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April 11, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-04-11

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. o ~ingof a ike naturethtli me m Qoay vvF R EE SECOITD SEMESTER°
litemore than name. It is simly re, aiFrnhlGraan aheaia
Pbished Daily (lind a~s ece'pted) urngjti slo enmandl that IGret, atsi Freeli Grmn adoatnmtia
tieCotsllegei.J eae rjl y o oitols00'I xt-.- + Books, New and Secondhand at
the I)s cs- staff should be given only ~~" +
Subscription pnice'55.511 per tear, ins ariably c slyroi]eiil, otyo o ks UivrstyBooksellers, - - fState Street.
i d-neSingcl 'espies S cents. on airo the trust. Tlis anid thus oinly wilUivrst
ihehns's endaPocs office news stand5at 12 the best isnterest of the lDsIIs hbe
We 'sc, noon. Susipitions smay 5bc leftsats
th fice ofthele I)AcI, ,Opens Hosusselck, 1siiseri'esl aiidlits suiccess assiireil
"ihceses's, at Stoffiet's, or with asect of tie-T1
sdt.S. C. A. Lecture. ____
C eemunications shsisil1dreaheds ficteby__
o'clsck Y.'t. ityetoss atppteasr tihenetICl
Astses el testc c t'csisites selis' Prof. NI cI asighlies spokse in New-
Lintostie ManigEditor. All tcsess1tberry IFall, yesterday m rning, ' omniain sol e ett teBs
iiscc'.the subject, ' 'The Force of Chiristi-1 I pi te LetEADINSHO L of0(1 nt Iii.5is.
~-_ _csc"s °cGFor eartmet-fss ce riciNot ect-boob
THE U. of M. DAILY, anlty in I. S. history. 'Ibis wa-s-oecmansscrietsnork-sEnglisot andsaind
Ann Ariar, Hiel, , , , ,,Penmaship. Eleant tbsilsdeng.lice at-

one of the best lectures of the course,

EDITORS. asI it swas filli of that comforting as-
s. NV'. Ceeis c, it, Managing eidleito. !sransce intelsitinmate adjustmnet
G. iL. CHArsi is, 'ls, Assist. Maesas'ieesEdlitnr.I of the social swordt, whichi comes
is.c.M~s os~, si. sesgisoEdtcs.from a log studsy of the movements
ie IS , Bu, sinsesManager.
e-. E. JAsiE'Tie, '93, Assict.eesinssa icnisge. ainsldeelopmetncit of niisnandI nations.
c.5A. RICK I'9', A ssOist. eeusiness Man'gr. j Hctracesd the trainsition of thle 111m-

sisgi, living expesses enitrsmely lscss, 52.5ti
V250 perekstdntcassisteui en positincs-
For catalogue, address P. SR.CL'RYit, Presisdent.

Fo re and One-Third. ~ "I
slltuets of Ir. of 1NI. iicoling iciesis F .JI
tbee'slihc cerliliscatces ''.1A. 1A. & N. b1.1,
t. o. '« tilt sell tices atsnet s'aiidlons'-
thirst fare fosr round trip to allI pcints
in "'C'enitral Tricie Associations',i Sp-Z.1'1'
Ticetsosal uie l4th, 1Lifts ci O]
liimitc'sltsireturn Ar~eil 20.


s\. . T i. 11itcict, 'h I. Y tCipl1.. co ici.. 'uaSi.a
W'. 1. sis'ii l M' 8. i .J. Its. A Ix cci,
F. . lc5Mccce5i,'O9.3t i it's,

aslic tribiesssilsthtieir lirinsitive
torsms of gosverment into the highly

i~'Wi~.oP~IL~i.~'k.s',g. deielopled, siiz esd maln ali then I. S. GREE~iNWtOYgOD, uiini
swell organizeds states of the inine- fichet gn.S 111
Tics Esditsosrs onot iholdci esicc s res pon- lt nnrsosii sssi i
silelicsthoinccioncccc staitecentis ofc escrecs- tet etrsown;hw nteNotice.
ponsedes, aperingecusicc ele DILYc.. smidst if the factioin andI blinidlstrife P llao n
vT.. A. A.& N. M. Ry. will mis a ntaloons, ,J
Sfto-claywse hasvelint to ststdy the rae's u ec ee(itfr srti
past to fiinslthat 'there is emethodsi rstciStifcsr thne ollong:thle tlic-J
1''lllr .- the many amsendlments to in the seeming mgadness, in thseAprili14t, tickets icn sate April 13th(An
the constituition of tieLT. cif NI tssurls'-bsurly of the ssucceedinsg ages.'' snd 14thlimiltedt to retsuen the loIc
Independ TleeDemocratic State Convenstions it 'a
ensooitopoosdMseoMy4htcesolsl t the meeting Saturday ilay tend T'lic ansdidhates for the tHarsvard 5t. I n th, (limit'dtrturnc, heist
in a degree to proimote the interests freshmsian cress went toc the training X eStingS
osf the organization, 'tis sassing table last ilonelay. LI!PO EA l'S . IicsiEs T e s- colii
strange that one sectiocn of the coo-;. GR N P - H Tr
stitchion ojf vastly greater implor- BUSI NESS LOCALS.ccxiiNiGIOu'eNLY'.
laceu h salgncs ftl Jn'.. A cheist prsotes'tor,. scar the Saturday Evenin1g', Arl16. TAE,1\/V STPL f lPR
sil 5, was alniost tosslly insel .A, E. hoses, Ihursday, Apiril 7th.Api J ,
A1t preseit ,Art. 2, Sec. S' reads, hindser reticrn saime to S. A. E. house-- No. 19 South M5ain Street.
I~sice icsrts ie tsc sssns t e tcELMER E. 'VANCE'S ____________________
Atec.eetooh oado d n ~Uties cetainsuisetialcetissresi crl.natiteireatTt
tors, slyndisisin eaxtiraa ns i lines furnishredtby tssryingi.5 c'acitfcccToIccccsdo, Ann Arbor and North
exceesding eleves),selectesd on th~e Itis' he~ sii~oicc.1 iotscil cs o(I(ow~y1i'o
basis of sosrk sone in ccmlleciion.'', 1Lc,,r-A sdiamosndh rinig. 510 rewarsds Michigan Railway.
still bse paish for thin retnrn of the riing j1'
If Satursdays electiosn sisy be re- (tic this esnr at 23 EF. Liberty St. InT'e ardin effoct Jascssary 24, io55.
1cwsr.-P cht of sa gold anilvr linr uk ILE.I Ar siva ftranscat AssesArlssc enly.
gcarded as a c riterion, swhat benefit cufft"hbttoii. Pincher reteirne to DAIL S -
can acrue frm suchan artcle ?olhlee sind receive rewoarsd. ci R.
rans acis-rn-ssl s rtre? 0' A reel lnathier hpocket iisteI LI M ITE D xNo. 1. cciasncxsis....l
'The result of the electissn ws a ]'lsiit book wsithi robber baud.tRestardl. Ns :i. asos, An Arorscss. l.... ' inoon
p ow e rfu l re b u k e to it, a n ds sa s c e r- 11 I I.S su uri , 5M a sd iso m i t. ' R / I L S 1N o. 5 i sliPa sse n g er . . .. . . .. .
iooipisntitelsre l'iiSAL 1 ,$135W7,WaLe-IP Nesver used. I JYLJr SOsoHo
hainly Wil selmfor$imenSeeitoatWaer's tset .L Ne.:!.MacSlSPasseng'r......... ...11SiiSsa.snc
i ls lSt or 7. Ses c'sacssihusestatcctitcanSioniiyofith retirinNo. 4. Maul Expre.. ........... .... sil p. ccc
tiss.iStare.lFhonesty ofxthe retiring th'sReasms cffNo. 4. 1asseognsr, Toeds Acsen .... th0se..cIc.
sarofeios parnyte All stuudecits desirhig gooshsonest iRealii sisen seRoance. ITrains 3 ocnd 56sciruscbtwen AnnsArboerscud
badoedtr. pprnlte sihloymnect for ltce stumseer vacatioci TeOeSprn oet es~.TeToiedoonlyr.
fasct that ability anid experience iii psayiag fromu sevenuty-five to three eHeaviestetereeMechaniclIeai Play Ever vrrStaged.h Centeal Staccdard 'Ticme.
the toork are the msost psowerful far- hunducredl dollairs per monithi, till dso Nothing Like It Ever Seecn. ' A rie ai ses oii
wcelh to scill oci Scete isghtt cc icc Limited Masi tO. H. BENNET', R.Si,0,GRIEENWOOD,5
hors iii the good msanageenut of aI A. II. F1 coeso, 131 Lasereusee street, ISe thei'islhrliccg wreck Scence. Gen. Pate. Agecnc. tocal Agentl
soa prty os sihtof ach (Heu. Agt. for h ome Supply A sso. Sce tie Awec-inspirsing Electrical i Pins.
j)l Crh (ticago, 111. See 1cc ilsscdccedliog Sacs-esuilScee.
iii its plahce swas substitsutedh abitter Oficle hosurs fronm 4 50o516'p. n. Seelic e iadStgle 'i at lice Leser.
psartisan shunit, guicled onsly tbyits 1Lost, on iorcneaur ca'uhs, us pair cut seec ls th ciscnderful 'i'legraphscene.a
nwsslf shoitves auth a msore thsan emgolsd s t he SeaStea Ficder adpeasse returnce Prices, 35 50 and 75 ots.
raldseadfrteopinionss of rettrs.rs. sats dccisalce ci P. 5. News Standsi.
thsec.capable sof iudging _eorrcclly. flue "Liiitec l ail,"swhuirl]i uappears
'th setio shiotd i l~e oshy~ ~inemproved form at thin Opera.Ho tuse
'1:he ecton uotd is he o~n~y see ilSaturdasy ight net, swill he reese- JU.H AL L E R ,
cenluse offered a strident .to'nuake asstbered by mniy shun aaw it lsast seasonu. C L
Thie companey appeared Iere fscm a one iRepairing a specialty. d6 SOinUcH M on hsri.
earnest endeavor to sei a position -Mighet engaemeet cacd played to ii>Etll-
of he su V cidtinitsstrct h-house. While here, wordl was reeeived
servance eepends in .a .large degree:isLan 'mg. wlt l'etsey. ere booked for .i .1 SN SN
ufpllo?1oiis piglet. fhey aceordingly J TMO
at nsiwtSr suctss'cf-f Ii:' wHonldrepeat thee ~State 'Street. froeers.
~~~~~~~~~~ Yu d the spirit that animhated 'Saluidays perfomncmee icethis city .ltohuteb they ~U t~Sudnsarngepealehctd
sid and tIanudinegroom only was OtheeP O O R P E tdnsptong seilyslctd
mseeting es to permseate fntture mseet- result. NO. 12 W. HURON ST. 245S STATE:STREET.


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