THE U. OF M. DAILY r ., THE TWO SAM AGENTS FOR- -66YOUMANS" AND KNOX HATS. - Novelties in Neckwvear. Latest in Furnishings.? Call anal see us.I NEW GOODS, j NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS. The J. T. iJacobs Co., The J. T. Jacobs Co., The J. T. iJacobs Co., 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. I LIL5.1 ITZ. N. L'.-We still have a nice assortment of L~ight Weight Overcoats to he closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices. M ror Stu iliLafY. CO0AL. GEORGE L. MOORE, (MooeTa5ber + + WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A FusltLinee alt cotlege Text Bookts, inctuding wandcrtMedsicalt BrO)t, Sy the tacvk. CALF. oN Cheapest place eeor.5 to Books sod Fontain Ptkscinttise city. tFretsment crowedtin. tCome salg SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. 2,_S .,. = = . old friends. I5nosehkne my entire stock at my store o NO. 6 S. 16t &IN STr. Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. NO. 1S WEST WASHI5NGTON SsT:RET CO. z. MooRE. W""AHR'S BOOKSTORE, DOWN TOWN. ITINS DRETOY HACK ~tt, ANtS BAGGOAGi!tLtNE. Every Strdent will sttve money hy hbtying University Text-Books and all supplies it headquarters. We allow! etters for trains, poetics, rettsdintg, etc., special discount ont LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS. DENTAL BOOKS, iii short, every Book usoed in the' croseulyotteuss 2N.'Iinit tt. x).Pool Slice. Uiversity. 5,0100 Blanuk Books at loswest prices. MISS JUDITH GRAVES, LEADING BOOK STORE IN TIlL CITY. iiiehest 0rades Taughst. Apply or Siteys rME -iEXCEStRe.-__________ Ripshmond Straigjht QatI The senior law closset yester- INn. 1 day nmorning after lecture to arrange CIGARETTES. for their class election, schich is to Cigarette Smoskers whobehl Saudymrig t are wilting to nay alitta e ldStudy mrig a more than the price ocok ess so zcharged for the ordinsrya 'lc.Mess ogan, 'Wesh- t0 radeCigarettes, wilt Band = .; Teiss BRANDauperinr in etmer and Young were appointed to j alt othern. The Richmonad Straight make all the arrangements. Cot No.1I Cigarettes are made from the hright- eat, moat delicately Blavred and highest cot Whaercidalterfosua Gold Leaf grown in Virginia. Thin it the OldodU.oM.mnOrgnlBadoStihtCtiaetsoncsngaub and wan hrought oat hy us ia the rear 5185. srpint h ALadi hc Beware of imitations, and ohserve thai the arpintots L, and nshc Srm namne an helow istan every package. hesy. o cv a The ALLEN & GINTER Branch hesas:"You dervagodel Of the American Tohacco Cn..' Manufacturers. - - RichmondVirginia. of praise for the success you are S making of the DAILY. It compares t4l Ina Iu~'~l~ very favorahly willh the other dailies Capital. $0,010. Surplusan Profis, $17,00. of Yale and Harvard." Goes a general Banking husinenn. Payn in- The medical students are anxious terent on Savin gDeposits. Has safety Deposit Boxen for Sent. to know whether te are allowed a S. KSMPF, Pren. ;F. H. SELSES, Cashier. te Sank oneSnatrday evening. "Rughy team" from the entire de- Ann Arbor Savings Bank partment, to represent them in thse Ann Arhor Mich. Capital Stock, 650,00, inter-class league. Last spring they Surplus, $100.000. Organized utder the General Bashing Lawn were granted this privilege its the of this state. Receives Deposits, buys and sells dachange on the principal cities of theine-lsbaeallag.Ifts Uited Staten. Drafts cashedi upon proper strcls aehl ege fti iefcatsons.rsxfMcen., privilege is granted them, a strong W. D. HARRIMnAN, Vice Pres.. team soll he ognzdwiths a rush, CHAS. S. HsscocK, Cashier.oraie if not, the individual classes will Yous Prohably have some Broken Arts- prohahly not put in teams, as they ceoffelwa coprdwtthlrg JEWELRY OR A WATCH OUTfelwa coprd itthlrg OF REAIRclasses in the lit and law depart- OF EPARments. The dents and pharmics WM. ARNOLD, 36 MANSTREET, ask for the sameIstePaeog. privilege. r NOTICE-Memhers of last year's 1 lD A..L 47.' '4 class eleven will meet at 53 S. ___________________s~'Division street to-night (Oct. 14) at FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. 7 o'clock, for the election of cap. MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! lain. W. B. WARD, Manager. 305astfuontSarIseet, NOTICE.-There will he a meeting TA KE A at g a. m. Saturday, in room K, of SHORTHAND COURSE. students electing course XI in histo- ST WILL PAY YOU. Shorthand School, New ry, except those who were selected Building. 20 southlstate street. ' for the Wednesday. section. Literary Criticism. Has all the improved machinuery, and is pre. _- pared toturnout first clas sworkson short no- tire.Co5mcrciltwsork turedtoutsamue day. lresaoolne srsors~e.ot 1 ABR~AHiAMt LINCOLtN. Carl Schiurz, wos-Ihatts ritteni a very entertainting life of Htestry Clay, its the Americans Statesnmen series, hsas jusst produced in hook form an ssaiy upoin thse life of Ahraham Lincoltn. The es- say was originsally puhlishied in the At-~ lsitic Moisthsly as a review of 'Ahra- hasm Linicoln, a History,' hy John G. Nicolay anid Johis Hay. The hook, 116, pages, coistains a fronstispiece which is regarded as one of the most chsaracter- istic likenesses of Linscoln extant. The essay cansiot he too highly recommeisd-. ed to otto who wishes tss get a clear cut and compreheissive picture of Linceolns's very unuisuial catreer. It is an essay thatt will give osse a msore complete grasp of the salient poissts in his life thsass the more volumissous hiograsphiea. Thtere is so much excellent literatutre' of this chsaracter wiihsthse stusdent ougiht to retsd hut whichi he canstot he- cause of lack of time, that a cosidens- satioss like this of Lintcolin's life is more acceptahle ins matey respects thtan the more complete htistory of Nicolany asid Hasy. The style of the author is onter- tasining. It is, isotthe rattlser nmore ex- pressive Itn eleganst phsrase, very easy" reaidinig. It is puhlishtedhhy Htoughitosn, Mifflins & Co., of Bostoin, Mass. NOTC.-Foot-hall candidates for 94's eleven must come out for daily practice on the campus at 4 p. m. W. DREW, Capt. NOTICE-All those who have not paid their Gym. suhscriptions will greatly ohlige the committee hy re-, mitting amount of suhicription to T. H. HINCHMAN, Treasurer, +1 SnoPat Hsuron st. A. F. COVERTS, drosritow. 0. M. MARTIN, DEALER SN Cloth Caskets, Metallic ANDLCOMMONCOFFINS. J. A.POLHEMUS. ALSO 'BSSHACK AND BSAGGAGE LINE, North Stain Street. RINSEY & SEABOLT. Bakers and dealers in Giroceries, Provisions,Flour and Feed, 8und 85E. Washington St. J. HALLER, Orpeaining aepecislt.' d46 SOUTHn MAsN ST. J. D. STIMSDI & SONS3, State Str-eet Grocers. Stuidents patronage especially solicited. 24 S. STATS STREET. OOVER GLASSE3 --AT - I -_ - - 67 EK. Washington-st. 1 ;71 Fot St.. West. - Detroit, Mich.