THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN~ COMPANY. New Wareroonts, Corner of Alain and Liberty Streets. I Will "Open the Ball" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, Banjoa, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find ?"= ,E m'sM mic STORE, 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. YOUR GIRL AlayLaw 8chool ESTABLISHEDo1s51. Wool11d appreciate a1 1ox of thtose COURSE, one year. Three fol terms required. Terms begin, September, January and(1Marcb. F ine Chocolates ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. A.1T_____lCus f utrotn ndL tu Degree of LL. B. Conferred. e alkin'p Pharmacy Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. Address the Doss or Secretary, sprinlg w$its overcoats, ELEGANT ST YLISII, Nobi e" s luE (clon~i . GO TO-:--- __- Epg. O ~L. JJLJJ -For HIGH CLASS TAILORING. Ilie ha' tic 1EAIl]NG SPR0ING ANDI)SUMMER 01DS ino i icoga, Trattoccinc 1an Silk 5 rtings inothrcity. loll Dlress Soitingo a Specialy. Please call and1 examince. No. 2 East Washington St., nne Main. R RY IT. LY E~i... E, tOg{L t' .dCsp0 ! ATH-LETIC + GOODS. ALABANY, N. Y. 1 CIGARS BY THE BOX. ittsbtrgbStoi,0t 100liii)s Box, ---- l( "IProdigy" ItIx tot long ficle, 10 o - - - 3C( S. ts. I lot At- - 7.-t Baene. .1(1_' ->itS tili es Ji, 0 - - - 1.5 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY., Nice lunec ounter 1in c5onecion. BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, STATE ST1REET, A NNIA11,13011, I -&THE ARGUS,-- FINS JaifTNI~ A'1t ' LO tt1ICE. FIRST NATIONAL BANK (It AN ARBtOtR. Clttll,t),(O0. 5 tt1o ccc< oi tsi, Q:3lo00 si'nechangct cold, letters oft*creit: prcured 0. 0I. 0(IC I tDP. 1' A IV Prs i lfc~fTIS(CAMPUS. III td, o torkit t ot J.B, oLEco'F, I. Ii. llc cc - ccc o -r 01 XN TiAcrcc'c'91' cl cc c Ic )Il/cc Pcccc t, (wlccIL ill Ill lx DR )1UG STOE.yestercday. -- --trot. Adamsnc left fi-r15asli Am n.l=P h1 17 tta.I rtsf a f c l__ Slatrgoe cpart cf Jameso l-tc Icccccl's pricvateIlibcracryv cocto 1c 1.l iiclcCt . ls il eclSc, tic i c lst wekcgl. c- ll itoco I> \ ioc c' ci tieel Ice tcaosill ; . ; L x - . urinacrty 111113sic, x golcax-,fccr tce i)to ctR NGatl - firt ct (cc itll ttwot ek . I I I ',)6 Lllll -, III , v ,.,, .. aC.a c. poa ppnd IjBIERtAC[I & SON. H 1tttt1ITA~TIO5 E A. I Uyler &San OUGIIEPT2{L 2T (ticnd , t ta cta it n teOccidetatl otet the . Iiveo'eoukdinerSuodors. Speotut 71 Fort St., West, _ Detroit, Minch. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS -AT-- P. 0. NEWS STAND Maeppeu lgazines, Periodicals, ine Confections, Cigars and Tobacco. lact ceenitg. Sloss N glib ithillipso, lit '9Pt, is C. N.lSowers,1m1dichA9.1, one of lte newly iected mernubers of itie SUHUUOOL ~I~1~ Hcotte from D ietroit. ciNtys. 'Te lBrown-tigy tasitttn .recently itI ia bt opsened, rest $5-500. Sr -.0. t -t o eri, Nos 01pe11for recepstioni (f Pup~ils. Osbornla hw '9;,tas left fcor iis i bh leto to soic i -.I 111111,cVanl WerOhio.Vatsulay, presidetlcotftthse 95 class. Ptrof. Aiatos Ifiised htis lectu~res Aiex ellscC t ( ~ n Rilrad robemsthi wek. knlown as lte I tokit Cflub tas heett 011 Railo ltro ie t witis hvolk. orgataizedlby- sotte of lte tctttbers nR mte meiglsonil Atril 2,11111ofIlse icuuior laxw clatss. S'Wagner & Co., Sleiehtsnt T'lu- t~~~~~~ll ~ ~ ~ ~ Iloe(leitg tai ~li O ro~f. Cooley lerctres ltltrctf.I A course of let-ctres ots lyp dcccAcdatms' riass itt RairoadciProlblemts( ors, sre offerintg 5(0 stilt patterns5, tislil 15s0110of tile latest at VtillisttI . 1Vcednesday an rdattt yftrof.Schttts terglr1)10,fo-heti rn IlThere twere 0110111 200 presetlat beittgrcailed to c V n t o1 n110(oil si- tt.51(0fr951 a te Jtior social, .Satutrdlay ventitlg. b "il 14 0 to300 fi - ,2.0 a ewitort, lR. I., 15 1ohatea e w llThe Chsamplieohipsesoof theI 112shtit, lltlae riftfirst class. Also college, tolbe knlowntsass Cole's Col- 11010txelive-club ILetgce xthitchs em - 10Iile' fTtueiatl be. braces all of te attotlal Le0agute Mliss Agnles Ma1so01, lit '93,twas a11( fousr of tse asoocittionlities, regulair price of whlichs is from consfintol h10er rootso yesterday by opsened to-day.$90 ilness. Tlte mnaty frietsds o(Ift. t. 7.00 ho ,.O for r. .00 apair. Last eventitag J. AV. Loch, '94 l'itlooths, 'pt, were pleasedl to see bins I They aro also offering sonic do- s-as called lhomie by thse deatis of an on the camlpus, playinsg in htis old Bidoed bargainis ini Heavy Utnder- unscle. positions whichs he so creditably fillerd J. B. Aiddlecoff, graduate lawo, royasgo wear. An inspection of goods returned frons a four sweeks eastern Dr. Geo. Mt. Reese, formserly wilth and prices is inted. trip Saturday. '9a medic, late of Rush Medical j Junsior laws will commuence Bills College, Chicago, and } Dr. Ernest, and Notes imsmediately after tse J. Hicks '89 medic, of Battle Creek. sprisg vacation. visited thse hospial yesterday.