THE U. OF M. DA I LY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. i ("%V Warcrttviis.C(vinier itof \Ititl turdEliet v Streets. I xil''Open the Ball" by placing a fine stock o1' Gitairs, Baniijos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU.! Find Wis S wgiC STRE 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. YOUR GIRL Wtoiilid ippri i tt aisixioflihose Fine ChocolateS Albany Law 8chool ri TAnt SHI I)18 ( Ot 11SE1 iiiieari.nThiree full tlertits reqiiiredl. '1ei-iis brgiii.Stiiiili, .tstiiiirrytid yairchi. ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. rull Corpsoiua In uoro and Leturoro, Degree of LL. B. Conferred. Three ?cuir For Fifty Qend~ WOTT25C1WBiC5 HOSIERY SALE AT NOBLE'S. 'se tc l tiidvixx Iisiil i. G0t TO --Far HIGH CLASS TAILORING, C ~ 17'hcirrnaey Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13.juai iisl.1'iIAs)UMii(-Oi- i SrI Address the Dean or Secretary, TLRY IT. ALBANY, NY. V. h' hII 2.PAIIGARS BY THEBO B.. Efj JOLJLY U ... Piittsbuirghi Stogies, 100 in Bx sir f Piroidigy" f nhlt isiog flier, 11 TO~N' "S. & S. h~iiviqcet,. "tesAND Aft Iaitier.' I cEsda ' csppl ES, "ulT oys texerdiers fortall Skipper'. ATHLETIC + GOODS. 44 Main Street, South. No. 2 East Washing Lgton St., neoar Malts. T.YJ'E WRfITING;. All kindstt of' Work neaty dtonetiesoable fprices. al St Univjtersitr e. YOU CiAN GET V/a, oilt ca a 5 10tat f/ ic lt i nli /he right, iti BROWVN'S DRUG STORE. Chemical Physical Apparatus x C-1P. and AX R/ara Clam cocls, Microscopical. Supplies, EBE+RISACU & SONT. E HAV~yE RNED A 'tin D~se Ii ENVIQABtLYt ir~~~ ~~ F0t keiji( i IT S tetlit1Yt{Set 71~~ ~~ orpSt, Wst, uDtHos.h LTEAV EA URRERS Nititeer tonSanuts.eeYorwelltsutelyFee 71eFoette, et -nDetitich CAM PUS. spntISundiay switit ttiss .\.i inCurtis. F. IW. Ncticn stas cecectdsecrc- lacy cii the Atdeililt i iniplacecof itiiss is Ivs, wliiircsigned iTherc is a ie-saingicrcew at Evantston compotvsced of stuients vi ytihc Nortihwcstcrn Uiversit. M1 r. Isaiah Frantklhatuscnof Hills- dle, visitedl Iis brotlhcrSilas F rank- 'ihurset, '9.1mnicyesterday. MNr. G. H. T. Shaw, special studtent ini cnginccring, leaves for lii hotmei, cc Critter, ll.,IFridlas. TI'ice Tipest'will be the sub- jctl ftor discutssionin t the Shtakes- ipcarc Scintary classes, this wceck. Miss5 Janret lBuriss, of Kalanma- ztot, xwlovihax beenvisitinsg tricrii intse ltarais-ersity, has Ircttritct littmie. isis Shueffielid, a miissiontary fromc Cina, gate a talk tvi the ladies cc the S. C. A. last eveing at New- berry Hail. IDr. Abel could tot steet lits classes yestertday ott account of sickiteits, aisellSr. Muiirhteadlsurprised theta wiutlha qutiz. C. A. Boweis and \V. -fH. Dellen- back were elected to represeist Adel- phii. its the third joint debate with thse Webster Society. A nnuber of new buildings will be bttilt at the University of AWis- cousin in pilace of those destroyetd by fire a short timie since. 3.0Nice lunccounsete r in coneecti. 50 8./ BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, i0 TATE STREET, ANN ARBiIIO 511 ---tTHE ARGUS.'- DEAN -& COMPANY.ifl4JO lI@ AT iL/iwVPRICES. Xlr. viixvtx rI f agiar, FIRST NATIONAL BANK visitintg irss taura 1Wolpetc, q itt. viiANN ARBORii. Projf. lirThompsronicormmenicedc iis Ctitarl, -ti*Stiti00. Surpilisandirft iitt , 5r, " ' T'rnatis tagenerutralbningtuugliitis5--. ilrrrcs ttte juriorr lawvs, XFester- vignexrchanguesolextuters oftrredauit i crrcrrr ulssvn r sdlordtviciandTienianut. . -. R iICHMONDxtPres. P. iCti 5. lie Ilie sext clasaini lathlslu,,v will s.xv. iiiciCashiter. tbegius toi-moirrow.x'.'is is the last fclass for this c'ar, antho iivse tic R NG R siring thtcocucrse ssotulidle ciiihandl Vit lit xiii give a class social neat (V"JOfl fl tudyeeigi ebryHl.All whso saxve beetn, are, or expect toi lbe, msenibers of the class sire cordliailyNexw opeti tot recepttont it Pupils, inted._________________________ G. A. Blrownu, 'qi latw, is visiting its the city, the guest oif Honit. Rufus N Itaples. -Mr- .Browsn is a tmeniber of the laiw firust of Waples & Btrotwn, at Marquiette, Mili. Waneur &(Co., -Merchanutt Tail s The metin ocf the hoard cif Re- raeofrn 0si atrs I etr otoe rm atFiaill be held text nuiday. T ile cots- the rogultar price cif which is tfriw Stract for the erection.i ofitiue gym$8.0t x3.0no fxvill prcobabily be let at that titte. fr55/ia 'Fle followlig officers wtere chsosetshsit, mtdutt p first class. Alec at the regular election of the hIli 15(0 patterns of Troiuserings, the nix Clctb Couitrt, hseldI last Saturday: Clsiefi justice, J. 1G. riecmever: regulart Irice of whiucht is ficits Sassociate jutstice, S. AINNiebuiul; $7.()o to $9.00O1 for $6h.00 a pair'. clerk, C. C. Spencer;shteriff, HI. '.. Tickisor.They ate also offering somue de- Prof. tie Pont lectured to Prof. cided bargaits itt Heave Unider- STrueblood's classes its elocutiots, war An itnspecticn of goods yesterday msorning, on 1Itlelsarte," Igiving a sketchs of Isis life, atnd illus- atid prices is itnvited. trating the principles of his .system Sin oratory. Thse professor lectures, again at ri1::30 Wednsesday, ott a different pilase of thse sante subject.