THE U. OF M. DAILY. NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS! :EOJ'T =S= See OUR Line of Spring Overcoats Before Buyingj. Our SPRING nol SITALMEI4 SU'ITIiNS are arriving dails. ~eclam] iit( have the best selectedlline in the iiarket, at the lo)West jii'ees, I)() not bre a Suit, Single Pant, o)r Spring Overcoat tiiit ii vOl h0lave .een 001)li'lle. A hinge l ie oftTrunkls and Flags aiwas n on Ihanil at The J. T. Jacobs Company, ALNN AltitOlt. 2? c 111(1 29) MAI1 N STREET. T 3E KEYTYO T'E OSTV 'SIQ _ GEORGE L. MOORE, (Sces s jIe) + + 7THFlE ISK' TE.ACHID 1ER~S ..AGEINCI ES. A P1111 line of nil i'nonl'ent Beon, innluingo Lateand 1Mol jor.,,ytelmh, 1y WA7H VIL h ' OCheaest pince- tor Vot e ookstoanti Fontaint Peos in the cily. {resncr in.t Comettl it. old triends. I1now avetiImy enlire stock at nyore on110N . 6 S. MIN ~iST. SEND FOR OUR MANUAL. GAO, 0.12.0212 ~WAHR U"N I VEL SIRE B-JSIILSS PILECTOLY. n,.,. ,., , , u v , , . OPOIE I Ias list ree'''id1afll llie oa.all Second Stemester Text-Bouks. 41 )91LIER, LsAD O AW IGS IN (OP IZ'1 11 eadciiarters fur (ieriiitand 111Frenichi pobicationo. Solel1~iIIII NI lA~.l i5 H 51. agent for ltitg' 'in Stte 'and1111 Ieelf el & ho1'.SE1'j STATE C prro o mtla trtenetlio. tlt - S'Teerttu Ialeiittt Iioi'uieis Sao'ii , I STREET. 'eleehotte ib8. N i ni. StS., op12 1o1t1111110 J 31111 A. SCitune. TH~r;E - 1EXCEI,SIOM - I.AUIRV S TIt , E . BankBo~i .MllliagerI. Pmns nil the iipove'ti t lnfey, 1101is pre pared totunl5out1firstclassnwork on shlot no1- lice. Comnmercilnwortutrnediotlt same1day TUE W STER-M_-_GAN---_-LGE1PrAiestesottnbletnd w ork hgunteedtt1No ,r1-E WE' STERN I CjjANCOLL GE' t0Eat lHurlonl01. A, P. 11Oi'J', P11111101r (Ctl eed and Inlororalltedl.) I I LO.X 0M. MARTIN, G A Z A S1JD 1VMIC 3. I FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. WLI,It IN ,NOTED 1111rits 1'liLI'Ailtt YlI(lal10102 1.lrnpaes. tndenltsrany1 11college1or' 111 MILLNERYAND ATGOODS !Cloth Caskets, M~etallic title;so sil Iinltte outry: MLINR ATANtI COMMON CFFINS. Forlet C11 ;h (tA Y) lURiSPS. IPoepa1111forte de grew and aims at 01110 the 11brondt l titure andl _________________ tile. ~ o~tulacticl resutsRINSEYteruSEABOLTf>, For its 011-11A1.ANti 1'lAl102115' I RAI~N lllal I'.tt-WIaXT. Stecial atten~ttion given1 1111i110-1111SICAND I+' lIN te'i' laP~li C1l 'iN ,, .Sllaal111.1 1111ill tihe 10i1e11 511111 For its ('031i t CI IA L A NDt SHORiTHA E'Al 'i.1 EN'N, tielead'l~ingO 1110111l tfttusiness. For teeee Clliy mtdetelt expe1111nse1tto tudent, alttendling. T'he expeneaccontllIcen be fto- 10111 lwrwt tstalatyohre duc1at1 11111 1101111'tinttal 1ins1ttiltion ill ttel coun~try, and11 alltile s11111 tme lillllliwel~ll adcmotablle.Evervthlin llrnIsh A. I:. YE;RX, IPresid~ent. Field Day at Clohmpaign. Chali 11.n1is heplcecosein lar hioltdiiglte1110n1alifieldl iday lottile It-exterll itu -(rol(i t. .\soaiatilili (,)n FridayMay 111ir 11arshave beein seint to oil the leading; uniiner- stiensill til es ctto]sing-their 10- ope)ratilIio )eiegaaieo 01iiibe pres- tint frmtue Itinversities o 'Nit,\ i i- gan, Wisootinii;Minnesotla,loona, \Iissouri, Kansas, Nebiraska, Ken- tuceky, 'Teeiesec, 1Indiana, and Ohio, int lsao fromi ol0)1liges of 111000 States. The events of thneflay arc as filt lo-ws: iifty-yardt uash. Itoo-yrn, 220 yard tdashi, 440-yardliashi, halt- CAMPUS, Mlrs. iProi. No li 5111 119t'l 1 Profil. itnoel Ion wilii leicltre to the P~rof. I' owotn ois0111biid 111d tol letur 11cc.5 iday. I azelle, 'qtideiit, is daingeronisly ill withlpneumnl~ia. 'rue lass iiitdliothaive lectures to- day, as was annuaoencetd. l1 iso I tittermiioer, if (hieago, is the iguest of M1iss Nechic 1 oluitli waite. Mtr.iMInor liiiboteit tinefresh cengi- ieers inudescriptve geometry yes- tcrdlay. SH R T A DStt' AB kerstanddealersint SHO THA D ~ Groceries, ProvisionsFlour and Feed, LOUS " id 8 E . Wanttgton S.1 IT WILtL PAY YOC. Shoethtnd Schtool, Nest ____ Butilding, IllSoth State Streret. I). Si art iilielil acliiiitien > r 71TynP l PO T) founr honirs 11)11; yesteriday 1ifteinoon.111 JrJ EMI4i SX OOP Aniton'g the cases opierntedt tilwa10a _Alt' laaitat ARNOLDS, 36 Main St. G ibes ihasput a spleniihic 111 10111110 oflN enwberry ali, andiRati)- 11l11 ft,1i tilt ttiJttjCt tail, titic it Prof. 1 'tiete Ilt~it 11 e'ttet'ttnI ingatt in est s. Pays it tert on tttSttvittg D sts01. lissafeity Judge ('ooley oill ic t Ire beftire l les'lit Bloxestor tRIntI. Ptrof. Adaums' class i I stioll Hanltkttoten lay tttteveng Problemns, Wedhiesdhay and1h Friday of nxwekat the usual houurs.1111Alh ro t~fiLil~y atit senior lawnoio Catriers, tiext WORK CALLED FOR arti DELIVERED. week. Scenio~rs, 5:30, 111 lecture SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. room, 111011juniors, 1:,in quiz. Office. - 23 South, Fourth Ave. roonm. Somei mtisrablcelinisceant 0e KO.S.BARBER SHOP Stoic llironuil the groulluhglass Btt Ifoomsiinonnectttrtton.PtreinTtu1bs. I nnindonwabuove the tmain centralntcetin ShowertthC c11 1111onetteI with l 1' Nenwberrygalh, stome tilme tdaritug; J. R. TROJ. NIS WSKX, night befoare last. 3E ahntnSt.,Atn Arbort, Mlthtlittn Thuenwork of ('anrassin11; the 1v111-til. ottltt tins departmeunts insjprogressinig1 Ann Arbor Savings Bank slonwhy. In the med~tical tdepartmntt Ann ArbortrMich.Catl nStck, e510,, thne junlior class has shnonwetd up best Orgtnizedun~der ttenpe ral ankig Lawrs oflhsstt.RiesoDeposits, 110ysand for the Republican side so far, thiere I sells exchanlge onttt he princijpal cities ofthe11 UnitdSlates.Offiraft astled lupon propler being only three I)e nlorrats withuin CIdeinSAN MCKPres. its ranks. W. 1). HInaia, Viee Pres., }Cuon.S. .HIstut(1111CCti tnihel run, otne-milhe Clii,.stanldinig several co-edis deligluh tteir geni lroadl jun1p,1hop1, stehuaintd jumip;:tletiuntiriendts wyti a ieaptrear pole vault, balhlitiron, twvo-ilei party , last eenuitug. safely landh trtinary races, i20o-yardh The coldth01n11)ot Fridhay maiteri- hturthle race, ihammller thlrowtu ttinyg es~ntItecunohtt let esndtecodo pca Gold, sihver, atnd bronze muedahostin tors at thnehpractice gamie. tine vahue of $floo will be awartdeid to Hiarry hD.Jenwelh, gradluate lanw, is tine wintners. tnwilhltbe the argest entertainiing htis cousin, T'. It.('hark, gathnerilng of ahh aunateuir athetics wholesahe grocer. of Grauth Rapitds. ever hnel ill thne West. Thne Athletic Miss Lotng, of Sickshurg, an~d Association of the U'niv'ersity of Thul- Forrest, of Flint, are expectedl to- noin is already mlaking preparatiolnstay, as the guests of :Miss Sara den ftor the event. Rheyker.