THE U. OF M. DAILY. "iis hardly necessary to state that W gh & D tp n ~ ~~~tere is not the least truth in this. rg t & D fo i Conway is coaching the UniversityFO Published niy (Sndays exeetted) during of Mtichigan nine and is travelling SaliisRcesadaCr weCsllee eser, by audn'RcktadaCo THEU. F M IDEPNDET SSOIATONwith it on its Western trip. The TH U F . NEPNEN ASCITONI riceis a high triute to Captain s = = H zS _- Subscription price $ti50 pee yenr, invriaby RIinsnsablt as a pitcher. Hle WoeaeadRti in datnv tange oses3 cnts. Ott sae at has struclk out twenty-six men iiWoeae sdRti Sheean' an ot ofic nes s a it two ganmes, and ut ive hits have_ olorc, atot. Subsriptiona nay be tell at --I theeattire at the DAIL,opea Hoese bluk, at erantmade oftIis delivery.'' Sheehan's, at stofi Ct.s, ar ith any oat cie __ - -. dimers. iwr. rekenridg's Visit. Ctmmunictios should reach the otbice by ,____ "ocloch P. i. it they are is appear the net ay. Address all mnat ter intended tr publis- I-IHon. W. C. 1'. lirckenridge Lian to the Mtaaging Edito. All business1 was here from April i'th to 15th. annctess shulabnsattothrnt During his visit le delivered threeF THE U. of X. DAILY. - addresses, giving ianiy who are in- Ant Arac.b~lh.tercsted its oratory an opportunity EDITORS. to study his style and method. $z 59 per weh, stdents assited topnithn F. E. JANcET, Li.t.3, Maagig Editor. He spoke first at the baniquet ofFae GntG DenaBact, Lit. 5,Asitn. thelDenmocratic Clu, where lexvimaeisrosmtk. Te J.0 it Tnt t, Assistant. wl aeasrosmsae h E. J. O'rTW.A, i. .4. Asitant. touched on the political issues of the closing scees of the third act le- J. c. Titns, Lit. 'letBhusinesitMaiage r. a.o h 4hh iie h a A.w.tcceEii.'tAioat. nyOtte54hhviiethIav tween Cleopatra anti Harmarhim A. W. JI Freettis, Lw99ite tOAsisant. lecture room, and eing introduced reches a damatic heigh ha a hy.rfCs not ecentverstepped at aiy thea .. i. AuNsIta, Medic S. to the inior class ta iePtrrsafcegieChinthsnit 0. 5 tctaant~i. '-1,pin, spoke of hi l epiences c.w xv. TsenoLit. '94, erythis xwinte-astatement tiica is S. H. Eras, Lute J. its the practice of law. He gave made withi no. forgetfutess of the WI . A nila s , Lit. ii. some racial suggestiots. recent Bernardt seasot. That tere C, A. DENNISiON, Lit. -isv Ott the evening of the sanecay, are may crudities in titl acting ar- LUIAria v, Lit. 'is ringeetett of Hgadssoycno r. h ' le delivered in University H-al, t bene d, buHagg ardsltosryneaerot en. ""taa. ,ausH toas anam last lecture of the S. L. A. course, ednebtis alsaenvro ________________________________the glaring quality wvics iecone I is siject was "'Souttiern Proh- apparent to the body of theatergoers, THE 7i otsc ii-rHE iDAILsYi-siteTHlE1 . lems,''ad. sitout notes from n d sotld, evens in tie eyes of cri- REMINDRO H o .C l: insic to speak, le held te atet- tis, e regarded as sore than atoied St IIt". sII, O . 'nutA for y the superb climax of te third. sriii 1Wu~t littii.tiots of the large audience fr an act. -As Cleolatra Miss Prescot -- ' hour and a half. Seaking front the has achieved ai unquestioned dra A FAKE! caracteristic Southern standpoiit, isatic triumph. The recognition of Conway Declared to Have Pitched lie treated of the negro prolems and geiius was instaitly atd spontane- for the U. of tM. Team. those created by the civil war. He otsly felt throughout te house.-- Newv Fork .advertiser. lDec. 23. lTe (Chicago Daily News of April1 divided ue South ito four districts: 2211 delisveredl itself oh ihis serisa 'use agricultural, the cotton-growing r tional fake :the mining andthue sea-going, treat- GLAIT PELLA.IOISE "'It is said tat the younsg mn ini lg of the prolenms ateiding each. ANN ABtORi. ONE NIGHT ONLY. whio has beetspitching sinch remark- ' He closed the lecture wxiti a plea able sutccessful hal thitl season for tel the iortih to aidi inth ie soiutions Friday, April 29, 192. theMiga UiesttemudroSotenpbls.henanme of Robison is none otiher 1~ than .Pete' Conwcay, te once famsous The Jeffersonan Banuet- MARIE1n . PRESCOTT, pice fthe Detroit league tram. Robinisotn, as le is ktnosvn, tents Atitong the successes of tie year tonsi magicet production atfiH, Ride East last year as catige pitcher, can e justly counted the appropi }lagad's great play sheneiCodd wsas te regular oan in ate ceeatois of Jefferson's birth- te box, andI it seemis stratnge thatiis day. 'Te 400 wvho lhal te good 'L identity was not discovered if lie is fortune to atetd the aneuet car- te captain of te team atd, it is tied away many newv thoughts and j PA 1' A said, has recovered is old-tmeI inspirations in the trie principles of MgiietCsue speed and 'raised' bal. At te sni- ;Deimocracy.i sersity lie is enrolled unsng te law ' The goodosusic, delicious viands, I Superb New and students antI really meniis to ecomse sit attorney. Conway will e renmenm- flowers, withs eoquent speeches front bered as one of tenmost successful I-o.W .Eig, CongressmanElbrtScny pitcihers inthie country until his arm Brecknridge, and Governor Win JOHN WHITELY, MANAEiR, gaee out. After tiat lesent to ans, were worty triutes to te 'Kansas City for a whiile andsin licefoneoftegatpry--- then hs droppesi out of pubhicfoneofsegctpry notice. I-li as a hanidseome young Nulsil praise is tde 1res. S. W. Prices, 50, 75 and $100. fellowv and a goodi dresser, while in Curiss ande te cottmnittee fr te ______________________ she profession. Tue college leagus sucess of the enjoyahe and instruc J. H A4 L L E R , ave very stringett rules against pro- tier evening. TUATrE , fessionals and, if the rumor concern- -- -- - -epirig a specialty. d4 STAINSaTs. ing Robinson's idenitiy sould prose -Friday Evening, April 29. iorrect, lie ould hardly he allowed , so play in college ganes.'' Peoiple who isiss te three remiia 1iauger~~phSton-, i repons lg oportunities afforded this xveek Mange~aphStne i rsptis ste UniloisSquare TheaterofP TO H HE to a query from the -correspondent seeing Marie Prescot itsI. Rider uf he D~eroit Trihsne, said " °Is Haggard's versioti of "Cleopatra' NO. 12 w. HURON ST. is Tennif; Rackets X892_ aphete Lisie of Spurting Goods. Agents for Miehigass. Is the LEADINiG SCHOOL atflBtSINESS. 'oar departments-Ctommercial, No test-bosh or manuscript worh-Engish, Shorthand and Penmanship. Elegant building, large as- terdane, erfictent instructors, twark thor- ough, living espeanses extremely lowe,$2.25 to stategue, addresm P. R. CLEARY, President. FULL LINE -Otp Spring Suitings, Pantaloons, ~j And Fny Vestings I FiROMs E OaLA.N0ANDO TiLA5ND JAS iM.STAFFORP No. I19 Soutth Main Street. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. Time- Card in affect Janotary 24,1is2. Attiviat trains at Ann Arbtor only. No. 1. Mail and Expresso-......7 2. am No. 3. Passgr, Ann Arbor Aceom.! 01100Vta No. 5. Mail Passenger- --.........4 5p. a No. 2. MailiPassenger... ti......1i8a. ttn No. 4.CMii Express........... 840 p. tt. No. 6i. Passenger, Toledo Accom ... 700n. Im. Trais 3and 6erunbteen Ann Arborattd Txledo only. Central Standard Time. All Trains Daily escetit Sunday. W. H. nENNETYI, R. S. GREENWOO, Gen. Pass. Agent. Local Agent J. D. STIMSONT &SONTS, State Street Grocers. Students patronage especially solicited. 1 54.5. STATE:STREET. 1 l