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April 12, 1892 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-04-12

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Our SPiRING and St'IM1ER SI ITINGS ale arriving daily.
See OUIJR Line of Spring Overcoats We claiml to have the best selected line in the mnarket, at the lw"t
Before Buying. po nor bniv a Snit, Single Panlt, or Spring Ov eicoitati
vI on hav e seen oum lline. A large line of 'Trunks ansi Bassalwas o
hand at
ZI T T Z)O .j.Iv/S_ The J. T. Jacobs Company,
T 1E FISuK TEACHERS AGENCIES. A Bull Linteofat'l Collsleges Textt Books, incldig Law adleia ok,'yt1 sws
ld ls ABA1II AVE., CIII(C\ c({). Cheapest place fo te okst and tttFoaatasfltPenstinthe city. l+ 'eshniene'estssin. Cm ln
l~f-1 ldfit ends. ITssot'hsee my entirecstack at tay store ontNO. 6 S. 1M1 s~iST.'

-Nd A,

OP'ItOSI'EE j Has joistreteisad futll line oft all Second Semzester Tlext-Booeks. iI 20
(lOll IT l eateste lettor (-cit itot .etslrench 1ttiblicatimna. Sole S
10'E, gettt for Whititig'slene Sttiotery atnl Ketmifel & Esser , TET
I' CelebrlatedAl Matltemttasl InstrutslI . Sporting G oo. c
BET lanttk 1hooks. OttO Mttagc r. j

11111Y, IstCK 5511 tAGGtGE 1
Ordetsftatreais, parties, 'atti st.
promiptly- attendtoIt.
.Telsphonte (18. 2t N, Aiattttt55t.,op. 'oet ice
ptanetdtotttnet.tfittt attss hsti~t

rp.. wIHE sTEI{N: M iCI . 1iAN (J1OLLE ER AN D/L0 "(ast Oseoa t. A. .('Otkt'' ' ',Its ti.
NOT1E') to, i ts 1''ff.10)11fti '(551 I h; Plepe' s ilett t tts frat tilrtorsc r MILLINERY AND ART GOODS!I Cloth Caskets, Metallic
s th scho tt he ou tsy
Ierits '\'tsttihl(l 1, s'( )''fi lepats' for the d ' eeb and 'ms zit0tes t ttt'tsttttt RIndA D MNSE (EAO LTNS
ait eal rt ee s; er 52' the roost ""a' lI'ltlit"Otq A30G oceiesHttutoanttt - te __ees __
'steits I.ti Sl tl t.N ff..t. tttitl f 'ILL tsistl tl't';fItTS t, sts'.I Speialast st tio; rt
tottetetrttt forssst'ss'taitn tt' tsttt'ncol tt ittt'tist' lst 'tt'ts e'tttt '55 s'Ra L JItN S EYi & S Ei.Xtt AttttO s.
se'ttsestst ' ti,,s31'SI55 tttst ' ''tt t' 1i"' et tt'tt tssss1 tssastsstti t, rrttit t sta ?ifesstst rits'Itat. AY Ol Sndt tdealerssss Iien
A. Y:. VEREVX, Presiden~t. Butilsditg, 20lSousth Staite Stretet.
INTE R-COLLEGIATE. I1 tstsi ~tsttNes es Sltstt tset~ esa t~ I ~ ~' fl OS
has $2001,0a0 Iiisetisil Ors (t eiree i sisoulstnettfail tolas 'tll1 to i I~SJ ~ i
st'l (iehCoge's yoirtig tsalts1Prof.st nvestesi. Itotsstt st Isis Ositlisa (Goilen I .sgis' '
l'ect i s iislst 'iate '11 'lg~ l Tie fltytsof thes'o('s iassLIat'ofsI lw sill at lihe ('sitsHosetoss, Is ARNOLD'S, - 36 Main St.
in t gatlios . S tctool tassablishest atIteici itto -ir 515)et s ts ilt 31see ihis ine:ti' e o It-- i- - ist
]hsahta IIstpis 1_, I us stlls is sh i of 0: tt lie sts'teasrlded r Sat Ilsies.h ~ k
shosrtiy ts> h ae a ItCNV'bilingtit r ist ae xcasssllastseaoittleettiss'ork andI" ~ 'h~tii
) a d t t ii ' ' tat's' oasillates succ ss t lls's' list'.Doei t55te 5.sl Bank Singsltssi s . Itit ',S s is.
ThtCor ellrife h s Icteled t 'eetsisiva c le, 'ovr wod f heIs ft v n i :0 taO its a'sitilt s' s'sortt. ilssast'
'ls'tstisl( ssaItiag ese ati t ileis its lss sat , <g t 73 tt piti foirass It t
i ts les asit st i sslsilai t sa ts ''is a essictie iotshis')"a. 'ai l(st btttestFly shit)i . A fiit lettsmltsal i ti Isisl*ti atti
nStrdySouti tith Iu itt athespraint rcess t'etdispilayav t1coillsge gatmes s al //~'cI,, ,i/s c'r/ I/sisI i ecs Is
'Ilte \\1iltiatis s stisi lsis as dsa t teiigs. itaeNorthwavsestee lio- to-Ii i,,i 5April I trtata0,,o ne lp a Aini r rto1 ~ ll~ Y
wear ca s dreg otvn5 (> ti atNthail. S.I'. Sit rxiPrs n M o Sta ufy
cidids t Itaep'o siiIstts~ s lt'e salesctuio lofa eateseits
Suaitiys siBr i ss heSli;t Ierm. tiv tu vest t Ilistweaindicalls frtie ,,I :r -Impt ane tl i 15155Ia WOR K CALLED 1FORaa]DEIVERED.
Stea'ens i is aea ineas' litsabo 'sigsastio i il tatlitie. ittavatess itatg stlta atttisatI'tslt
as asit; t i o 'lcsisrkttill tsiwt ;SPECIAL ItATES TO STUDENTS,
isay ast lst l ites'IIS 5 lt 's' Iit sitliit ~Offiae, - 23 South Fourth Ave.
accos ot daste 2'0 stls sts asnsi tsoIbsit's the iiitie -Ile -al e seslasissi .).is. I'. Iis asl: -
cti$5g,aaa. idoutiless; watil erti ltliii'ettisee itre qt Kciissit 'ilsissitt Qof0.K. BARI.1~BER S SIIOP
Itreesid it : ]g ii],s(l (tutul ts Its il t Ii ilti . 1'. a . ii a Iinassiast estluc tush. lie eel-si list it
o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I aaea pei ia is stttsAs r eet:dIision ft he clia ourt ss tilsi Issmittsa still steelri tto- iici' asists ee lit ern tc wihah'Il.
tise hetss'aa a alsru~eanass al col- i inasnit 5iainsttPrill. Prtor of cass tnIns ts e ril htc_ 51 7:30 sarpei.
at Ussaril 'it Alisslar tsistBadestt oi-us lttaeissiibess' stmta lie 0isis ><" R. 'i'I~oJAND W KI;;,
logea ttilMc' alls'seritrts maic , is' t al sti als att e l ass tells t itti~resti itI. 5tsalttttotttSt., Anntt srbort, Michigan.i
iinbr ald privilegess'cttferredslsitn tte ailtai- sirntist.is
hr lliuiIllsas fhs til t tioriiitas osthelsaI' icarisity lay J aies--
I~rsisal iislllralocktiaiteg5ntheh-Notce-I)eusioci-atac C(lb Ann Arbor Saving Bank
Iofarrestinsg'laandvil sa a iatiig of lia at Alis tais ( ta SitheISsg
sonanS Inttitute tif iasliat lots a''eewl e a m etn fte AnAbrM .Cptlso ,5,0
inhaitanstisoftCiaibridge, a vebe e ocaislb th eeia! r Stt Iltrt ,(55.
a tacit I eniocatie ('lathntiis evania-at. Orgttaize eri aittte ttetatliatikitgLitws
lsiulicr af ileGoariitilt fatlet confirirnled. 'hle oldalrter cotitars 7:30 intheita lateqizu roost. _11 ltis tstatt>. ttit saDeposithls litoanad
tific Corps, lass acceipteds te h atst itapse 0 ii ' ttt )ltcai ti lt oical sels xcage ltthe ptti ti lcities iii thta
of Adjunitct trofessor of IPhysicss aiout comp1elling thiemito ragfart cr ettcie stchteela siistI dent~iftiont.5Officers:
ColtffItaia College. ( orsilnary processes of thte last., alt mattiers wtill be coinsistercet. W. I.HAtRMtAN, tic Pres.,

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