IJ t. of . Wlip. VOL. II.-No. 14. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1891. PRICE, THREE CENTS. Foot-Ball Notes. ent states. The bureau of educa weather. The grounds were not OF YOUR - The Princeton team is stronger tion is to have some sort of a display soft, nor during the regular hours O A GE now than the Princeton team was in the government building; but the was there any rain. There were no OUR mTn a year ago to-day. While not com- iational bureau of education has puddles on the field, there is veryE posed of many stars it is playing a nothing whatever to do directly with little grass to be damp, and it did Mailed to You capital team game. The interfer- education. It is a mere bureau of not even threaten rain. So it is very NEW ence is excellent. King's dodging statistics, having no influence in difficult to conceive a reason why ( HAPTPE is the talk of the college. Poe plays shaping results of any kind or de- the full number of candidates were C HAPT well and to a month ought to be one -scription. rot upon the field ready for practice.IUpon of the dodging backs in the country. The need of a building in which No one can reasonably say that our PRICE APPLICATION. The ends will be much stronger than the methods of education now being eleven needs no practice. A game they were last year. Vincent, the in the United States can be placed is to be played on Saturday, and the tiorfu othser end is a bit young and inex- side., by side for purposes of conm- fesv days left before thsen should be I1ilIAl&IL perienced, but promises to be a very parison is readily apparent. Mich- utilized for team work. The cap- LIST Manifacturers at Finest Pin strong man in the position. He has igan is especially interested in this tain cannot do anything, if the men and Jewelled Society iadges. the inimitable foot-ball build of Gill matter, because in 1876 it was offic- do not come out. One day last DETROIT, - - MICH. and Stagg. Wheeler, one of the ially decided at Philadelphia that week, when it threatened rain in the guards, is also somewhat inexperi- this state had the most complete sys- morning, Captain McClung, of Yale, BEST enced, but he, too, is a hard worker, ten of public education in the west- posted a notice that there would be and one of great promise. By ern world. We believe that we still foot-ball practice in the afternoon, Thanksgiving day the Orange and stand at the head, and we are anx "rain or shine.' It did rain in the Black should be far better repre- ious to have the matter of our lead- afternoon, but two elevens lined up :ented than it was in 'go. ship again put to the test. In any on the Yale athletic field and played Rutgers showed up in her game event, it is conceded that the success out full time, while it was pouring. E against Princeton on the 3d better of a republican form of government That is the way winning teams areWhenyouwanttheLatestMetropolitan Styles than her most sanguine supporterse Pb edeS is Shoes at Ste to si a pair iess than Ann Arbor anticipated. Before the game the certainly a great oversight to omit last year upon a soft turf and during prices, send for Catalogue to Princeton men looked for a victory ample provision for an educational a drizzling rain. There is as much of twenty points at least. The New display.-Detroit Tribune. probability of our eleven having toR. H. FYFE & G., Brunswick men put in three substi- -- -- do the same thing this year, and it DETROIT, MICI. lutes, taking the places of three of The Game on Saturday. is something to have practiced upon the stars of the team. The Rutgers The game between Albion and such a day. men underrated theirplaying as com- U. of AT. at the fair grounds Satur- ILe ut pared with Princeton, and thought day afternoon will be an interesting Fail Tennis Tournament. 20i SOUTr STATE t., ANN ARBOR. that, at least, thirty points would be game from several standpoints. It scored agains; them. The result of will be a test of strength of the Uni- The annual fall tournament of Neckwear, the game 12-n, was the occasion of versity eleven as compared with the Athletic Association will be held . constant cheering by the New Bruns- games played during the last three upon the courts on the campus, on Dress Shirts, Gloves, wick contingent. Their team played or four years, the previous -scores Wednesday, Oct. 21, and following Underwear, an excellent team game, consisting being 36-o, 32-4 and 76-o. The days. The events will be: e GENTS' FURNISHINGS or Best in effective protection of the run- games have always been played Men's singles, 1st Class.-Open , Quality. ners, tackling of the masses, and much later in the season until this to all members of the association. OG avoiding a scattering field. The year. One more point in consider- 2d Class.-Open to any member I tackling was really suberb, being in- ation is this: Olivet won from of the association who has never English Mackintoshes, variably low and strong. How did Albion by a small score last spring, won a prize in any tournament of Athletic and . Princeton make her point? Simply and the relative strength of the two the association, and who has never. . .. Gymnasium Goods, by superb interference around the elevens is much the same now as at competed in the first class. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ends, Riggs, Warren and Adams that time. Olivet and the Univer- Men's Doubles.-Open to all being the most material helpers in sity eleven will contest Nov. 7th at members of the association. SAVE TIME AND MONEY this line. Rutgers should be proud Jackson for the State championship The contests in the 1st class sin- of her excellent showing, and she and a silver foot-ball. If the Uni- gles and in the doubles will be for By Buying your has excellent reason to believe that versity eleven can make a good the championship of the University. to-day sue can beat any team in the number of points against the visitors Prizes will be offered for each country except Yale, Harvard and and at the same time prevent them event, and an admsssion fee of fifty Princeton.-N. B. Young, in Phila- from scoring, we ought to feel reas- cents will be charged for each man of us while we are here.