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April 02, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-04-02

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Pu'sii-hedt tiily ( Ssnys excepte-d) duing
the College J ear5, by

Campbell, '93 law, twill spsend(I leg
Sunday at his hotise in Jackson. G ll
lProf. Vance, lass librarian, will
Iectnre to the late stud(entts .I ondiT ltiX
eseti eg in the latw lecttire roomi. J'~
ITickets for tihe IDeniocratic bait
(tisct still be oni sale it th2 - meeting Roo kS

(+I Gireekt, Latin, French, Ger an, asid Malieiat12seal
+hooisks, New and SecissilisIind at
IUniversity Booksellers, - - State Stress.

ill tihe lass Itstusse rosomsithis esvciing.
IN lfsrmser yesars it certainly liss W.X.I Iliitisic, 'i.l lit, asnd at
bsen the esistosmssfosrthe fres ititiili rlt t5 ist itusc inithe XWest Bay
to wveasr sill liens at their banqulset. ityll li So, is ini tcitivsisit-
As a consequenciie, it is fosrmial andia. I in'' fsiens.
cosideslrabsle ismsitsase ieci ledi Ir. IFsrsdihas slpetsthe past fetej
sit this account. 'The ontly meansti5iiais at Wa shinsgtons, I. ('. IDhring
for bsecomnsg acqutainitedIare the Isis absecccrl.tCanmpbellItansiccu-
soscials hseldl front timeteoI timse tit the pidIsis t ite it anastomny.
several chssrches. 'lhey sdtssot fully Considesrablc laboir is bcing ex-
answrer the pusrpotse. Thesmasjsrity pesnded upon the diamtndi upon use
(if the studtesits go thsronghicosllege canipssthic stles bseing fillesinit,
usilb barely a speakitngacquiainstance. and the "roundolslesd downi.
If the freslisns basnsiuettws'tnisatdc NIins ulisa ('lark, of Kalamiazoo,I
s-istirely liformsal its chasracter, there andl Miss (ract Stanitoin, of Rochles-
terX. ., erethe guests yester-
wultd se a large attetndatnce, anis1 lay of hIisIMarians Stronsg, lit '94
gossodlfellownsiilintshteclass iwotlid IisI"/.cine Claris, if1Katlamsazsoo,
lie prrnoiited.l - -situ sns Stanitoni '9 r lit, frosts fber-
liiin eethe guiests syesterdany.cif
A greait deal tansbects sail its the NIMisNIartanSit Sronsg assdl7sIaudse sr-
colstiiis of thse Dlitv absisst the ; rett,'9; lit.
NIMsck Ho une sf Repsresntatives I TeXWcbster Sosciety ihelsd asselec-
wchichihsnrecently sects organsizetl.tion ltnt eeinitg swiths the folloinitg
It hs an sadirable endsicits into result:IPresidesit, IFrantk NIartist;
birisng forthlscusstssiossu1o0 lice nice-pres.,(has. liver; secretary,
P.NI.1Troy; treasutrer , J. S. Phillips:
tospscs of the dlav. It is alsos sesiresli critics S . G. rtundy; miarshsal, C.
tos gaits a reasonable knowssledlge of K. IFriedmn.i
psarliasmentary late. Dusrinsg the last Anmong ths ee newiens wlho reiported
two mneetinigs, hotvever, the first of for foot-baill pratctice yesterday,
these objects hsalassost whlsly seetsterre Xicks of last year's 'Vasrsity
ignsoresd. Botth sies osf the Ihousse teamss, IBalsdwins, ILosell assdl Iasslsr.
MIosst of thsose welo sane alareeslvc-
linte indsuslgedl inipetty filubststerisglsss prtedh wvre out, ssndl aistiff Ipractice
issctics whlichs are isrodutctive of iii gamesscvssplayed wsith '9,3's teasm.
goodi, atsn isichsifconstinusedl, tnill ---t" -
cit te sosciety isito the grosndss. A BUIESOAS
slct dal of benefdtmsysie idseriv-etd elNatices insneted inthits colustn at tic rats
grofit155ceit per lissy. Specuilsates forelanger3
fro sch ilOraniatonif ro 1tints, andistra ins',furvsnised byapplyingeat
secs nsuitsistedlists tolie suits seilesilAll stussenssdslsisrisig gnosd, lustest
tos lislentshelentisircce-eeninigtto aset elliplo> sit st fis tal l' sssssss-svaaion
P n frmsei's -ivetoitre
oftl 1libsustecs, inss estrysotie. These isiundredldllasiPses sssssssl, still st
tactcs souldbe doppe an satill tso cill sits{
re-gilasr, ortilt-rImodeitlofi ptroceduslitsj (tsll.gt. liriHoISuppi~le Xsso.
.slsitsl-5 -ltss"hns . 555 - (isi i- Igs . lii
N ~ii.- hreguslairveetioss of
Nirc. 'cot. .'l'rsicblsoddsl I oneto tlscD: lii IislIs itil sillIit-scc t ext
I-isins tlt -s-ssiit it it li li 5Ssurda-y af tersisisns st 2p. 1-).
NI11-.lit s's ilsss nits 'vv llsg ci s- ml iembiers of the '93
st-ill~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~' stsi'rsss sti intssX sas st,,lve ciandi. itlsers goisig toths e
willundr-o~n examnatix ~t[I 0.a-psi f tll gsssse Satsirday,
15555 ng - Itakesthtest_5o0 iioIlok i ksssttst
Xl cssrs. IIaitseciandi Iasissof ANsf 1 'sc~r I i1t flse smectiss" oiftej
resia sil le''',tre ,s-'s~rt'"TPI xisIn ,lsdltseislen:ssl ssssatitissott. -iiile
\n Aribsior. ~s .~ the follosess indi''sscslcst twill -be
Mis Int~t Ctti~iud, 5 , olfredto Artts leIcII Section o6.n
1; ciiof tOictersofteLi-
iacksnist 5isittaiff' ft tef (15 t ttse s Ios c is osnn ttsNn Ig
tiisersity ing I sdior, a 'Bsinss MaI na1ger,
NIessrs. Irids1 NIorlisisNiaikl AI -es s X:ssistatnt Xlaing s' I itors
teles sassi1 G. lff11 95lit 5511nda a snto Asstistnt 1usiness Nlanng-
ludyi etsrsilt. l erslectedl by thlIlosard ftrsinsits
Prof. 11.N. Ga.riners insttctramnedcwsill resad: I"lie O fficers of
its psychuology nt Amhilerst *College. I(te Editorial lboardlshanll cosist of
teas its towessyestersday. Ia 'ianaging 1-ditor, I/l-css Assistant
Mr. Rebec's class in paragraph =Managig Editors, a BuisissessNin
hel a ostmorem verager andti woenAssistanst Buinsess
ss-isitgisetIa Iostosrteusove Mantagers, elected by te 'hoard
yesterdaysN's issuse of thh its iix frcom its cstwn snsiseri.

f ici - %.r + uY

- - 5- Furs depatment is-Cmeetil.Notxt-Bo
y oreusu-tptssssk-Ilsu usstu-tthorthndei
- 5ensanvssip Ftc set subuisng- tuigc a
tcndareseflsit. isuctors,ssuri tiu
--_ - - - o~~~ughtlivng- xpn es exstemelyit-4,;.St
$2,-)0 pue steek; students assistedtoispossiions.
For catgue,, addrtesis5'1. It. L5155 riet.
I u nus c r:There uxilsbe a sheeting TU L
of the repsubtlicas sintsh~e lawvIcc-
slice rosssom, MnIdusay eveninsg, at7:0
t muake fhtal arranugemnsts for she --t1-
N' 'u sit; 'Ile regular itsnuual i "
mueetinsg of thue Athtletic AssocitonususSuitig
will li euliloniTtuliesday, Apil ats.,
p. in., in RomniA.
'. A. BOwi-lie 'res. ;Pantaloons, r i.-Ic~uc~lt lb
'Thee ilnbuametin in te lass
lectusre rooim, Satunrday eveninug as And
7:,;0. sImpoertant busisness andulgsood

- ----- ----- -- - - Fancy


Ni H , uuutli N us i -lii

and Banjo Clubs,'
vi hs' 5 ''1 51. tls-susi

Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railway.
'is, - Cissin is feitt Jansuaticy 214, 5'.9
ASi i llfltsuss .a t imAiorsis-

University Mautv. .-milsusir% Stil si ..s.sc, ;:s-vuu 0i
T uesday, -Aprilie'cuuc il'.
No.e i. t'uussi'iusuc, Tosledo Ac'u m.suuu ',0(hiss w
nl it Dai0.ly exetu Susuissy.
5 1 "5esevedat i l-elan s t v-b W -.uE :512TT, R. S. 137E WO
®tI euu
1. D. S TIMSOIT8& 8 TS
J. H A L L E R, State Street Grocers.
r~r~ ;,Studensts patronage especially snolicitled.
IRepairnisg a spe-sfalty. 556 vvcsn sam 5r. z4 iS. 5TATE.:STREET.

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