THE U. OF M. DAILY. of the college at this time was o Timothy lsig;ht, and Professors Daiy isiaay eneptil)dnIl)ay, Silliman, and Kingsley, and ahjhd the Coiteae year, by six tutors, conmposed the faculty. In 5322, the list of studiesd to be THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION, pursued eras first publishedl in the annual catalogue, ant ini this year Sutbseriptionprice man l er year,inarabsly astrane siagie ripien cents. on title at jalso, the -BIerkliani Premiiumniof '50 Sheehanatanan ans 55tfficnnas stand at It, for the lhest exanminatioti in Creek o'clock, noon. Subscriptionsmaytice et att the ofticer at the liAILe, Opera Hanse Stack, at atnilI atiii ,"' sas first offeretd. The S-heehan's, at Stofnlet's, or with anayat the so slinary of' necessary expenses avas edlitoirs.I Commuicationas shioulid reactelhe ofictie iy ills,) comtpi letd for this catalosgue, the s'click ,. as. at they are tii appear the neat; estimte vanyiug froii lose, $140, to lay. Addsresall amatter hntendleitortuebitliea- ion tii the Mannaging Editor. All busineenss igh, $ 1)0 i yealr, the tuition being Wrigjht & Ditpon'3 Tennis Racket3 :FOR 1S92_ Spiauldinig's taeketsantsd a Complete Lie of Shorltig Goods. Whoiilesale andfiDtail Agenlts foraischitgani commuanicatiotsahousili e senat to teBusti- i(,,s. Manacer. THE U. af M. DAILY, Ann Ariar. Hick. EDITORS.' S. 55'. Cratcsc, '92, ManangEitose. j iG. I,. ('s1aseesAN, '9i2, Attist. -tamagnge Cdiliie W.i. -IC. aita, '51, Asst. 'itlatangoEdilor. . . 1.RAVISa , '9i2, Bussicess Slatai% r P. E. ANTassc, 'li3,AssistBusiianessaianger. 5'. 55'. RICKticuo, 9i, Asslst. lliiieii llazisge. W, 1. lassesI, '93. .1. IR. Att Easat 4. F'. J1. MiCsto. lt. stAs. B It stt.'ti. FRANK MAI\5,'92. ;S.I. Ass, it.2 hut $f3. 'I'llse.,aations luring the 1 , aekt~t C~l.tCl~s~s year as11uuttet In 'ill t0onotly ine ou epartmersommsasercial, Na tat-i otb oraauseiptsassrk-FIslish.Shsethansui ls wekand Wfednsesdlay half-holidays __ en__ anshitp. Elecant iuildting, large- at. icekstitane e, elliciest instructosc r, stukhit- ilia atnil Brotherssdiebiating societies ata -- ogh, liinc exapenses estremaeilylosito '' wsere foutitdedatwhenthfits aftetrnootin ilF e e' tdasn'tc orlicalogue, addres' P. .C 511 51)1 President ws giv eiiltolitheicinterests of these societies., 'lie flost otiionlal teas Fare and One-Thid. 12F TI T T T T 1\T offereil illI 82o, atidit that idate, S ilesils ofI'. 1of M.tiolingitigtetanl- .. ,. ,~II , I urysl:gihGamr 'a-brhpcriiae.T .A -,itical :arithmitetic, and Comotaittta sCIos asill sellfteckets at 0111 anidltie- ill Schoiol I coprapltyweeatmtongcthe third Iftr fitrontip slato iall loiti f l etail Tfic ll .ssnseiti --sn'a-n a text-hoots listd.l hit iniIS;;,these lt'i ct's tillsale 14th,1Lt tiill16th, "J "J branichiesmee tincledlin the en-hutsiimit ttui April 2[ t E. ttc c J r XCI i ''< ,1) trance r et] iireniets, andtIfromiii that It. S. Ii tRtiN i ltilt, " . tile, the progratl of01coutrses has 'fickiet Apet. SJuilnllS, Thei Ediitors do noslit oldtliies sac l oi- ;i'gpatdutl]lyiiceascel, unitil tiearly till Cttetota tiaiia i ~n tt-iI ttrc' pss tie subjects are iiin cld.Notice. r aitutrsts asre-teito t-sit'..air.- --T...L.LcN. M. Ity. will itake ara aoos Bn nssinn. USI NESS LOCALS. ratt lttl tattlon itrlss itai Itlli te icConaetiiitohattot t,,sT evcing teanelyleectd iLo'r.I.1liset stilt.otecor carthflt'Aprill 14th, tickets tillsale' April 13t!n - c the ruly eteteil I A. I4".boost, Thii'ursa, Alitil Vl ut 4h.iiiielfi ettt heItl hotartdittetdittais if the l I it i hind 1ister ri1 turn s ft .". A. 11. hti'his h8 Isisortatic I ii'e S runtab hiile liat lily organiation. Whii- lenthe aaii'cci , iithi'riatti. laMuiskegonl.May 4~t, tickets tilt salls' anexe . ' 1 soicsiuseteri n thsitscolimasa heiateui to s 3du a nd .1thii.limitedl fti-cltu Iitt ii' tug wtas calledto oi rtier it seas foundt ofh1sit til s tee litc. sces5ait~efor lossnger.Oth. . . Ii ItEeNOtisia Seltf tial Ilicougi all ovuersight secetees I the DYO er'. I" I Lo"'i-_,uhuimonduhrisig. Sit resasti V estings tiles, tail beena elet]dto the toated. saillI itspaidi10fts' returstsof I ts'rig The m-rsigh resuted fom th pro i tthe otisslis S 1l.LJibuerty St. GR N 02IA - ,; 1 Ol E1ADAD (O I~~~~~~~ csf fusson. siis'erslretutol).si is NCV1sl1 N ensd oifsttlerloketsaeyatiida,7~77 Busintess NI anager hldits overtlite oiicer anth ricsite resrd.ya.Teeeto f Ls e etst-pcktnoil.atrdyEvening, Api'il 16. iJ E, T iti vi h er. 'u e u oowithusitsbebl hsid.hlesw-tds-il. lie fiv e tile'selecictisatlas-ept' s It.IR.Salits. at,)9VMadson iSt.'Nio. i1i Sothain ~sisStis's . I hits ilti as illti, 1 itills l]piti WIill sill for -$70.See iftist If alit's State IELM ER E. VA O ' silate to designate thelir iersotas twio,'St. -"tore. artlAlaebeillcehls h e sl ststiil a iesairinsg goodi, hottest 1 1 tr".~tiro~CIjtih )1itf,, Toledo, Ann Arbor and North wo ltaebe letdi h v n itityst-i is is llsttl i-ts of there bengtipbut littericandidates. 1payipg frotsssivtly-lisetotisthreeMchgnRlwy S. hV.Curs, stilthad letihedlisI L. I5a l esTsHeaE.1 t's-li tcll11ltAr i ftrais sat _.tin Arsit tout, befoirethur electiou t hat hue wouuuld tot jA. II. 'us,s l.s.318Lustensler streft, -- itCllpi u he hitrt tait i ri. Apt.for I Ionic Siupply' 1Sss,, - ' , , 1 IGOIINk i us tas attia. -C-y 'tieapgo,111. No. 1. MailJandut Cales - otigiu lalse'solhutionuuallth resipuei rrl Ofust ichlerNluts'sfrotIt o 6 ).Ii i -lit. No. -. P s AtsArbotr A u-t-uussu 00 n0it tile toard, thus letavitt" tilereqste Loust. o015ous'ntr'catipius, a littleof -Ij 1N tics-t - 't lil olspan usles. INFid-rhlt-asrtusrtn i V mGOING ~StOsssUra. sixteenu imelt. MNir. F.1. -J.anlette, '93 thluium ft thu Ster s icihe and rl eceive 1NoI.S la at ssengse --........I1l, f1,w ste ln t deh Nasaapiuup h i ell tul '3t.Af I Atixusin it heIc ll sofNo. 6. PstseeT led - - - ' l i' i- ftrs nl s Mas _15 uch,'9_{ itiandth 11'flu"1iailtcuh N ui," amhie-luappela's Tuc n ltil'si nd alnitti c. Te Tlensa nd tu ain uubetweetu nt 1tt1ic. id ltintret iri~ 'n at thur (iterilHtoause TeOeSupreme NovcttyDecadc- utTh y Nlesss. Ilrdlit/,'92 lass', 11111dUto- tutulStuttuurday ight irat, seill hrernscs- IHeaviest Mechanical Play La-er Stagnd. ('enstrulsl tandaduuel'il 5' caagib eredlbyinuatty'whsiawuitit tint season.s. NtasgCtsItE'eSnaahIt ENst luuy cR.iSuit,, lily. ) , 'us li ht, asitant lan iTs'escomtpatsy-aplperted'hserefor ii tne a set- slSrIit slrth iuuuisuu thd -S.I ilC'', I.S t tI~tiu Ei utoars. NIr.IWhitelweadwats elee-tedl tight engatgem'tuatndilhilayerdto a fulil crste Thirilling wrseckilBScou. (,teln. Pass. Arcsn. hl entu luouse. Wh118he uce, sor sulusreceisd-ul sithmss'A u-eu-iase~ist s Electricasl 1Iticci'. _______________________ Ilsisuess NManagaer fl ets tafyeasr ari oftulhe uci-u ofsu ifI ots'rsuhussioutse int s'ue1e 0tie l-uirdlinsawlu-Wuilli sc . NiesarsIf eeiuuteye tutu i ~ent's, Laninug, asherr thuey tmcrlabookedl fur -slu theDadilystruts-ole Ill the . ei c. assistants.i thur follyitu sunsight. 'ury uauenruditngly e Se te Sttuu leitli'lels'rutl scee.ut' .u4.-uuannounced fhathe iuy awetoul reprtthfle P iB 5 Dad7 t. R". Yale Catalogeses. ?hirfrmance ult('ill this city.,iihilt-lfuy Pie, 3,5 l 5o relsi ullatu. ilu- utsitul- smt hr ' Saut s ale ia i t P. 0 ews ,Maud. IhuefitsSt gensera] catalopuret tletreheut Sir_ D:Nr2:- I f ytiltreilahoiteiuiii- __ I C'ollege apapeareth it 1796, atlr lhttpI hc uhhctfliusiislilu er- U-H L R cariouss class catalogues, conatainangucatutitngs, ortur tuuseriiupa it till hr to zM2'ME, ustrxaitylcruu atIot ls7musr inte~resttseiae this'lhne of woensRiesairaisn a specialty. d46 SOTcMAoST. inforatio conernig bu oneclas, diplayd a ('s olekIhtuse, Wetinra. --- arl appearetd troutfinue to timae, hre- sdlty, thur ilfit istaist, hytflue (lohuhess Eaglsp-e ('stomsa Depuartmenrst of Dectroit. s-louis to this year. Iftswus aot unitil'Thtey onisy handuhi luehurbst goonde(titash I i3,Ioseeter, tisat the first prited employ- the msost artistic emtters anid J. D SIIMOT & 21 caaoufapae.uhrsiettilors. Yost eantaltwnays depenid onarSae tetGrocers, OGRAPHER S Students tepatronagesnpeciallysoolicited., setn h oretsyean otprere no1 knownen tlil after the iniao- fret fit, besidles u ilSig ofaft irast $111lsi l vroa.N.1 .HRNST 1S TT:TET