THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN~ COMPANY, Ness Warercos Js crner ofii Main and Liberty Streets. I will. 'Open the Bait" be placing a ine stock of Gaitars, IBa jus. etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Sosuth iosith Avenuse, (it Sptrinw $Uits N It) S)pi~l Overcoats, LrYLISILi YOUR GIRL Wos uill a1 preciAtea box o['cthos Albany Law vSchool (OURISE, oeyearI.iThree fsll I s-iso Nobi &'§ J anniary aildi-i it.l Fine C'hocolafeS ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. (10 IN HT', T T-i-~r Calkin',s Pharmacy B I, Y 66.,I sass . Ord, ois r salls ATHLETIC ± GOODS. Degree of LL. B. Consferred. i u u UA01 Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. 1ii. -te FADNo-.PRll-NGAN SUtLMIEiXGODS is Celiing isrc - - Sil~51k Vesir g is thecite. IFslls ts-ssiig a Spcialy. Ilease caluian Address theiDeaniaorSecreetary, SALBANY , -N. Y. INo. 2;Esit WiashnlgtonlSt., riceas-i, Maiss. HILUt5I0i CIGARS BY THE]I littsbutltoiests. 100)isl a iei a ls.s, 44 Main Street, Soul BOX Her, 10(- th. - X 'BEiLLIALP LD AIRO? )0 ilBo . - - :'esesI s~es tldi i ii thue f}ist >.w 0 BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD )0 - - S. o ...-- OTHE ARGUBO"-' DEAN & COMPANY I'li(' Al sha N itliteetstoIn1si (l ~I t i iiFIRST NATIONA L LANz\ thle prusali-se o1 a sliritesl deli ii. si AN illisfl. 'lisi ' sirc o-e r iial im-Ited ts) at- iissi i l i00,('l s i 2) i-IsITIs -ssilisissm o - ii isi aid sartlitiati .i e-Ftss iis-isis sosiid, letiter sceiiitisss( s is-I fr as se I ttr id lie I slOiss a ttisia li ss eourt . ftIi,55SiiiNii. ir(- . I 55 ii I . 1is hare sesi iisio i(ghty nsirl led.w i, ; 5.. Caii ss- s h ir. switli thie reenl raiin, ha.s puti thei li-f z.~Yzixsxi ZY; uxxzrzeo1 rr ill excel1lintiiconiisiioii. l t 'l'ie'IsIVlfIi I-C{, CAMPUS. 110s .5.'55L5O Ii l. 0 5ol l liriid ily-. tl. is r 'telii -s Are. isiial ,yete -y X(Oil''AN ( E T ii is repiurtedl tha1 ills(tentis it i(it S iieltzeraiadle fosir lits siuti of BROJ WN'TS I)RUG STORE, live tinies at bat, estersday. 1-11c I; ngilec-rs of l the ti- ersily Chec.1nloal . Physical Apparattts ire getting iiii a baseblsil teaii. Themeeingof 'c fosr fielil-lay * nd r iiiterestlaslit nit iifaidedio l iialeri- ( - ?r i Cl S rsc r -I a p p " al e. JI II A CI & SO)N. t sil, itslchier for 1). A.-\- . ar- s ~ -~ iisedl last igit. IIle s- the inesltioi 0 Yiii-Os-i AEis niihil ieoi 1lisarte, sIciTFisisi i ro. dil Pste.i sA. I SenioclaicwI ss wilbe quized e xtrs OpCuri es isweek oii ronstiitutiotial luws lee I se - Ito iICitisse. 09Q~3DEPT7{L .{ir0THL li1-r. (.sioli, ii'Stmedc, isitll STUIDEONT' HEADQUARiTERS. thc hospital 3ycsterday-. IHe is lirar- -Boys," if555u ars lookinig for any ifyoress-ticingssat Satidustk-, ()hio. ofic orte inte.Yosililisrel- see it. s. sybr. student of the ssemive i'c slock dinaer, Sundays.Spseciiai rs niedicil depsi tmcit,reeently died at lisi home ia Napenee, Oat. T'he house of represenitautives - spe>ds earl secodmetn on the 71 Fort St., West, - Detroit. Mich. Mrs. James Eddy, will give an elo-. cutionary entertainment in Dexter LEAVE YOURORDERS this evnig -AT- Pres. Angell will speak on the F 0 NE . J '~igioiis otf China," at the S. C.. o>sea,_ ifdI - A., meriting in New beray Itall, Sun-' Newspapera, Magazins;rodicaaen. ( a~stoa05 a' da1mi nn1 -- A buiiletinseintic ite aiwIle- partmiienit silys111.11those ishoiihlvei~~ll ~fp Tht~~'l lnt ibeeiipcrsoualiy ntiiieil tlltlii 00 G4j~j uj 1J I I u ciitrary 11ave isassecltheIie ecx- amition 11 11 onloestic Relatiosns. N-esctsfor rc-sl-ltiotl of lsli'b A few« of the lillrons ofi a bosard-Lsi Zm xz rszzu ilg hiosise ontivisisionl sireet wers insoned yesterdlay fromlitihieffectIsoes of caiiied -corniheel. 'tart M1orris lienisehs eschasls iisoelin h is ohs of thuoc selmst seriouusly af-itli e Peninsmlalstwletek.I ii - T~lehsttllill~ica Glb ilees sake a repiort Ito thle facult-, AI bis The~ahen~atcal Cub mees ila night. this evenlig at 3130o, in R00111 17. iwithi a paper by Mr. E. R. Cole, oa gThe Atltraction ouf ain Elliptical Shell,,'' ald problemsiby sereral mlembers. TInleelitng of the O Iratssrical is- sos alicia calleil for last ev-enilto s adeopt amesnmentlsito thse csastil«- tiost iwasslotIhelid owsin~g Isothe ah- Amontg thle sons to be susig by scae re al quiorums.. Acallo has the comnog University Minstrels aret seeti issued for a msceting to lae Itch 'The Colored Four Hundred,''its Roomt 24 onsaMonday ce-enling at "Mrs. Cragesn's Daughter,'' tFour 7:3°' Little Curly Headed Coons,'"ttThe The 'Varsity and '92 lit play-ed Rattle of the Latch Key," "The an eight lusting practice ganme onth~e Colored' Milliosnaires" and ttA Topi- campus yesterday. Krogman asnd cal Song," hy Mr. .Hower. The Haywood pitched for '62 hut hail comedians are Messrs., Hower, Mtc- poor support, Smith making sevesn Creary, Thompson and Wagner. errors at first Pane. Griffin pitched 'lise end. songs will hbe sung by fort 'Varsity and was - hit hard, but Messrs. McCreary, Thompson, the''team 'played'a steady game, win- Hiower and Mason. ning by' the score of 57 to 7.