THE U.,. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. N, ~orWareoX I A s (ACor(ert of2laint 11n(1Liberty- Streets. I 'trill "Opten the 13,tl1" by placing a ine stock of (Guitars, Banotjs, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find Mvs~'s ~ c oSwoT,, 25 Sooth Fourth Av'enue, City. YOUR GIRL Albany Law Sc1hool ESTAttLISHEtDIt1851. Woul appec11211ite 1 ox of1155ths COt tiSil, oneyathe t lttec futltermos requtiredl. 'erttco begtn, Septetttiber, F ine ChocolateS ENTRANCE AT ANY -TERM. ____ll1 Corps of Instrotoro ani onue1o, Degree of LL.. B. Contferred. C c[kiw's Phatrmaccy Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. AddressetoDean oorSeretary, --ANDt) $sPring Ov~ercoats, ELEGANT }SYLISIL Nobi e,ยง GO TO_----_ _ --For HIGH CLASS TAILORING. Ile has ther I EADINi SPR~~tINGAN 1)SUMMER;{tiGOOS in totttingTto, ttq a- Sitk Vctings inthettccity. 1DulltDress Suitittgs a Speocialty. Pleasc coil tondo-to it No. 2 East Washington St., nleat Maitt. lbS tJ ATH-LETIC + ,GOODS, ALBANY, N. Y. CIGARS BY THE BO) P itsbttthtlt o tes 2(100tttlb-ox lrteett Seal. "Ianttct"-, 44 Main Street, South. I lIPE lvilTI1'1NG. At11ttttrtstof o rk t etItti-y 0 ot uiesty AIte. YOU CAN GET V/l m, (ooO 11wti l-iceo tll it iylt, tti I3IitOWNtS iDRUG STORE. Chemical';z Physical Apparatus c ,X& C.P. and XI ar 0 emca t Mo opcal oppies IBEI BACIL & SONT. t H R~sIBA~TI ITEOIO tttt't, tt stt te Onhit tt , F tt O ttiRS t~te tot tttietotti..Cou rll t uysee frtitnds takochairo intteOcciental oetl 71 Fort St., West, - Detroit. iMich. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS -AT- F. a0.NTS "3STA1NTD Ne9wspapers, Magazines, Periiodicats, 0F# n Clonifectios. Cigarsad Tblaccos. CAMPUS, Co. F. otto ccit ttela aseftn tteet itis oclasses. Cornell wettitidottn befotre li Slitotttty~estertday, 5-9. title Jefelirooniao Socieiy thts a ttetmtbtrshtit of osovett-nitte. IDr. Obletz has recotered ltio itealth stifciettly to restttetlcitures. STe Gle Clttb ttet twithacrowdced httttte at thteir cottecrtinittMuskegon. Proft. 1 etotl'till not onmceethit claosses for thte remtaindler of ithe week. Theltetaltsi ltlay teItsi Us Satturlay mtoring at tite fair grotts. Jas. Edtdty, '9 lit, is tttabie to ati itttd classes ott accottnt of sickneso. trot. /.itet wtill examinte It: classes ittCtsoic Setctiotts next Tntes- day. ''Te tet expences of thse teanm or thoe 'testern trip wvere something over $-o. ttrof. Bolfe will glve lis Latin class in Smitho's Selections ans exam- ination next Friday. B. E. Page, lit '9tz, instructor is the Clhicago Higih Schools, is at thse Univessity for the week. Andy Brown, formerly '9-3 lit, in-. structor in thse Manual. Training; School, of Chicago, is in town for a few days. K. t it.-- - BILLIARD PALLOR 00 i-1 Box. tilcgPtttt it refutedtt urt ngr t he pst r s-- MC Ntootttttttttttteri o nnettt 58-O BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, ;_0.1 IIE t1AN2ltli 0( < - - - 1.:>)-ETHE AFOCUS-- DEAN & COMPANY. I ALO IUES.t~ lThe ot.0ote- tar sethwiltbe (itzedelFIRST NATIONAL LANK tn11( it y I Iatb , atnd Irtot icetoo t ,OtANN Aftttttit. test Satutotay ttorttintg, ott 8: 30. ttttt tl, itttttt0. StrttuttoatoOProtfit-s, $S,0 The t(lte of thte Poston Symphtony tcit ncsc otbitu e ttterscrdit ott tre Strietrafrtaeesararchet r ottcert ai t to teslt C.If. It tCtt t(N00 lots. IP. BtHt, V. Pr-.. IHlll is Tutestday otvotittg, lbs totht S. W. Ci. tii to ,ttsittir. Atkt atectittg ofthtle jtttotrI ota clasosyestertdayotfterttoott, S. ."GSN Blrotwntt0100electetd capt tnoftt te class bail teamt. fIffl hl TA1CTt At thte Etgitteerittg Socit, ?I t UIU LI1,\ IH VII Clay evetning, 'Mr. J. \N. IIlttchli olil ~ .IIIUii tldiscttss"Tlhe:Littit of Speetd ttlowt5opentfot tecepttiots ittPttils. Railwaty Travel."______________W___MW____1m_ Ihe atntotttcetmetiTuIesd~ay's-- I)> tt t of te S. I.. eltitots I ltc "Dutng Ple's1505Soctety 01 s outldlhave beett dateid flay 7tt, thitItrot lBapist chuorch wt11 gtve -instead of 'May t17tl. Tag Social" itotihe parlors of ite s rildent Atngell will cottductt the chorcht Iritlay evettitng, Aptril 29th.l ntortsing tmeeting of te S. C. A)(Atdnission to cets. A good pto- ncot Sutndayt, utider te autspics of gratis'will be rendleretd atnd cake attti -the M~ission hand. tce creatm servetd. All are cordialli s Mr. Mlax Winkleros lectitre before itvitedl. - toe bible class at thse UnitarianTthf~e three retmaining lectures of churhinext Sunday will be "Eras-thse cottrse ott "Thse Great Religionto 1 7 1 Z ,. t C tttus ite Typical Humanist." of thse World," at thte Untiariatt Professors Mc~auhinsatod Rolfe chturchs 'will he given ontshle thtree withs the base-ball commnittee viewved comntg Sutnday evenings. Subject thte athletic groiuds yesterday pre next Sunday evtening, "Thte Relig- paratory to the coming ganses. ton of Rome. Thsere is a msovemnst on foot to The Clio Club will give a Poe secure M'rs. Annie Jenness Miller program on Friday evenitng, its.roott for a lecture for the benefit of thse-I, Newherry Hall. Essay, "Life Wonsen's Gym. at an early date. of Poe," Mr. Benton; recitation, P'rof. Adams delivered yesterday Miss Ladd; oration, "Influences of thefirt o a eris. f lctues.onPoe'sbLife and Works," Mr. Wanless; thefirt o aseres f ectresonreading, Mliss Randall; "Interpre- Free Trade -and - Protection, before -tation of the Raven,' Mr. Brown; the class in Unset tied Problems. critic, Miss Tanner.