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April 29, 1892 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-04-29

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I ~ -i1)[EugenD'let
I opues IAIiaen is the tuianist
Published Daily (s tays eeptest) dturing whlomt all l-utropeefinites in (cailing
the ottas C~t.tsrhe reatest lislag exponent of piano
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION mtusic andI the worthy successor of
TIansig, L iszt, Ruibinstei n and Von
uSnteetptist ptiee 55 pet- .sear-, invariably Bu low. No ptayer has attained sos-l
iiSeehan' tleenpes 3lsenets. staat esuper-emtinenee as this yoting artist,
o'clock, tess Subscr ipitisns tmay btelefts at io "unaites switli a techiquepthat
he ofihce ioftt atne IL, Opteras Duse blc, attktw t u tt Oiteinit
Sheais ttStsfttet's, rtiestth tsy of te
editorss. Imsicial setntttienttmiarvellosts antd
Comurlcaio shul recte tttfie by entiraninisg itn its expr-essitit. Ile
"aetitritt% . if ittye stto apeartit teteu
'tty. Addtiees titmttser isntentietiitte putties-! is the wonditer of the msicial ssorld;
ii toitittaaging lEttor. Allitusiness Iandit his appea-racheewlcry
vontttttattis tssshotttii itssest toth ie liii- istehre riicar
tns sttttt 5-e. ste mical seasitn,-already s i hitTE .is'. AIY
TH . l15.D~L, reait terformers andh ceteltrities, to.
Ann Arhnr, Mtich. 1-
a stiuerb limutax.
EDITORS.Ilerr hD'Atberitssill apterwsth.
15.J s ti ,lit lii isut gtt- titie. the litstonsiSc ii titosty IOrchtestra
t.G sm iss KLv' teAsistt., ala ot ill I uts-ersity itall, at slit
I? I is 55 a, t,tt it 9, 5sistctttt filthe stnterti i11ttChoral UliottSeries.
J. .'Tc::tst- , t . '',ttBsiestts Manaer.-

Wright & Difpon's Tennis Racket
- s stttltig s It tehets aned itComtplete TLste o otinttg(Goods.
'i Wholesale atisi ietuail Agestis for Miechigant.
1 - G i a _ ts the LtENDING StEIOIo II SNtS
" -- - Foursssdep~artment-omn cil N5ea-.~
1 iV50petrs N1ek;studients assiste to posistins.
Fotrcatloguteitates P t. L t aPrsdet


it It t I tit -'t , t ' l zil .
K A \, it Ir,, (",0
C. t' Mc t.ies it. '51.
F. 1I itsit- i-);3 it
', . I Is l Jit.,St 'i
ii i ltii I iiis CA1it:is ,Li t.' .
sTh Etd 5iit., titusot holsitheselvettt s rill o
-t4sst--t-rst- isorsitemetsis 1core-
ii'. t,<11pitsi til liii. Y
II- suieeM,'111: the I, tseisitil
ruts. easliest ter thepurioserofstn-I
sisierisig(asitliaintaffairs for text
sear, tbr telh attendsedl RoomitA,
Fm.:-, fislioss lg is tromt at. of Ali.
al tutu tits. sithe imsst expiedlitiouis
atndtforceftit stirto brinig tei-tilt
taitieti propsi)sitisis (>tinrest test, liefot'
th liptropser5 titli ties, ss puliisit
it here.

1t e sti r - . D t it -V
It is tie le 5itliorti ofimsit ti of t Iii .
stsudenits thast the faciiits oilglt tos
ailsow creditofii crtatis -tiumber of
Hour sipeer semester lortse tilssore
lon byieIt studetsie n theclegse
Isiasers. This seemits51ily lair.
Work is certin sltysdshnesuetsldose
s-s;s;slaitll - It i o kth ti s litu
catiottat itt its eliairitte r is that ittC
regutlarsuiversity sourses.- Succress-
fitly' cosnsutettipapers cotruditle to1
the gosiod snasme andsistiiertisesiett if
their almat maistter. Wielistse siteci
papr's at te I_. sif A. Itcredlit is
givel for issirk stntiienm, the-thie
edlitsrs-alttter toutdsiisthtmore visi
sn uit I ount Nt etter lptter1s.LIslt j
oilier icilleges andstusivsersities toss
tidemtiedtiitiesirahle to take til stelt.
1 tuec. Pt arssitis tlated isleoldi
isltsilt ittmthe'gamst with t-ithiie asit-
At testeetitg eti tile- Biological
Scit stit roisi it, Tiesitayeseniig,

thonie. Th is tle t'gist is set - FULL
tWilly atiheltwsssdter. Site tcal]Iplay
almoiststul nstrentit t, cansm sinig se-i -
icsout theiat-veratige', andit lts-h
'I Dress htttIttde. IntssetioSn tnsthSts-ei
,a'ssstliliis-ijiitit stit-, ma oitn gutstit itsui
tette, 'lI ii(tietititist tiii, sse iesl stes-
asurdssiit y. IAuStsiektc hel,"'cot-astinedtt Su~itig
tittltoi'fistll tan s-lose-sta tye titeoy- 5 S
aiii esils-stsisi-t i-ent It is liot aItutu-
( ipal is vitli nst arsits- as l trof Aoestil
ts-t tistit issts-singe s itlsuietin, t ovetyr- ..7 tai!
itit-tiite.rt- li- tseiitiss ,t icSietoAc
yori in-i-c:t If see-th itisleitwooen
CusoinDeprtmnt f'ltsou Tse
tilmt ati titi li t rs ands t a itlittle
liii- ctillstiaitwaytsde ed nugt tigthes etl
etotreet styli antis]lst.pertteSlit, its
stiltes slingt ofitt it liest lt sltsuit o iiiM' z1<A 1
ov1 rct.tt 11 iitttttit f nef t tttste s Ftllt si ,, ,s
ilhi ce -ttus tttiii'r novte ies ;JisS ai-
rivel. T

.si s -slt t-
n aTr Y

I 5A5NARBttiti tNtEs-i-sit ti's-t
Friday, April 29, 1892.
Mnnagifisent Crosutioo'mes d
Supetb New and.

' Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railway.
Tis, lCardintnfet5 at-s titer4, is -
Ariival - tra is,-sat sisitursonly.
Nti. 1. A ladEexpress........ - III
Not. ' 'flasilttissietn'ee .... ... II s ai.m
Noi. 4t, ititiEpess.... .... . eSi9Upa.u
Nit. i6.tPtssengter, Tintso Accomt... (14 a t.
Tresinsi3siand sts-run esiitwtutuimAilsr -w
C's eitalSstandutdTimt-.
All TettiseDailyexepst Sunday.is
ss-. Is. sBENNETT', It. S itT. tsNsstOit
Gest. lass. A sest. LoetltAgt-e

paper i ii silc t r (it Igovrnmtult
exrerimeutilesttay'sshuts histItcauj
unsue thee ttlo is ii is he his m itsithr I,. ofiMrut t i t/rer
veaitye intsuerayslbseits-se i tyl t auits ttSuteltesis
li ot s e nst llcims-e t oitheisi fse- C a fr, ;Jffrs b er
"alie ii as sasnshae S aly sSits tuiure nd-S Ss t-n sh us.ts
selues-S Sat a tuuctw os iteotnr be s). esusm BUSINs-S Ls O CALe' S. toi t
l.seith sti lly p ss ' ,'taeboOisutttuehahtyslrotstiusSoe
st(uicrsiniistedl isthiitcoluniatShe rte
NAmstere illherscalystetaltls- of Tht- e s'thumilpesentedghr
nex S tur ay can ottheba k b tettl ShItow asot ndsterful otf a ut- ade
te ChoralUutotsil mett otight at Berothtlttterow s tnexttaontuyso ttk
(u4 4 s itechtatpel 2Stiteettdiftetet st srsutmetntsedurisng

IElaborate Scenery.!______________
Prices, 50, 75 and $1,00.I
Rtepaiing a stueuuitir. 46iTHoes A S T s .
(~AP RR Sett Street Goes
Pm (ff0 G tdnspatronage espeetally stii tiP I

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