Pi T, THE U. OF M. DAILY. lditiue.Ithswyol,+ ORofcan the association retains its cosoto- G le p "FL TE E CONDISEMESTE plieeiiel Sntyeoeot itieiolitans character. A;t present it Greek, L-atin, French, German, and Mathiematical the collegte r e,by is almost entirely lmited to the law PXt + looks, -New and Secondhaind at HE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION (departmnt. i+J + 'iIicallii Siocictvrecccntly !+ tttscttt'e pitie'. 0 per ear,' j'itnsaialy e stcsabhlihd a N'aiiiasle prcieu n J nUniversity Bookseilers, - - State Street. h ettiCit Poes ofic eesettnd it it College society, fby cntertaining thc o'lcnon uscr'siptios matyt bte left at t'ettffiee if thetiAis', Otterat Houstebltck, ittI -hrehis, at Sttttttrt'e, ortewittsr iyotte editors. (Cotimtuticatittis shouldii reacithte ofiter by 'cltock P. t. ifthtey tire toitppertrthe text iay-. Atidrestilt matter ineitendeorputblica- tntthe ManagingeeEdittr. All btitnes romnttsications shottlti ibesst tte. tti- nerrs itiger. THE U. of X. DAILY, Ann Arbor, BMuch. EDITORS.3 G. L.C11ttP'te,'utAitst.tetis' igEr. or WI ..iEvao}, '93S, Asset.itaningtitEdittitr. .C.I'. it tri, '92, 1itsseMaitagter. '.F. .JAsEr't~ ', ItAeist.tiiesesisaitger. Wortitt i's ILeaguec. 'ITIsis is the first timte itt somte yoars, if noct ini the en- tirc histtory of the I iiersily, went all cttllegeyo etiisithavebsertcretie as iniviteed guests hy any sorosrity. It ittiicates a kindcly anth cttmmtendlale sitirit tot the part ofi the sosrority girls, andsid tences agaits the pre- sette if that uniifyitng tentenicy wicih is natkintg itself felt ini all tie- Itartmetessofi 'Uiiversity attivcity. ts thetLEADI'NG SCHtLtof ittUSINtESe - . - SetiFoutiepartmets-CenmteriatloSet-btook ' - - - aPeshit. Elegeanetbuitdinit,.larg t. tendaince effictteinstuctrittvrei, 5r °- - toughiistitg expenitesttxtiremeil IttV g 5 to $2 i0 pertweek; tudents assisted to poitions.C Fer ctaiogtte, adtress P. R. Cit Alit Presidet. -"".-_- - W,. 1'. Pt sERs, '93t. i. uR. Au setti.. 'l5. '. Jt. Mt Ccii sr,. '1;. itt i~s. IRD '5 F". E. irt tst~riHs, '5. i, itt o iEi i E ,95 i 'TeEtiities itdo ti n ttildtiieimselvrespot-t poniditets, tappeatring ittthe DILit t tliK on the tensnis courts shtotultd begins as soseti as ipossihle. ('onsicder- ahlc reptairinsg nitst he done before Thle ctissttii tof Itoliling stict retell Notice.TII bietts, loservs c t to betonocretd anstdtlctts ti' Iut o Yoil itiel itlilr L itcae fth piat ollll!-rtcutatce, as dites etvcry cuistoitiSchootl. tie TI.. A, A. N N. AI. Iey. wrill- tthicthttents tot break idotwntfactiton- ;give oetatdii tne-thtirfeorti thene liii' liii + lisistantoitslltlote te silrt tifntitirit'ikeslitl' 7t lr~ttcrsotlistt . i.. S. It its'S iotit.Agenit. ! ,+ " "- Fare and Onse-TLivd. l n a ______'Intdtenits itt I'. ofiAl.lilitig nitl 'l~t straugetteits b th ci~ 1ershtip certifica~tes T. A. A. & N. SI. social eof '93 at Netwberry hail this thititiftie for rotunsdtripi tot tll pit vnn r bu opltdadhell (elrlTate setitits. ITicketsonsitstle loth, 15th antd 16tht. 1 hearty stulpiort thin somsmittee e list mhttitedI to 'sturntApril 2ii. fl receinedh sitevery htansdtsscires II . S. GIi iEEviitiiii sticcess. All thitenehers ofciie .~;nt Fancy are ensitusiastin over the plat of BUSINESS LOCALS. ins, h LC thov arf- in first-nlacc nnnrlitinn At. I hrinsrina the rlacc tnootlior ,n f. n. I uuc r i i- t i- . tt-tSias ttittit01.t %t ' i r~ing tstts i i tttstsl t nt~t.tt5t iti n iestiretntiie initise i trostti ise eronsci s stlt ttu uansi terainite iroitaisihissheru see iNotiiesiert ed i ts'. scolumn etee te rttoe prsntteerud ssftad aptCt~n Ipr sashs en r tie, and exttlies f uiosteitbytippltytee et estLlflS ainch ciiilie tandleint uuht tmore hareil to consist if vtocal solos reach- the DVIitsotie.5 ecse1hatltr . ~t t-at t sihh i tit Losr-Asitittitdthritig. Cl10 reswaith r easerthn ate. igs et.,an i wil e n vetrill Ite pusithfor the retutrnt ofithe rinug ' ittii L'Sii C ')t A'SitSC tii sI tr- htichs no '93 cati afforid to mise. tos this'sitwter a1 28 E. Liberty St. R lit' C eta it's it.is the latest II-r.fut.t agi-i ttuslNltle ~ cuiff'bthont.Findser' 'etutrnsto IJAsYt sAFOs expterimienst ini a cuthloege dlaily. It is I NOTICE. ofice tatu seceive rewrdt. iubhlishedt by stcletits at theto trtotr19Reotion Committee oP the Oemo- Ilists'wi'h ruiber' Nit..IllwStil sity ohfiWiscoissin . 'Cite first nutister cratiocCilub. It. I. S-itris, x,4StadhisoniS't. ________________________ us certainlsy a brsght, essy sheet, 'i nititttdiiuihr ot fotti S i'.u:liWetii:it-Neeruseit. Th eeto omte oe Will sell fior $io1. See it at iVthr's Stmile Toledo, Ann Arbor and North anh if troll stupiportednil ilto a cresdit I SStore ihgnRis hiphonslg tes. X' seshiseldtol thuefcsloswinsg studehnts will Al sttudenits tdesirisug goodhcss ihia ala. osgrelcuholgtss. tiletechIreisu tiet at thur masyor's otea ieeetiluloy sineit fttr the h 5nieaiet esis tvatcation ele ctttcurt house cit 5 o 'rco:slarhi, Shin hudredular ssermnthy wlli ri' tn edi fetS iity S hitdauiasf1505'oontteltltotilallioil il'.:remsarkcstif l r. hBowensthis ca'A.tettst t 11.tu F ll I.i.1Lwec teeGIGNRH Da acy J..\A. IIaruii, (et g.Oo.I NoeSi~hy~~ . ,1. MailianExiipress..... .. ..777it. iii. moringin he thlticmeeing Ge. gt.forIlone uppy lsso No1.Ptsssgr, 5sAn eAr tcisti. .1it HI tat eVr'ih1i us eli itu sioil X'. 'Mt l e, I. 'I. laIursvev. Oluc littrsfrtss? C (hictago,.:Ill. Neo. Mail Paseenge............... 4'5 5p.in Robau~ rc usekserts, t. . . ickle y, XX'L. _Ic-ING rsutr~SuOUTHed. of Marh ;t . '1rac atletcshav I 1 L stoil or el ritamiuis,.a pitsr iot Nit.-!. Shell tessenger......... ...... 1itSta. III sect shasneluly neleced a thn 1; Licroc, 1E. '. Shields, AWilt kear- gol spectuacles. Findter pleasse returnNe. 4. SlhEspress.............. .... b5401p. ml. oe h am ott efynelcestts uheit'to loutIt. IG. Cleseelassu, II1. thuem tho the Stewardu'i's office anti receiv'e No. 6. Passenger, 'Tolede Aecote. ... t te. iii. of\.Sni eiit lnouh o;rewri. ~Trains 35anod6irnbtweeniAnn Arbutorui Sout, II 17 Nanle, V. I. Sars,' 'Toledo only. be folloeeu next year so as to Isro- Sih,1. : AageW H eas t entral Statndard Titme. 1 Ntie.Alit TroissDily excett Stundaey. niote thin welfare of lis implortanst 1.. .Stern, XX.1E. (Griffins, W. N1S. ty.,ril, iIk t.H.ENT, I.S.OEStei. burauschs.XXe call thie atteutiosn of thin Bransd, lBenj. Lee, IL. Souuthituavdi, Iratu ottine asid onue-third fare fosr the Gen. Peon. Agent. Lncal Agetei noe hoard to tise editorial. in cues I. F. Lyonis, j. A. Morrisey. rounttd trip for the fosllowinug: The Ile -______________________ S. pushlicans State Conuventtion ti itDetroit, tiou, slsics sggess 5~tlii. N TE COLEGATE April 14th, tickets 015 sasle April 13th INTR-CLLGIAE andh 14th. limtited to retutrntheflueath. -_""' ' - Flue Democrattic Staste Consvenitiotnit oA h'r is a signiiciant fact thtits thue IOsgotodh, '4oh Cornell, hissb snutMuskeegons, May -4th, tickets ott sale F ee cetioss of the officers of thintuelis ush luuiiu-Say' cI uatnd 4th, limiteud to retsun theA 6 awsardedhe l-rudcapo-5th. It. S. GREuENWtOuOD, Agenit. 1t AI1 (Oratorical Associations, ossly one it.I shuiposedal oh theurnsisersity. Th'is --- - -' n-as elected, atidlisenucnhi againsst his( is the seconud timte hue his tout it. 5J. H AL L E R , swill. Thhis tess due, in a large psart, Oisgood uwill lie reutuhered as the half TE~EZr to thse insactious ansinidifference of haktht lyelsc ao Riti epeirisug a spectity. 41 SitH MINitSse thin literary students. Ncuteviths- thin1t'. of -I. ruushs line at Dletroit. standuig this fadt, ansd thin fact thust 'rite Amherst Glee and Blanjo Club , J D. mS ou N 3O tTS, thin hatws captured thin oratorical con- gave a concert at Leasiston, Friday d tteSret(rcers test, weethink thue officers ouighst to night. AXfter the conscert thuny noeSoentStatergeeteGrocerso.cte hvhenmrecnthyand een- giveni a receptioss. NO. 12 W. HURON ST. 24 S. STATE:STEET.