THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. M ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY, Formerly Alimendinger Piano and Organ Company. New Warerooms, - - - - - - - Corner of Main and Liberty Streets. I will "Open the Ball" by placing a line stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. O 7jAfE F T W -AT- - FOR THIS WEEK. --AT---- _ Pique Bosom, Utica Muslin. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. .A. =7L-ETDID Find I=s -Y's vcrsic STRE, Cheap at $i.oo. OUR PRICE, ONLY 69 DENTS. 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. A. L. NOBLE, Leading Clothier and Hatter. UT THE= =EST. GO TO Oing isothe Epiration og Patetts, We are seling Nickel Plated Centre Draft Lamps at greatly Rleducod Prices. $1 50 will ga as tat this year at 82 50 teould last yeae. O "RED STAR" OIL SAFEST AND BEST in Market, Delivered in our own Cans to Customers in any part of the City at tO cents peregallon. For HIGHEST CLASS TAILORING. OIL CANS of all sizes and at Lowest Price. Shoe Brushes, Blacking and Toilet Articles at One-Third less than usual Prices. New Goods, new Fall Goods, new Winter Goods, Full Dress Suitings, Silk Vestings, Overcoaitings, London Suitings. Trouserings a specialty. + &1L + I jPAAY Largest and most complete stock in the city, at the lowest prices. Please call and examine. 44 EOUTH MAIN STREET, - - - - - ANN ARBOR, MICH. NO. 2 EAST WASHINGTON ST., near Main. 1{ E, JOLLY G o., SELL -- AND ALL aa a dttGIfnIs SuppliEs, Ice Cream, Soda Water, and FCESI LUNCHES, ETC. We keep the very best line of In the City. Leave Orders for all ATHLETIC + GOODS. YOU CAN GET What you .want, aiid the Price icill be right, at BROWN'S DRUG STORE. OWIDEI T"M-+7r10ThL STUDENTS' HEADQUARTERS. 'Boys," if you are looking for any of your friends, take a chair in the Occidental Hotel oice for ten minutes. You will surely see them. Five o'clock dinner, Sundays. Special rates. nAVE EANED AN REPUTATION FORUS FOR 18 YRS. SOLICITED ])A.D.SEYLERI&SON Opp.courtHouse. J. B. MIDDLECOFF, Type-Writing. Short-Hand and Mimeographing, Tieses, Cor- rmspstdoiice, Lectures, als Proofs for 39 Snuck Puhication of all kinds. Univ. Ave. BILLIARD PARLORS Elegantly refitted during the past summer, Nice lunch counter in connection. BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR. THE CAMPUS. G. M. Brown, J. J. Cook, V. A. Chemicall Physical Apparatus Williams, '93 dents, are attending All the music for the Choral the Vanderbilt University. C P Union has come.'nan J.r Chas c R. P. Lamont, ,9, and J Rare Chiemicals, Microscopical Supplies, Chadbourne, lit '9r, has joined Freitag, '90, are engaged in work on EBERBACL & . the '94 medic class. the world's fair, in Chicago. Thad Walker is practicing medi- Candidates for advanced standing -THE ARGUS,2 cine at Houghton, Mich. in the law degartment are requested FINE JO1 f3 IR IN , C. A. Gottman, medic '90, re- to meet to-morrow in law quiz room. AT LOW PRICES. cently located in Detroit. Percy B. Herr, '90, goes to Eu- J. R. Davis, law '9z, will practice rope next month, for an extended FIRST NATIONAL BANK hi rfsinat Alna Ga. OF ANN ARBOR. his profession Atlanta, trip. He is in business with his Capital, stto,oooo. Surplus and rofits, s3o,ooo. George Irving, law '9k, has opened father, in Chicago. Transacts a general banking business, for- an office at Port Huron, Mich. Two members of the homeopathic tsr travelers abead. HankDewe, ' 0, i suprintnd-C. H.RICHMOND, Pres. F. BACH, v. Fees. Hank Dewey, '90, is superintend- department have seen the "error of S. W. CLnARKSON, Cashier.H P ent of schools at Tacoma, Wash. their way" and have changed over E. L. Miller, '90, is principal of to the regular school. the High School at Hancock, Mich. The '94 medics hold their class J. N. Boyd, law '9Y, has entered election next Saturday. Glidden, his father's law office at Chillicothe, Foley, Rheinfrank and Loveland are NCING Mo. spoken of as candidates. The Freshman spread will be held M. R. Sutherland, law '91, has Now open for reception of Pupils. in Nichols' Hall, Friday evening, been appointed local attorney for g Oct. 23. the Farmers' Mutual Protective As- W. D. Cochran, treasurer of the sociation at Mankato, Kans. TAGIEF. ?T flf law class of '9g, is practicing law at W. H. Eichorn, law '92, presi-MKhA Mayscille, Ky. dent of the Oratorical Association, T. D. Long, law '91, is in the law was elected county superintendant office of Cole, McVey and Cheshire, of schools in Indiana, and conse- Des Moines, .1a I i orp and e t. quently will not return to college. H. C. Dodge, medic '89, is a very Evening services will be resumed popular and successful practitioner at the Unitarian church next Sun- + upni p at Hancock, Mich. day. Mr. Sunderland will speak in h J. W. Roudebush, law 'gi, is in the morning on " James Russell the law office of Brome, Andrews & Lowell," and in the evening on Sheean, Omaha, Neb. "How Bibles Grow; the Great Sa- 21 S. MAIN STREET. T. J. Dowling, law '91, is a mem- cred Books of Mankind." ber of the law firm of Murphy & Henry Beecher, the old Yale Dowling, Toledo, Ohio. quarter-back, is the idol of the Cres- A Large Stock of U. G. Caulk, law '91, is in the cent Athletic Club men, Nearly all SEASONABLE WOOLENS. law office of Cooke, Frazier & Swa. of last year's Crescent players re- ney, Chattanooga, Tenn. fused to play this year. Beecher All the Novelties in W. J. Baldwin, '90, s professor was not discouraged and went hard of mining in the Illinois State Uni- to work to get a goodteam. He has MEN'S FINE FURNISHINOS. versity, at Champaign, Ill. secured one, and the Crescent men F. A. Henry, the '91 laws tall now say: "Nobody but Beecher poet, is in the law office of Webster would have had the pluck and per- & Angell, Cleveland, Ohio. severance to do it." - We have the Best Steam laundry.