THE U. OF li,/.DAIY WE ARE THE PEOPLEu. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. NewoWalarottts.(ortntr or faire otti Libeirty- Streets. I still 'Open the Ball" by placintg a fie otock oif(Guitars, Bnjos, etc. -Ar-- Thnree Pai rs PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU.1' For Fifty Qent Find W'I ezs 's M v mc S ORE, 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. Z'C i S 25 CENTT5 A.C YOUR GIRL ' Albany Law School' HOSIERY SALE AT NOBLE'S. ESt'ABLtISHEI) 11851. Wouldti appreciate t box of thtost CO)UF iS , ott yettr. Thtree fult tertttos tieei ttd 1tjott )l)lav. requtiredl. Terttis tiegiti, .eptetttber, F.eG oc~t~ . ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. GO)"' Degree of LL. B. Conferred. -- -Fotr HIGH CLASS TAILORING. Ccii kinto ph2cirrna2cy rFall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. He lot. > ,ltiSMII(0>oSo~gll~.o Sill. i c-n a ISeialty. 115.1. tcllldeami( Addrees s he a or Secretary, 'TRIY IT. ALBANY, N. Y. No. 2 Eost Washington St.,rnetr Moin. 3, ' o Bd E6JOLLY co. SEWtj ANt) At L. x tc1G ant&1 cz pllEI s ie . 0rderst f~ori ll I ATHLETIC + GOODS. CIGARS BY THE BOX. 'Irottigy'IHavaalonttiilter, ti0l N-.,.0S. ltouqu~et 151) "GrleenttSeal,"' 50 " kippler." 5)1 44 Main Street, South. [I'1PE'WJIlTING.- Alt loltnds of1W1rkneatly 11110do1e1t reaonabhle prico. 39SthlilUntt'iversity Ace. YOU CIAN GET >'t111 /11 Wn 11w11nt, 1(o1ld te 'ric 111i1 be litlit, at BROWN'S D)RUG STORE. Chemical Physical Apparatus G . PRand XI rare' 05011 Cals, Microscopical Supplies, EBERBiLFAGCI &SUN. H R01111 IO 0 0 11110TRADlE EAD eller'& Son Opp, Court 0011s0. S'I)ENTS' I11 AtQt AtttT If- 1011 "if you are tokingYoany 1 ot your 1100rdi take~o iehrinteO idandlHotel 71 Fort St., West. - Detroit, Mich. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS -A 1- 1F" 0. NEWS STAND Newspapltlers, Magaintes, Periodicats, Fin0 TCoutections, tCigars and Tobcuo. CAM PUS. Itittgtlirs Itroke ito t e ho 1111oo- lice t'oI us cooteito,. The juot lr Iengineeors tillislet "RIottkitio' yesterdla}- Keeler, '91lit, thas beenti 0111- taillotg lois fathter this week. Dr INovy tas lbee n nble to at- tetod to his class wtork for tie toast foot clays. Hereafter Mr. 1-Ittsev's class in Astrottonte 4, twilt recite otily on 'Tutesdays. s s .Xctsattililler,,.fttrittely of '102 lit, is visitinlg ter frietid, M\liso Kate Cratoe,*9 litt. 'The class in Dlynamsics tave fittisliett :Roof Trusses'' anodsoil1 take t11p1 Bridge Trutsses'' to-dlay. Thle lasswsill tavo reguttar 1Oct11 C~t 'on Satutredayiso rdtor to get atcav0110 day earlier before vacatiotn. .\tr. Eric Stmall, tof Milowtokte, etntertailolthOtetChoralt tn ioti last iiigtwsitth a fete Iiatno foorte setec- tion~s. lThe Replotticant mayor-elect of tratd Raptids ts NV. J . Stuart, late ' 72, iisstead of '92, as statedt in tto 1)111 v yesterday. 1rof. Scott letctutreed its letroitt last nigttoi 4Le' Ionartdocia 'Vinci' its Itis I civorsity extension cattse01n 'rthie Intterpiretation of Art.'1 1 'Two of tto tables ito dissectiont, had sonic very attractive pictures taken some tinme sitnce. Thtey are not t1i) for putblic inspection as yet.; Si B~x.BILLIARD F.ALORO) 3.-5 BUTTS' & HAZLEWOOD, ST.X'E'lSTREE'T, AS N At 1>s -O-T'HE ARGUS.- 'DEAN & COMPANY.PhZ O ______________________________AT' LOW P111(1. A large numbelllr Illsotnioty tphar- I FIRST NATIONAL BANK ics had 1theti r picltres taketi yester- 0OilANN ARBORlt. (lay, hibt~ory' gaorb tot o '5oCaital$0,0000 ScolC e otndIttrtfiet, 4300+C 1'. 11111,k , '()2 law,1)re~id ~ tto 101111' e chag oot ,let11111 cedt110ur troit too-datItt cotisoolttwitht Geot. s V .axcNcsir Mtr. Bturnett, weho stas itt tnt1 v electedl toast mtaster of the comtingCVJ f Republlicano (lubh banoottet, hitsan I .tt fUOL 1OR D 'IN article intshOtt" 1 ebrotary tttumiber of Btelford's Magainte. loss ovenilot recepotof 1Pupils. 'Tle conmnittee oil seior class MBMM hts are as follotws: I. P lerry, chsairmnts, :Miss Kate Ilgenfritz, 51Hiss Mfary 1Krol ik, I:. 1I. Harrimnit, aind WX. X't. Bishoipl. Goise L~a R. Buritt.'92 lats, left ( Watgtner & ('oI.,Mt'rcliatt Tttil- yestorday fetr Cthicago. SMr. Bit t- ne10 itntenods takinog an Oxtenstivte ,scc'frtg 1 tt nfto twesternt trilp, atttt sill noot retuItrn till the reigitlttr price tof clticli is froll. thte lier lpart etf thle mon~tlth. $22.00 i tlo .00)for 11>5. tl I. Mtr. Buorits, chaoirmtant of tie Rte- puiblia tall ublth(Censuts rottiitteo, Isutift, aitttl)first cltass. A It rooquests toe~ otom obors of the 1 51)1ttetrn'toof Trttiscriiigs, tltt comnmnitteoeto tomet thittittltoelaos quizt/ rtoomtat to oI'clock,:I. tm., ,Sait-rgOli Itit cetio(f Whtitciis froIn irdas $. 10to $f)a.,0fori') 00 a 5pasir. 'th I toarsAetltltioror~uiiio Thieyi are also offerintg sotielee folr Satutrday' evetnitog is as followts: Debato, Resolvedt. That there t icded bargaitis itt Heavy Unider- shiotild ho a propeorty quoalificationts wcetl. An intspefctinof goods for voters; Affirmoativo, .\essrs. Wilcox andTl towse;o t Negative,1 antIptrices is itisited . Messrs. Croier atid Dellenoback; succeeded bly extenmporaries by- .Messrs. Drake, Cook, Galbraitht, anod Haskins.