THE U. OF M. DAILY. NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS! See OUR Line of Spring Overcoats Before Buying. )rS~ill N(G and SI 'MIMER SUI' ITIN GS are arriving cdailts We (lain] to have the butt seleced l Iine in the inarkel,, at tl~e Cwest prices. l)o (let u a Suit. in letaut, or Spring Overcoat nntilI roun lave teen ourtlin. A large line of Trunks and 13 la aas on hand at The J. T. Jacobs Company, AN N \RIB 0 Id. -7 and 2.) AAIN STI EET. T =T757Q A~/S. 1 1.11\ 1\ i11 +L 11 .1. d. 1=ID TO=T.177 STTTA.Z5~iOJ T-GEORGE L. MOOR E ,(I oec&i o)r 711' FI ISIKI TEA\CHFER~S' AGELNCIES. A Full loe] of*l ollege Text IBooks, inclodinog Leam)1ti Stotieat Bokbisthlen C~-tnWB~ V. IIAO heaperst plce or erNletc ~os andFoetaeinPeil thesiy. Frershsotontrtestl inoneao'_6-0SW R I ,.{1ICAe odfizcs 1 oto hosetsr entire stock atmsore ineseNO. 6 S. MAIN S'T', SEND FOR OUR MANUAL. OHO. o . MsooZ I_) ()TWV A INI vERilS ITY 3ITESS DiLEGOKY. OhtIhtOShTE )if IIlbsjjust received a fll linle If all Seend Semetcster Te'xt 1hltiids. l -20( G-TLI. STO'W'S TOP kItT Iletldigarters fur (Germanlt]an]d frenceh pu~blicaltiotn.-.Sume . LIOrerYfortains, artes ]IAdltizlg(, ' ag0elt t uoitiitg itle Statiunery adIlffel A II STTE rIs trItly pttened ttdo 5se 1 ct 1(111 Essf'5, ex' j STREET. riphorpootlotott .0 eehn 5. it N. Solo S., o(iot. ie . ll MAIN ~ ~ (Celebrated BMattlemalltical ltnstrumttenlts. Sporting (Geods. jtxA Iuos H X STREET. I Blank Buoks . 'MEE-U;XCISIon - IAUNIJRV STRET BlnkTrops T Matager. Has all thte imtprttvedtmachtitter, and is pre parted ttiurtotttrst clatss wronttshortno _______________________________tire.LComtmercial worhktrned out soterdtay - - _ _ 'Priceseaosstitttsonal n oth gtateds. No TjL WLTEN 1lGAN(lLEGE K AN D A ii.L istsseso ,.ttL1'~'enle ishots'sttet ttd ncrrted.itOtt. MARTIN, G' RAs! R~AP=TS. IMOITFINE PHOTOGRAPHS, 1IDA LEE IN NOTEID fits Is tti tATA'1uV 1 t lst:S. Psepotes sttsf ossanycellegor ttsceets LINR Clo i GOD 11th Caskets, Metallic tteschool ttnttettotnty. ANTL COERON ANDIRT Foti its (I islnt;;SC((('lSES. Pretares fote egees.antd]aimsat trodesotsltusire atnG ODdS)('155C~~IS tte mossst i'tet' e'ttlts. 30EO s . ro Ste," Fo eitsNORiIA4I'At]] t'tSA('tnttltS' TP11.] t'n I~ftttl'l'ST. 5Secial attentionttgivtettRINSEY & SEABOLT lee its .11('stlC (N i l ,, 't1 )EfAtlT.IEN\'1'.S, S,cotit Neo,it h 10 it ed isiStits N ltth Baersotndtdealerstitt lee it, ltl3.tIlIC (lit,.t NJ) SHt(t' I I 1nt1tA(IT.tIlhS, tse ldingsschool of bhtsitss Q fl r T'K '. Groceries,ProviuionsFlour and Feed, or te extremtely stso trotpsetsetudttett a~ttttndittg.'Thteexptettoacount tttca es ig~- SV COUA.1SE.and +. Wasohinsgtsonsf5t. tie oe ith ts st s tirn t(oteredutnt l tstitttit e outtt ryttt and ttt]ttt te ITWILL PAY 1YOt. Shorthadhott ettlNess Lan ielivt ele]tld sstfeetssle. FN erytie t rnis hed I A. I-. VEREX, Presidlent, Btuildina,.20tSsooth State Streea. 7-R7 7 CAMPUS, MIr. C'. IA.Nlitert, 't02s tii i s en iet anglziellatta l>'-Cliiel IJ isti ce Reese, f il ii I c aheaiclCluib eels Ioln, N ebraska, is v5 intin it cn !Strdaina IlRoomi17, 55illshs ailaer it. N.. Reese , 9 any. } 1n"luwtoit1Drain a Straight .Lie" '.The 'tine ti)ft'hristianiity int'.by Nir. Mn , an d111p1robleistbiy S. Ihistury" is tile suibjet 1o1)1PriiitMessrs. Coem, Lect oilandsiothers. eil~uglillls Sundaisy onglc 'ile G eoiliogical Society nests l 1 tre at tiheS. C. A. idsay afternottn at iSioluck, ill By reasoniloidtile Webst elteer- Rom 9(, with a tamer liy NI r. I'I stonian joiteb ilate the rettlirleb-i tt ),~1 s ~tl h ster pretgraitoheulrrust ee~enig 'esilipis, or Ramllers it] Irclis- will be postponeld stne teek.oso By thse reqlliretmentts oflthts.ra-t b The NI itiigall Schooitlasters'Clul teriral ILeaguie rcotstittiotn, twvetnty-eet ttettieriy sttea fitve copies of Ni r. Ruberts'torationt etI tteUivriy audy heae betlsett ts ileseitelIt ofu this seek. iBesidles papers bty teatchers insdifferetit high schouols uf th Noritrt tIrtlrial a'nl thte state, Prot. hDemmnin reads a At thte Unity Clitb (tonIMotntday thtere a paper osi the "IHistory, .ims asid esvetntng ntext, thre ilite aiectttre NIethodmls (It tniversity Extetisiotn," on Glmpes f renh At"ills-antdh1[r. Fss p resents 011 article oIt trated by 40 Stereotptic'an views i he"cooso1Sizrln. charge tof NIisses hFannie hisher,tte SsitstStierash N ichtols, Alice I [ttx aned S. Gordner.-''" - Nuicl viialso etl rnishted by thte Prof. XW.('. NWiinbson, ofthtitc Lashy'shBattjo Clttb, oft AtntxArbor. EnglishLt iterature hDeparttment, (of 'This is to be otte of thte tmost itn- Rocetser Seemitnary, ante foreterly terestieg tmeetitngs of thte year atne it a memuber of thte faculty of thte U. ttf is htopeedtht a good atueience trill 1'N., trill hbe professor of Rhbetoric int bte present. thtenesw Chticago University. Nitrit i. Nleting 1)1 tile 2 ' iwinu l s oo (lass Satu~rdaly , April 9, at 8 r romI -sP s l~ lietie ad thi oler matters tolbe ctz011 sitiered.h FI . PNs'htsIITS ARNOLD'S, - 36 Main St. Ni-rise A-.t the ltctilsg ifthe ; 9= I f IIB i di f rf . IndisepenettAssociationtiltnunpri19 Ittitlt.$,000t. Surplis and Prfits 1,()0. thte following samletndmnt twill bli tDotssttueessl tttltsig tsssitss.Pyt'tt - offereth to Article i, Set11)11ft. Its- ts'eessssssissBotepstfoset-Ht oe steadh of '''he ts'fces of thte Lllitt- R. KEMIP ItPes.. I. 1I. BI,8t ht('tshi r. rial hBoardshsiallcostitsofl atnag;- - - --- lug Editor, a Butsitness NMaaerAn(~niTin'n [w sts.\sistattNanagi t0 IEtitors e RArbyth Lw y antwo asssistatnt Biitss lss ns]]-1 -_ ers, elected bty tile htoardh frotm its WORK CALLED FOR anl DELIVERED, 051]ntctetbers.'" 'he sectionssas anetthshsel1rceh "ueOficrso SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. thte h'Aitoriai Board shtall cotneist of Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. a Nianaging Editor, I/irs c .Assistatnt ;_- - - Mattagintg Ehitetrs, abus~itnetsNMats- I 0 . .BARBER SHOP agter andtiwhoesassistt lbusinsess Nianxagers, electetd by thte Board Ilat1t1ts11t11001118 s'it, es'tstio. PtorcelaitnTibs. Sh w t al'th stonsettedttiths earls'l'ttt. frmisonmmes"rticle 11, Section i. J. R. cTROJ BNo WSKI, Strike outt thtetwordi "sixteen."' 5e'liss 2, ' .011. WashinttgtoStt5., AnsnsArbori, Siotssgot. Strikse outt '"hoerer, a reirntcis- tative true]atty of thtestthecr depart- Ann Arbor Savings Bank ment ts y lbe chosetn at thte discrec- nt Aersor tsish. 'apital totk, $00,010, tio fthse boardh of edtors adi ratntiedtunttr t'eGeneral Bantkinsaw s sect, '"Eacih of thte otiher separt. o this tate. Reivtes Depoaita, httysad- aells exchatnge Itn the priestipal citietsof the mentts reisreseetedhit inte associa~tieoIUaitetd Statea. Drafts caslsedlapaonproper iden~sTleatiNoff Oicerst shtall be enttlesh to at least Ito]nte sta osCte edior. 1IAC5I1MAN, Vise Pres., L Iaos. F.. Hittt,Calier