l c . af , 1. 1a lt . VIorL. ItI. -No. 1< UNIVERSITY OF M\ICIIIGAN, SATURDIAY, API'IlE - ,1,92. Geological Society. Foot-Bail at Ypsi. Amendments to the Constitution ot the U. of MI. Independent Asso-- \eslerdalaf 'terno0o0nI r. tuset}' 1 011011row ifternoon at N'psi, 'o, ______ 01 HL I hr. .40mn. Psmpire. Kesnedly. SCtORE BIINNINGIS. SymosursTeam.-t0 012 4 21.4 It 0 1-2I Ie Pont's 0 0 ut 0 0 0 -11 Prof. Knowlton lectulres to the~ laws, .Mon-day. 9~. Six mtembers shall conistitulte a quotlrum o tf the board of Editors. Communication. EdtiortsL. ocrM. tDAILY: Thle statements of te C. of MI. of the 30111,a to thsenmarriage of Miss Oswvald, of this city, are inlcorrect. Miss Oswald is not a moedic and ditd not nmarryanmensber of the '95 medic class.- Th Adeiphi Senate will meet this evening, at 7:3o-,'nrom 10. The qluestion:of. reciprocity will be - akcen. ' tp and an iunteresting discussion can he anticipated. 7'riie regiular meetings of thte ' A Bhoard tof Editors shall 0occ10 at least Antdlkt.eip inifotrmd every- two weeks, oin Saturdlay el-eli- on Uitvhers-ibr 1111d "igat ; o'clock, or at soy othter I1tercollegiate doinlgs.- timle dteermlined upiontby hrle board at its first regular mleetinig after elec- 110on. FitlI -epot-s ttf ALL BASE+-- 8. Special mleetintgs shtall he calledl BALL GAMES will be madite - at te written requiest of three Itemt- specialty. Price for t relrl~lit- hers, or at thte discretion tif til er01cr th le college year, $I.25. maagn< eitoir. Riehmond Stra.igjht Qcil. No. I CIGARETTES. --- Cigarette Smokerswh 0 -. aare wiling to soy a lle more thas the price - , charged for she tmdles t radle igarettes, will tind ToIS BRs~ADsuperior tI -- all others. f- i The Richmond Straight Ciut No. S Cigarettes are made from the bright- esl, most delicately flavored and highest cost GSold Lent growna in Virginia. TOis is the Old and Original Braodo Straight Cut Cigarettes, and waslbrought ot by usain the year IrM1. Beware sf imitaions. and obserro that the firm name as belsw isan every package. The ALLEN St BINTElI Branch Of the American Tobacco Co., Manufacturers. - RiBchmsnd. Virginia. J.,A:, POLHEMUSc. ALSO 'BUS H~ACK ANU BAS GAUZI LINZI North Stain fStest..