Iif AT . a . Vo. II.-No. 146. THE NEW CALENDAR. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FI.)AY-, APRIIL 21.r, lk9. IPRICE, THER I: ENTSa. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. '95 Glee and Banlo Clubs. A Radical Departure from Formeri A Full Report of Last Night'a Meet- ixe first joint bulsiiness meeting" ofj Issues. ing.tl iisx i lii'9cn'r 1c l Iini the S. (.xA.ieiheiirsai 100ms, 1lii. clndriiri'ai0 ppers Tile aihleiciboaridi 1e1t1lst 11 d M r(1dill textforIt10 is 1pr11nted ing' in 'xalha Nniihlall. Manager ies riscoein tile chir. Tiheii.at- 1. 1).nxiixii" C(;1 .,oxoton, stone epior tciithe toitii cpe 1011.ofiixiiiexigododoni c 1 isiaimod 0111fconven~. iienedte wes'einriIp to but., I . o ot iituismvai s man ixfesxii. I (aOil- f(,) medIrears. It Ic(mesic out in0 I $1 .' 0 , l1 i ii all.0 expens1e1 to tii po rscf ahcu . Itw su at 1: I' lperll of r0C , illsir1,/C 7 li i o it x O lt.2 .I m u li i'iidciI to contixiule ictive. 6v is 0110i ttie ircx'jons rea- A a k 111111is to be biit, aind theI e icacrxil viik, iiitiittix iii 17the lrs )NO.Ii xtiiickieis lx t1.1111 atiiictic idiin x otihier xwaxsxtoii e11 apprioaichl ofixariii xxwcatiherc xiii i lihei ioci h sm,ioxxccc'r , ifir the madiie reixi-vfur fSatuirdiaiy5si.;i;ac xccxe115ixxeii i oCxiux1 I I i I i i Ix xi x i / I i ii ixtic iicii I c Cii iias in izex fdItype used. Tiiciia111- 1111 ;a1ndcsii11111apelapptesiacceiaxi iii. l. heoirder Iof Icontcnts is ibtixill i tic saxic is bcfoicbuht xxiig aiiiditie arecqiteliof1tcn wxithi ticll Ax. teclo sc of jfix oraitit an1111 1 iiiiiiliiicationsxitiire-c tic 711111C, tix ic l iiipiay rci «"xctie trto ubic: p111111 e. or xiicagciv ainii coach xil go tiithe xxi lxbeibioiight 11xiii wih h trxaininxg ii i Iitxn xxsii l c loe fths sm ster, iaid, it thc irst timie.i Telidics xiii not b tic openingof netiyrtheifccilbsxiii loititd ifrCCtix the las'-cliii loes iiihave a xsistanitxi xxwirkixg-xsis up- this seasn.xo xriiiitox beginiopcrioxnsixania neticoutdicbacixtsoniilthetnnis mxost 511ucxxsfxui xcaxxxiiia111.11 i- lcourts axrc toi bcreChilleciixxxiisoixe t xicitd newPs 0onesbuilt. ' tes xxiil alxo bc University Mnsi_ l pxxi itoiixon heiiieCmciigi19courtcs. VOF YOUR*x- OUR llSoamiTy 31G7 Mailed to You - 1 NEWo Through Your o APTE1R Upon 1'IiIUI APPLICATION, LI i ItIIf11111W, k( 10w "ll itctll xci of lixicil liri tDETROIT. - - MICH. R.HK.FYFE &&G giohmond Straight Quit. _ Nxo. 1 CIGARETTES. Cigareitte Sinoxkers liix I Tx a e illigitoi'l Slrailix citlxi I i' cli mre han liithe lirihi- ae'~ogsaiIlrsdiTheSir hmondiSraightii andx wxas broughit out liy usis the year 1871. Bleware or imxiatios, anollserve thathie firis nae asxxbxloiiivas every paickage. The Al, LE N & G INTER Blranchx Ofi the AmeiricaniTobiccox Co., Nhaexilacturcxs - iRichmnd. irgiia. 'I'librarlxxxicsasexcxcn ltiichave - a----Tiic lnix-ccity MinoxtirclsxmaIkc bot nuimbiericoxxivolumesxcx77,70o9 asi1 U."of F, 6, Frinceton 0. their first aar~ianxcethis ssoxxiiiat 171xiiit 74t, I as er rd th piaxniti, Fidiyxix ve inlx, Ma i"x ; ' xlPtycennsi ic ~xxxyvania tiaxvingalrexadiv de- 'hetperformxanicepironmiscestotic 71xecilel iitrarycito have gained 2,530fatdo tacrdi1t xlclxx1de boun voilumies ia xnd i a pcriocdicals.* feaeIiiciixi to aniec le ha1s added1icibettfer in cverty xi'thau that"gien Prneo 'c 1o110ealstringxfoxxnicxii uxii list sxigiii 91111' iiithe oici iti xih In thec xanecWedesdicxaxy hutoix itii pxiolog c rceives iorxeextended x slii~tofcontiribuxtediso mnructo thicxiiicss menxixtio hix xx ter before, as x itsi oyearr xoig i.II Iiixo lcdu lxlci1 x ix (,resedsizeandeffetivnesic bu- Ploxetnxithi thc prcseit cominatix iion. Itic li xac e id tiri'lf xi irinicctonx. Ixiyiie strckiiisiouh ofxtici iisbOxi)l I icuipoiaiilD regcc o ix. Score as abiove. xmusic, ucI o b ihsasbonfur- imi arangmen, wth he ocxses 99 Harvard DownsDartmouth. Detrcolt opeaihouse chsta is ali xoic ctamt opst acti 'I tin'hlt andtilcixi Tie sionxsx are ixh oalnme f hs cools ciednescdxy, H-acxrxidsathda aticulaxrly taking, expeciaxlly the is ioo i , iwhilie last year axxthtl ie IviicliiiyxfriioxIDartmxoxuthiand its p1010tend ss. Itie sticcialttics ixrc xii hic caxlcndar wiaxsxie, thume11xcifcssioiiai battery. 'Thexcganie clcarly xciewiocanimyinovetiscxxxilbc iii- wainlic dmnistratect that Harxvxrdiihasxciitrcdinxxxthis ipart of thec program.u 110 the register of stuidents lxn the boily xvho cxiiihold tH7ighlini. U p-1 ticcostcuics are.111iew aixdtImucht terar aix eipartmienti,the specil toin twa afailure. fO'Connioriniicaxre xvilbCe"ivtn to tixc ita"yin"at stuideiitx are put unxder the stxi the box for Dartmuxith,idfi great the eniertainmntx. 'Thie Clieqount- I J.A. POLHEMUS, hiexd ithtl candiudates for a fcgcc,,iwork, strikixig oct thirteeni menx. 7101 orchestra lxxi becex engaged for - ixic creiit is givetn lihoiurs instadtScore, 4lio 3. J the occasion. Altbough Samio Park IALSO 'BICS HACK AND 13Ah, I INE if' "full courses'' xndxlfractioxns thetre- - ----4 xixilandTed Smithwilt be miissed., tmuxhdiINorth MainSee . xxf, as formerlcyatiAvrg. newv taiilntxwiiibe aseix for the first Ixn C'eoxpiatra'' the (xrand l (iri 'The totalixunmber of studleints givn h auigxxergso u a-time aa borxnt tock entertainers. 'iTheIlusxlhaihltrhtiiiiifilil as 2,692, nmost be increased by 2, as 'esfrtl csenti r slt dancing andtl ioral iiunmbers on thue fair to croiwdi its lhnidsomhe auixdtorumh to ieee studnts entretd after the loiva: progranm are iech Cared foc, ant i Mr. every timue it is plalyed diiing the cxalendar was in press.Spreb........6' Phil Iloxwer wiii be seen in a numlber week. Spuney 2b.... .......46;ut wxiiithe iitihal performncue ilast Aboot zoo copies of thiecalendar Siteidscl.Cf..............33? of his clever apecialtiea. Die min- evening, uaid the ixouse wnaa packed. ivere received tbia week for the use Snueltzer, c ............ ....310 strels will appear at the Aim Arbor Many of thxe best people in the city of the faculty, biut it is uncertain CafrC . .5 opera house, Friday evenihg, NMay aglle ytli rsnethi io- whienx the teat will be at hand. The leors b........27 2th. One night only. ledge of ifs success ill oth~er cities. bops t xvetheo fr ib .................57 It is a dramsatizations byMiss Marie eceayPepple, The.wo.dubtul.cntets1i7th Prescott of It. Ider Haggasrd's story xlrbto oi oenetiek oisn..............1660j of "Cleopatra," and is a condensation It as epotedlat eenog tatSpizer...................15 program of the '94-'95 class field, of that story witilmny of tile interest- It was rpoSeymour...venig.that........'142 day have been decided. They will log details of thse romance necessarily Seymur ....... ........r aomitted. But tihis hass not detracted Prtof. Trueblood had suffered a re- 4 consist of the middle-weight wrest- from it, and those wiso Diss tile op. lapse and is critically ill at Ypsilan. Dr. Novy has been tinder the ling-bout, and the hammer-throw roinnity to see this reprsentation of the-rte eey if - t v Ii regret the ti. He is somewhat better today, weather for the past week, respectively. omission.-'-Bostoa Daily Globe.