THE U. OF M. DAIL. WE ARE' THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. Nes'w reotonls, Cornier of Alain and Liberty Streets. I swil] "Open the Ball" by placitng a ine stock of Guitars, Blanjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find WMvs" 't~c SwORE, 25 south Fourth Avenue, City. YOUR GIRL Wouldi appseciaeca bOo lfiitho Fine Choco~afeS Albany Lawo 8chooI ES TAtttISHEDt151. (01 1151, oteeare Tthlstec futlterss reqtired. TertteS begtin, Septemiber, Jantiotro tild Mat-cit. ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. Degree of LL. B. Conferred. Three Pairs For Fifty Qentp rQ7OT''I 25 C N=s'TT0 C I. HOSIERY SALE AT NOBLE'S. SIC timroi iilowt I)isplav. GO1 TO-- - --' f_ :For HIGHI CLASS TAILORING. Ccdkin' Phay Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. Ife SPR\DI InIN'N M)Stle'i-M 1Z GOD1i TR l'lI ) __ ATri L,0 '-GOODS. Addreissth' ee'n es Secsetary, AL.tA's", 1 . CIGARS BY THE BOX. ei ~l iir(}1Soi es uill x I)~il" I)~ii f Hli] 1"m- 44 , ain Street, South. No. 2 East Wa/singtoni St., sines' Mniii. tli?\. _ _ :>,tiii 1;1C 5 ii iii} ' r ii i-il 1ini cii' iliet- p i ln r ;,. lii iiii i BU> I ' ]i 1 TTS . &. 1' LEWO.OD I() Cci a lis I- 'tiii iiii IFIRST NTIONAL )5 T x ( I 1 .)1 (S f l' { i) ' 1 iC.' "{ . 3I liii Il) \VN IS I)?L 1'i r I . 1The iJun iora d 1 1Ce2o ic me..( (heisccl 2Phyaccal Appa'1ratusi rc i IcrIisciii aliatln le. Pr .sssslipell wsill %*-. Ar c. tlisci r oxssliiai seono Tusesidas P*antS1 sleii5ecIsot sisil G E IH WI I & SON. In-l sccndihlisemeiaii of ls yearsichaml~iipeis onesniof iPrinceons SLLEi SN;A (il iatRmcnt kiss 1105ly oiiicsn-lsion I iiREPUTATION ofste Isoais.Isl1 ewas tsheelt hiss ORIsivltIes J iiioseii ciRSia EA. . oy & W i i eiSis~yesl i c ing at the t shter- C A - . ous? ian chmin i ii "Social leitii'.'' liii iii siabjiect: ''lso Rolilino (i 0 5ID EIT1v4L -'+12'0TK1 Ciii ic 5BIbylioniaindlAcsyria. Its -01 IiONl'HlADQUiATtEtRS. Isfueo e i ii iiiiii ' oe -ieiss h [ lg Bos"i'yo iar oAii foiii d-t f o ur ii i on." i ri d, t i s- lchir -e i ei letcietal Htl ofli fr tll mnuts. ou i lls ci it-n'y see d ie ire'l i nn~eSudaes~. Sp iasI O ne 1) 9 glit, andctSeisoers, '()~ smsosic, swere tse onily is esismonsg thoensompelcltig forlpolsitionsoil 2 the DM sic, that wes-oorecoismetnded ' s to the Insdeedenttassociation, by -sItse board ons Satitrday. 71 Fort St., West, - Detroit, Mich. Thse trials and tribolatiotns of the I CĀ°psi-Mottor litic are probably over. LEAVE YOUR ORDER~S Thte Nichols propeorty wvhichtless -AT-becn the causse of all the trouble, P. O. NEW S 3 AN has been sold to a syndicate of Newv -FOn- York gentlemen, who will plat the N'rwspuaers, Magazines, Perlodicals, tNue poet n to h akt Confetions. Cigars and Tobares. p~et n tti ntenakt 'ociS Cli1ai % I - . I]Ii iiil c11'iii 1 - Ii '. I i Ii iso)ne 1 d te (I1iio Ie s iir'slii sil niciio caiosi iiil-i siiiiiiiiei0 e s I th ilasy in iii-iisi, lta cocci ii iofits meeros weofliale itioc .ii c e-e foretsij imy lisf i e-ise irieiaesi oii soe Ii- cing; i p hatwasindlgeiindui ' roineisa coue 'odaiii pperc inecessitates ca itcss.isenidou siimounti edtor Teheoi matteri liiust e ibisandede in at iio'oloikeiidliie iprisfNrsailat stansuiingihis ac, sheI ail {asnd ism111)00 ai ly iii 1lii led tihass a daiiy nlewspapero.-tese asnd White. Whiat is tiie siatter sitis thie 1-.- of IN TER-CDOLLEG IATEB. ir i 1,,, 'li ers i i i i' 1- ,ii S ii 1.i 5wi SHOOL IIt I ou oer fillli-or O e e iin ofiPuilsI. Wasgiieis Co5), Mechiiitl Iis 145S tt .oferng-') utptei thei regulisiresioef wii'i is froll, stl, madei11) iirhst class. Aiso 1.5 311atitertns osiTIrosemrings, fthe reguilari' ptice'o f wsichiliis frots $~7.0 1))to $9l.100,for $6.001 It ir5ti. l'oot.'I'. J . Lawsreiice, at pesent lectuirer ott Interisatiotial Law i They are also offer'ing sotie do' Cambridge t'tiversity, iEnglatnd, tidedi bargainis itn Heave Untder- will have chtarge of sonic departmetnt wear. An inspection of goods in the Chicago U'niversity. Prof. R. T1. FEly, the famous poll- and perices is invited. tical econonmist of Johns Hopkins University, will be president of thte, Michigan Bay V'iesw Sunmmer Uni- versity.