THE U, OF M. DAILY WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. (> % c c 'ii icc rx s xx (xCornr-o Ax i 211 a ndcxxi ibexrtv Struets. I xwil Open the ]Tall" by placing a fine stock of Gxuitars, ]Ilnjex. etc. TH T _AT --Three jPainPS PRICES TA WILL ASTONISH YOLL Find '5W7"zimsw's Mcameo Sy or w, '25ISoulh lamrth Av enec,ity. 1 For Fifty Qentp 25 CEN J a SACO.0E YOUR GIRL 'Alban Law 8chool, I SorABIIISHI) 1I51. Woud111aprecciate a hex of(.Dosle COUR1SE1 ocx ear. 'Three lxiiiteriesx rexirexd. Tersils l)egill, Seltelnil)er, .Jcianuary111dNMarchx. F ine ChocolateS ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. ATllCorps of InstrtrsILootuo Degree of LL. B. Conferred. Caki' P a mac Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept._13. Address tihe Dean or Secretary, Till IT. ALBANIV, N. S'. REL A JTOL LY Ot AND ALL. x 5tcs'nt' scppliEs, L~eave~ Orders frxali ATHLETIC + GOODS. CIGARS BY THE BOX. I'ittburhil 3kstolgies,11111in 1oc I'rodl.=-ItHaviaiailen il~hler, 100 Ien-IIenr, "; . ' l. llxlllt, 0 'Itleell '-S ,ell > "Banner,' ) 44 Main Street, South. HOSIERY SALE AT NOBLE'S. SIee tiem Wiixexxr Display-. Fer HIGH CLASS TAILORING. Ilex ha axhe 11ADIN SPRINlxi.AND SUMMER) iGOOD ilSi iigs, lexxexwinget, Siltk'le (ill 0in te cxi. lull Dress Suxxxxgx a iSpcialty, le cacll axti ex ie. No. 2 East Washington SI., 11ear Main. - $11 BILLIARD PARLDT ' ill BOX, - - - 6f x ~ Eleanlyx refittedxdurenge p ast SIde xxxxxxx =t < _sc_ $3150 BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, I; 1 STATE STRIEET, AN All 13) fl - - - 51.55i ---ETHE ARGUSn-- DEAN & COMPANY. FIN JO fRINI tI@ ______________________________AT LOW PCFICS. Prot. 'Trxueblxood is rapielfy conxx c- FIRST NATIONAL BANK excilxg, bxut xvi i xolallynotlexiieable01ANAlli. 1o axet lxix classesxunl iWednlesxdaxy. Oxaxita.lxex~xxxxxxxx. Sxrplusl and Poi ts,xx 0,0ixx % leeexllltxxa genxxexalxxain;exlxexxes or In 111e base-ballI score xxi Satxr- egexecimx- sxiecxx.lle Cersf exdit xexxexxxl ote ay Iners aI c9 day's issuxe, (travicxrr shxouldxtake C. IH. IIIIMOND,. Occ-,.1P. 11511, V. lee-.s lice place xxf Richin xxSeytlloxur's S. xv. tlLAIIKSOI Ca~hie. TIYPEI'WIILNG. Axlkinxxsxox Wxrk Ixellei done at esonablle ices. 31 oixl t Uiercsiy A r. YOU CIAN GET Wl iyxxx cxxxi, xxxilxx *xO1 xr~cwiii he 1/itl, (d BROWN'S DRUG STORE. Chemical Physical Apparatus q )- C. P. and X xxpaxx Cl-exxxcals, Micreseopical Suppliex, EBERBACHT & SOAN. 0 0 YOUR TRVADIE sO pp. Cort.C House. STUDOENTS' HEADQUARITERIS. "loes,'"itfcyou are looking for any or your frendxs, take o choir in the Ocecidentaf Hotel 11001e for tellnminutes. Toxwill surely nee them. Fiv-e o'clock dinner, Sundays. Special 71 Fort St., West, - Detroit. Mich. LEAVE YOUR ORDER. -AT- F. 0. NITSWSTAND Newspapers, )Magazi 1p, _Period s 1 1Fine Cssnfelxioss.Curs 81111 Toissosst CAMPUS. Thie S.- C.- A. gaxe a seocial Satxxr- diay exenxinoxixxxenxbers. issxAllexxnePek, lit '95x is c011 finxexdtofxer ccclix iy illixess. .M1essrx.hDacde Gifllis and Fced Cole- mxanx, xxiIetroit, are xisiting0 stxxxe011 friexids. C. F.~ Weller, lit '93Ixas brein out of college for a fexw days oin account of illniess. Thfe R-epxxlicaxx Clxxb will hlxocfa mectinlg thxis evenxing iintile laxw lee- lure roone. IV. A. Kuxhn, '92 laxw, fs speeding sexeral days at his hxomnilxCasnxo- via, Michx. Miss Kittle Waterbury, of Kala- nazoo, is visitinlg Atiss Jennie Cook, niecdic '9)5. FdredI IV iflelts, '92 lit, lxai beeix inable 10 attenc classes, by reasonl of sickiiess. Prof.'Thiompsoin commllenlceida new series of lectures to thxe junieor laws to-des. Miss Anly Peavy, of Battle Creek, last year in college, is the guest of friends in the city. Miss Marian White, '93 lit gave a pleasant April Eve party at hler rooms, Friday evening. The next meeting of thle Choral Union will he held Wednesday even- ing instead of Tuesday. The enormous number of ncr,ooo applications has been made for ad. 'm ission to Stanford University. Ileam. 105 a 505 Nxxxocxuxrum bexxxg presenxt iSatuxr- R NGER t.Ic>, thxe mxeeting of thxe Athletic :Board c'asadljoxxruex tl isttlx xeven-~ lf~U~llfl1iFT upg at E6:30. &OUYIUUL P f MJ1' Tloe commxittee cxixtixe '95~ baxnxqxet are searching for a gooxd desigln for No 0open for reception ixi Puplils. thle cover of the meenu and daixce prorame 'fle '95 glee clxxb has secxredl re- hiearsal roonms in thxe S. C. A. buiild- leg, aiid it hsoldls its first nmeetinxg theere to-nigixt. I Wanr&C. ech tTi- Mr. Reed, '91 lit,, at presenet prof agir&o.,Mi-iltTi- fessor of chsemistry and phlysics, -in)ors, are edtcrilie 50) suitpatrs Last Saginaw Highe School, is in lthe tlile regulair price of wh-licli is froxmx city for a feiv days. $28.00 to $33.0() fir 25.{1lxa Asitn rfso moshsjust conspletecla very line syrenge for suilt, mla~de u11p1fist tiliss. Alse Prof. C. F. Adamss, inastrucetor fin 150 patternis of Triiiseriligs, tixe physics lsinlse Detroit Highl School. S~ls nllsla ianlar, o Abilaregulalr price of which is froml College, who hlas been the guest for $7.00 to $9l.00, for $6.00 a pair. sonme days of Miss Mary Heard, Thley are also offerilng someI de- pharmic '92, returnxed to Albioni, Saturday. cided bargains ill Heavy Under- Biological Society meets Tuesday, wear. An inspection of good* April 3, 7 p. SI. Paper by S. D. anld prices is inlvited . Mayers, ".Flora of Texas." Paper by J. N. Dickson, "Flora of Ore- gon." Paper by Miss F. Langdon, "Flora of New England."