessot.IDuchaisone out hyb
greatsoswing maste is-sthlebox by1 I sssto Jell elise(Chokeohomse trun. Sississey, .'si's J 0
tHarness, sw'to is just recoveringfroonsXWalshs fly to flosserimansswho iiiakes a isis losS ---fs ic T
ass attack of sickness asdn hs sesga cIasld tith filsetslose arssoni, 3sa -'
out. t5moat
eto hasisoctaduno oppsortunity to -sho Hstl, Is -----005 w( e1 ooslx
1 III INNI\-.- efeis fuse lsthiit siiiwwra, ii ' : 1 0 0 nd rig
Iis ability-. As-sees-sfroms the st0ort and stetais seoosd.Peasonss 5ItsitO 'Shitldsi .1 --- _'- 0 , t newr
lie pitchoedta ouschsbetter gamne thasnflossensflI- oust to IEigaiin. lsoemaISpizr T ---5 1 i : arsealn
Coddc, although it must be concetded Ityot t-Gsise-XX ststol I ost sel ea -
that tee). A. C. is s-ot so strsisp (rosta sks sot-ss osusii ii

I Mailed to You
-Through Your
Manuiisteiiie ofiitniests ilin
st50 o a pi es hnAnnAro
H. FYFE & G-5
mond Straight Qat.
No. 5
tigare-tte Smsioers iwhol
simre thanihe ils ice0
tradeoieCtigarettes, willinsi
' TIS iBRisANDs iupeist
all iohers.
'rie ichmsoindSitOraighti
I seuiets are wsadiefmtesshe ight-
t delictetly lisicoecI asdiaest ost00
of gownsis inirginia. 'is i s e Oua
:issol lrdossStOrssio iiCeot Cigarettes,
"ougheit set br us; isi us earsiso .
'e1o imittioniis,sasiid obseeve tuat the
ic s bloisis lne ovr sesiee.
Of lthesAmerica aciuicoiCo..
trr,- - Rllihmondi. irgoinia.
NTED-Ladd- Secretary-.
telf, sslady ofsitemenossit, cut-
Id Christian chasracter, shout 25
loage, as pivaste secretary in sa
onme-likhe lsswroftice in Chiceago.
riente inecessary. Salary, $510
inls. Please state age aid cdii-
Address, Mlits. BiRONsN,
1,f111, Chamber of Conmmerce,
rencee, J1. C. Travis, Buisiniess
sr of this paper, ?isn Arhor,

batting teas-s as ours. Craswfofd
caught a fine ganse andsi oistinguisliucil
hiinself by Iis daring tose runnuiug. }
Jefleris sthareud thse sossors swiths
Sitter in batting ansd played ass
errorless ganme on first. Spurney
playeit his uinal brilliaist ganse at
second, n-ared by a swild throsw is
the ninth whlich alloswed Walsh to tie
thse score. Spitter lead the team in
batting and tole baoes without re-
gard to the feelings of Walsh. Pear-
oon hatted well as usual. Thse D. A.
C. msen must have been afraid of
Bowen for not a fly came in his di-
rection the whole game. Shields
caught everything that came his way
and made the first home run on the
grounds. Bowerman lit on the ball

Coddlf 5bas imshallslosrciii" Crowssleyto - -- -
seconds. ksigssii roiuslosto Ilus less Hisuse slums', by' Siels i smusiClssusesto sie
isOsySpiter a(Iiualsh; StruceksosousebyI
Wothruos soiPeatrson, Isuttiu"out harnt -, 1 ot oil-fb:psbel lslb.- iisssls,
-,~] vauieise' blsmblie usei s , buu y iCodEu',sm;
Crosclcs b Guusey out hby luir isey- to double pos5lay ~lssressois. 5 is toisilS. 1
JletteriIstolemubass, - of isi9; O. A. C.,i1. Cssi1sioi-
SIN-s-si IN Ni 'sl.-Shis ousttoyCod ifin.h1
to Doucharme.iltShill/elri ssshlutsteels
secondi n sl ndos tto third on hiassed0thasl l COE B ON N GSt.
D.A.C.Team- 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 -4
Spurnsey -list hbypitchuesdball usnd stease5.t- o' Tasm.so0o0l5N o0 0 u0 10 00--s
second.f Crawf101(1stoikes out. Duohels--- ---- - -__
arme stikes ot.(11010e out to Jeffterss-
Walsh striskes ot. Lafayette Goes to Pieces.

yeairs of
qusiet, Is
No expss
per 1s101

SEVETH tINNINrG.--Jefferfs strikes
out. Peairson given a life by Kelseys
muffniid goes to second by passed ball.
fBowein out by Guiney to Ducharme.
Bowserman flys out to Guinuey. Kelsey
strikes out. West base hit, but caught
iapping. Crowley fly out to Shields.
EIGHsTH INNING. - Shields strikes
out. Spitzer reaches second on Chopes
muff. Harness fouls out to Guiney.
Spurney out by Guiney to Duicharme.

Princeton defeated Lafayette, Sat-
urday. 'Till thse seventh the score
stood 1 to o in favor of Princeton,
hut in the next Princeton scored six
through errors of Lafayette. Butcher
was not up to his standard of dcliv-
cry, Eleen base hits were made off
his delivery. None off Young.
Score, 13 1o 0.

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