THE U7. OF M. DA ILY. MTE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. i-scw 2Icc ii- (ci c ii olo fAl ilan iiilbel-iv Sii cot.. I NNi iiOpen the h al",by placiiig a ine istack oci mies. llaiijcs. ete. p il". PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU.$1rfj$Ut l- 'incl ' =. Ls ' vSt7~c WoI, 25 Sothiii lh iAvenue, Cite. AM- -1 )-- sIYLISHI YOUR GIRL Fine ehocolafeS ealkins Pharmcy AlayLaw School ESABISing1.> 01.[-SEd cue year.iTiee fulliterins Ov r o t iriqiireii. I ei iie in gi.Seplteiiibei(.XzI 0d JIa i aii lareci. ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. GO T , T- "1 Nob] e5 liiL C> CTi T r7 T T '. Degree of L. B. Conferend. Fill Teim ci 1892 Begins Sept. 13. ( 11 asC 1}eior Screicart Fer HIGH CLASS TAILORIN(i c. it IXith cly 11 44ic- UM II I i ODi n It iil. I' 1 e. ii &IGURS OlGA SBY TE BOX. z''_CIri -ii 1' I 72T011aI 1Ee)cfecii1 ), x ii tI l t : ? rixial o i a - ,-T zucxezz zsu zxzIZa rxd Pr 9.i ' 1117 ell i-. 111 Nciiliirxy IIall lhas beeni The {ratoca~l -.ssoi 17 t) cicIr- , i, d ri j(ii i.iii i ii n ht-. , ),A C lii elytt w v~ pricen t of thi.Oraoiicii dlaxigixter DciirnxSiincas ii irinixixcI .lion ii ci iiciciiixateii fur j udg'e ci ti rooi 24. h-ate i.. I app, iciuc~ely it--ili 9, is ieci-ii l in the iiic liwluee Noc- iiial schoiiil. ihe animal elci-i i ofii iile S A.- siill taleiilaiie iiienewek frixii Saturday , iay i7. vIiu. aind Mr1ccPelmuicgicii «',- recid~e a feiw iiiles iwesi of itie cit. xiiiiated the fiiinis. Rich, last y earns fent baseimain 0n the 'Varsity teari, in spending a feiv days at the Uiviersitx-. Dr. Sterling, of lDetroit, coinoucts a Bible readinxg earlsexeniiig Ibis wveek at Newberry Fll. Commencing tomorrow, the junior laws will be quizzed on tse first six lectures in Equity Pleading. The IT. of M. Minstrels xwiii ap- pear at Ypsilanti, May a17th. The Ann Arbor date is May 20th. Junior laws commence work in Bills and Notes tomorrow. This is the last text-book work for this year. Oriiiiii(. J w ic-isias xce siiireiie lug a fracturce ci the iiiiSe, ii iatiuiu; thle ofitces oif a siirgeonii I cciiri, hiy-the Inidiaxia Demoucaticu Tliecontdesctifor oratiiiCofitue cci Stite Cocceixtioc, last Marcel, isui iiclaiw-claSsis aseeedby aliot graxduate of the IL- uisecsitx -, 5 iuciuibecs. Flue jiiiges, Profs. 'Die"Nociti Western ,"- ifi Apiril. ncsviici, ConleyuaiiiiT'osonsi, 22de, countainued a spleiiidid cuit aii ch iose as the 'best orauxtioniis lucue ibiogcaphxyofxi. I:. Rouberis, the suc- xwritteni by the followuing stuidects: cessfuiiioraictofthe11. of _IM It T' S. Mcle~ure, AW. I.-Macnc, J. H.1 ilsol contuainled biograpicetioncii 'hitly, A1.. Websier, - A. Chiichi, of the altecrnate delegate N. J. 'ito C. 'it l.eioii,R. C. Wirtz. Giie. At tse second ainnual nessioin oI At the last imietinig of the hey- the School' of Applied Ethics ci stone Clix Court, the fiillowing Pliyiuith, Mass., July 6th to officers wvere elected : thief Jus- August i7th, Prof. It. C. Adanis tice, J. A. Bolard; Associate justicexiii deliver two courses of leciures: B. F. Scanloin; Shxeriff, Chas. Oliver; Changes in Theory of Political Clerk, H. W. Long; Pros. Att'yIV. Economy since Mill," and i"Critical G. Wilson. Study of tse Labor Problem aind D. L. Butler, '94 dent, while Mionoply Problem." covering home plate in a scrub game The Princetonianisnow comes to on the campus, Friday, met with a us as a daily. Founded in '76 as a painful accident. He was struck in hi-weekly, it became seven years the face by a base runner, sustain- latera weekly, then again a hi-weekly in '86.