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October 15, 1891 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1891-10-15

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-~ _ _ ___.. TI-E.UJ. O-F MvtDAILY.
' ( f lhsx i~ from the U. o MAs from "Ann
{AbrUniversity,"; and not long
Pubised aiy olee Ns xcete) drigubhdo the Yale 'News said, "A .nn Ar-
the College Near, bctyst it
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATIONi almost 2,600 students. " Although have received for tne opening of college 20,000 Books, new and second
__}__ we have but little hope of checking, hand of all kinds, Greek, Latin, French, German, Law and Medical Books,
Subscription priee $2.50 per year, invariablyI this misnomerenily we shall which they will sell at Greatly Reduced Prices.
in advanee single 'epies 3 cete. On tale atenily Mathematical Instruments and Lasboratory supplies. See our Note Books.
Senaun santd PosytOmfie newt gland at 12 make an attempt to partially head it for 189t-2.
s'cleck, soon. Subscriptions may be left at off. 'Tu our exchanges wee would eofc fteDIY pr os lca
Sheehan's, at Stofflet's, er with ay of the say: "Please do not, in pubtishsing _./ "
editors. notes ahoiit the University of Mich- -______
Ceommunieatiens sheuld reach the ettice by
7o'clock P.M.it they are te appear the neat igan, refer to it as Ann Arhor Uni- - .-
lay. Address all matter intended fee publies- versity.' '' If students have occa-:-
iotnntt ans shouldib ttor. thelbunss stun
lieun10teoMn shgudiettortAllbsiess . to iention the name of Univer- {
nss Manager.siyintsicorsndceth
THE U. of X. DAILY, shld iv te ittorrespoerchy Is the LEAINiG SCHOOL of HUSINES.
Ann Arsor, ich S, ~ dgv t h rprname. _- """' Four departments-Cemmerctal, No text-book
ormnsoorpt work- &ngltsh. Shorthand and
-i Whetn we speak hereafter of our - t- penmanship. Elegant buiding, large at-
EDITORS. tendsnce fficient tnstructots, week thor-
St~n5oc S.EssigFio. Alma datcr, we will very much pre- - ough, ltvtng expenses extremelytlow, $22510o
0. W. CiceISS, 'El, Assist. Matnaging Editor. fer to have the pride of our college ~ ~prwes~dnsasos For catloguwe, addresF. to. CLEARY, Fresident.
0.0L. CeArstaN, '52, Assist. Managisg Editor. days catted "Old Michigan" than
J.. FRsVe, '9, A tusineagr.lots er. AborUniversity." ThMreHIG T EN '
J. C.TPARKER,'93AsiHu uiness Manager. "AnAhrs hr
CW.IifataS, '04. Assist. HusinesItan'gr. is anotiher large college in the coun- r "The Mfagara Falla Route."
H. D5. JEwnss..P. 0. 5.H.t.LsEsp5W5,'92tywi ihsbenmsamdi Jhi A SS TWFli IVI
F. D. GRnENs, '2. F . oC.S'2 r hc a enmsae nti F. .NTC,9. J . AMEM, .-.TIME TAHLE (HEYISED5) JUNE. 28, toss.
F.. B Jygestes.'E. !. to. AsEL 51 . mane. Princeton olg a
0.~~~~~J H.Mget 'STAFFFOcRD R'14 sanse. n oleeha ~ ~CENTRAL STANDARD TIME.
________________ -been "nick-nsamed,"so to speak, ul.7EATAI.
f___________________ roms the towvn in wvhich it is located, ,~te. TheLedrNt
nTTOSMi ay ShrelNMT Ni'tl All. Kat
Wto would like to cotnmend these whiile its reality its correct name is in Fashiio1s ill Cap Lim Exp bx. toxp Ace.
earnest words from thse editorial "College of NewvJre. Not oneMla Ti- .1a..r.1.r.rnr.un
Ch~fi ~ieaoL.25' 0 1423 3 1684 4 50 654810
those students among us who are in- tise practice of caln h .o . oriu ng. titin e lea....3 195.. .... 1054571'5; 2
dined to feel disheartened over our Ann Arhor University is not checked, line of Piece ANN ARBOR..4 421515602219s4.5 60 l745110 ig
foot-hall prospects. The feeling at our state institution, in a few years, ta God od *0slc ' synchtuni 517.5.... 556.. .i 4w008.510325
one time was very general that there wiii not hegeral known as a %j1 UA 'V[OR1I' 1
wa omaterial in the Universitystate university .at all, fromt. Call for Dlsot . i. A.45 720 P.0,3,731 1 PM
was nofinc Buffalo....O8t! 4 00 531 t60°i
when as a fact there never was bet- a fine, tilting- ___________
ter. The following from the Crim- Opening social of Unity Club s~' ut. ci. N'th -
sun hits our case exactly: next Monday evening, at 8 o'clock, SnTATMAINST..Detr19Cophi so. Lim Co. ~h arc. i
"No h fact is that the college in thse parlors of the Unitarian - -I - "
Now the ~~~~church. All are cordially invited to'M.I6o 41402560
is losing faith when there is everyfyANABR IH .Mi tet
g everytn lL.I. 21.M.liS 5211 74 515 915.445

reason why it should feel encour-
aged. If men would stop for a mo-
ment to think they would realize-the
actual stale of affairs in foot-ball.
There has been no real effort to play
the game yet or to develop a team.
The captain has been trying his nma-
terial, testing each man thoroughly,
and sifting out all such as promise
to develop into 'varsity material.
Once this process is completed the
real work of building up a team can
begin. In the meantime the men
are acquiring a great deal of knowl-
edge about the game, and when the
real wvork begins they will be found
to be much farther along than any-
one bad expected. What the col-
lege needs is considerable more
practice and faith. Trust the men
who are doing their best to build up
a strong eleven and encourage them
by your presence at practice, and
the expression of your confidence in
Wo have noticed in a number of
our exchanges, in eastern newspa-
pers, and even in Detroit papers, a
tendency to denominate the Univer-
sily of Michigan as "Ann Arbor;
University." The Chicago Inter
Ocean almost always heads its notes

come and bring their friends.
R. T. Farrand, '92 medic, the
manager of foot-ball, who injured
his knee in a small rush in the med-
ical building, attended classes yes.
terday, for the first time since the
Itoicess inseted in this eolumn at the rate
of t0 ceeats per line. Speeial rates for longer
time, ad extra lineso furnished by applinig at
the DAtLY sffiee.1
Buy your Sweaters at Mack &!
Schmd's, $3.50 and $4.25, one dollar
under price.
COOKcING SCHOOL.-A course in cook-
ing, consisting of eight lessons, will be
given in Harris Hall from Nov. 2 to 1t,
by Miss Emma Irving, price $3 for the
course, 50 ceiits for sinsgle lesson. Time,
3:30 to 5:00 p. mn.
Night Shirts, the nsobbiest line osit.
We have a full assortmnent.
A few new atid second-hand Bicycles
at greatly reduced prices at Brown's
Drug Store.
Back numbers of the U. of M. DAILY
can be obtained at Stoffiet's News
Stand, Opera House Block.
" Michigan" and "Ann Arbor" sou-
venir spoons at Watts', 10 S. Main
UNDExRWtoAe.-The most complete
line in town at Mack & Schmid's.
Have You placed your suhscription
for Detroit or ChicagoPaps"? Goto
F. Stoffiet, Opera Heuse Block, where
you get prompt and careful attention.
Sruc UTi mtAS. --Wfe eatSsave
you money on them,,. llhra, the latest
style out' fourpy165 cents two for 25
centa, at ifack & 4thld'a Main-st.

flWaraeJue 90...... i 5 . SM 1
Y5iat... 2810 2 05 8047 0
055 2i2 "i 1015,53
Deihi Milm.. 9 43 ... 9 15 ...
Dexter....95 .... i . ... 6(7
~fChewsea. o.1.. 9t........ 618
Jackson... 150 9 2lb314 t Is is ss61 S 6 b
LEAVE YOUR ORDER~S Lhieago, An. 755 35f, 960 6501460 85 115
-A - Daili. *Sunday excepted.
0. ETS S~ ND1-GP.&.AC ~ ag EW RCeGLES, H. W. HAYES,
l.P .A eg. Ag't Ann Arbor
Newspapers, Magazines. Periodicals. Fine Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Confections, Cigars ad Tobaceo.
Michigan Railway.
Time Table going itserect September is, l891.
Arrival 01 trtins at Ann Astor.
PnoTOR EXRAPI No. 2. Through Mail and Eapress... 7140 a. m.
too.4. Ann Arbor &Toledo Aecom..5 50 a. m.
Studen wante as agnt fo oNo 5. Clare and Toledo Accom.. 11-30 a. m.
Stdntwntdasaen ororNo. a. Through Mail ,......9 20p. m.
house; jun~ior preferred. Address L. No. 5.t-Ann Arbor & Toledo Accom.. 7 Moa.m.
Dreka, Stationary Engraving House, Tsaiao 4 ad a ronbetween Ann Arbor ad
1121 Chiestnsut street, Philadelphia. Toledaoaly.
Central Standard Time.
A look through our line will convince All Trains Daiy except Sunday.
you that we are the house to purchase W. H.BEENETT, to. S. otGEENWOOD,
your Clothing, Furnishing Goods and Gn as gn. LclAet
Ra.ta. ..c V'..ll and..] Sherm. Uho P os gn. LclAst

Two Sams.
Ask last year's students where, they
trade. All will say, at the Two Sams.
.We have the novelties for you. The
Two Sams.
We call students' attention to the
liberal offer of Mr. Stofflet, at the
Opera House News Depot. All sub-
scribers and customers of his hav'e the
free use of other papers, of Which he
handles a great variety.
Hot and cold bathis 10 cents, atPost
Ofle Barber Shoep.

qR'1 ' "

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