THE UT. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE- THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN~ COMPANY. Nescw I~loolill'. Cot 1(1 of Alailt anldLibertiteet rcs. I wvill ''Opeti the Itll' by pladigf a ine stock of Guiitars, Banijos. etc."" -- - pig llPRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU.$ tng$it Final 72nssm-y'sM v =c oSTORE,A Z5 South Fourth Avenue, City. I- YOUR GIRL Woultd ztppreciutt 1ta1)ox o1'Ithuse AlayLaw 8chool iStAttLISt-it )18t51. (0o 1151 .one yeri t'three full luerns trequited. ltermtttbed titt Septemtber, LESGANT -.2IOD Noiz N b 'u(itl $pr .Jttrc tay IIItItari. Fine ChocolcdeS ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. Degree of LL. B. Contferred. f~a ~ ij is 'harn-t'acy Fall Terrm of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. AddreossthetoDean uc Secretary, ThYII.A[IAN I', T. V. teatctOr'lcu tor all ATHLETIC + aGOODS.' TYPE 7W~fI'JN". f 1:)South Uivaiersit y Air YOUT CAN GET WtlO wO f'id'the Pc rcfiii ibo lillhI, a1 BROWN'S DRUG STORE. Chemnical "Z- Physical Apparatus E B L (B W C t & S O N.S I V E A N D A E A . eylo & Son iiOT'i)E'fS tlttADQlTAnca'ElS. tBoye,"isot ate lookitng tor any at yturo tuinds, ttke ia cair natthe Occidental Hotel offiee tat tea mitut es. Yatutill sttealy see thentt Fio'aclack tdinner, Sundays. Special 71 Fort St., West. - Detroit. Mich. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS -AT- IP. 0. NEW93 STAND,, News p e, Magazines, Peiodicais, .Fine Confe ,tions. Cigars ad Tobaccto. CIGARS BY THE BOX. I ilasbiti phiSoeta10011in Iox, '''l'totutlea,'' S Skipper,'.t 44 Main Street, South. I CAM PUS, M41r. Rhioides, lit '93I, s agaiin at- tenintg classes alleyrtoanaeneii ofii seveoral oweeks. At the eye clittic yeosterdlay , Dr. C'arrotw haid five crestof1cataract atidtotto iritdectomey. JS. Rioutree, '9.1 late, bas lell for lilt honiii Ito lwdtaue, andt will nitt returnt till tncxt fall. DrI. Robert I'rob Ic. '89 lit atidt'gt tteoiic, towecototected i oth Cook Co. hoospitlal, itsavisititog in the city. o1.Wlo \ cmlta retutrtnd frototaii extetndedl trill logtePactc oatttiiidithoh the Soothti Tio inter-class gajite ill totriut. bettOtwen'92atandl'9lit 0o0ntte Atli- letic Filt, and11'92 V0. '93 tall lil the Campuios. Ilasbit Saturdiay's game at lDe- troll, tot a lilt wsadtaioft. Coddt, selile toewsatinitihe btox, swuhi ei atnr Walshtflomae Iofthe 13titstilt. taitned by their team. The I). A. C. teamt for tonmorrotw's gantetrill be: Codd. p.; Walsh, c.; Duclharme, xb. ; Goiney, 3h., Miller, 3b., Crowley, as., Clhope, If., Kel- sey, cf.; Wilkinison, r.f. Mr. Chs. G. Palmer, lit 'g1-, has left college to accept a position as government inspector of dredging at Hay Jake, Mich., a few miles from Sa uit Ste M arie., GO TO) -- - I --For HIGH CLASS TAILORING. No. 2 Eost Washington St., toeae :Main. itaa,'.()) ~3 B ILAR1DPFARLOES Nice 11a110t1tcou ter a aotitilon. BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, Sal' STAT E' yr, l.r, ANN OA0. o << - - 1.5.5THE ARGUS,- DEAN & COMPANY 'N O 2Ia~N Somic imombers of the Athlletic FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Assuociatiotn are tkickinog bacaitse to 0OtiANN Atitoitt. audeqluate ticasiresa re taken lto Cap~itatll,lil0000. Saurplas all trofts, $10,001" ratnsactsit aeneral batting tlushnests,four- secuce the usttoif the ltnis tourts elan excaneoltdautlltterstoalcedeittrtur~aed list actualtototttltrs ofthefassoca- CleaRtsitittidP.ttt'. 5EiACHi,tV. Ptee' Thbe last class ill disseacti, has julst ~ oa '' fitoishedulits seork. 'flue Anatomical" .th R' L.aboratory asatkepttuoeni tutring. vacatioto, andt 19' sork moorninglanadl 'ATff afternoono, thurctirseowas tutnushedC HOO LA CLNG thus early. ~nuL~RD Prof. Reboots010551s it mos~~Oi-. Noseupeti for receptioni of Ptupuils. tioti and rhetoric arc betuog fatvutued by toettiters stith instructie reports I- on thue aix chuapters of Prof. Scott's GRAIND O-PERA lO-Us Leswes' ''Priociplescut Siuccssttn'I Mr. A.I J. artt, .lanuatter 'rThe foowig programttwiell bel Saturday, April 30th retodered at thec Webster sotoy ueet tug itn itstthIis evciting: Essay, Eiiutageuttettorftt A. R. IHitchocock; oratiotn, E.E'. Blagley. Itchate: "Retolvoed, Thuat 0 S Ite governmoetotsould cutwn atndlcuo- JILLIIES" trot thoc railroads'' Affimative, T. R. Lyons, J. A. Bordeaux, tnegttiv'e, Antdt outtaty afdatmediasain their taiest t. G. Grundy, J. A. Titstwortht. AIttaln Skit, Te'\Varsity leant played a prac- Quc Ma h, lice gante against the junior Lateuik Ma c leant on thoc new athletic field yester- ItNTOCING day. The field is in good condition and statnds the wear and tear of play- NVew N ovelties, Songs cnd Dances ing better than nmany expected. The Aitte of Sxpols law team pot op a good game and AQnhte Sapioes may wvail aspire for the championt- AniutctOdtea ship of thoe class games. The game AnMuiaOdtes was clean all around save the errors --- of Vorhies, first baseman for the prices, 5,50an 75 laws. The score was 6 to 8 in favor3, ad75 of the 'Vrarsity. Reservsd Seats at P. o. News sand.