THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. Newrev X'acni Ccc o riiior' (IH ii cand Libeity- Streets. RI I will "Open the Ball' by placinga line stock of Gitarsl Ba nec. T re ar RICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. For Fifty Gentps Li1nd1 - i7"-,SE-n s .LV 5.1- maREo, 2 5octh1Forth AvenuieCity. YOUR GIRL Albany Law School ESTABISHI) ilSi. Wouldapclitela blxof ithIlos 'OURlSE,,oine (year. Thir'eelull terns requied. 'Tenrn l t i peii.Seuliili, tanucary cii lach. F ine Choeo~ateS ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. A>t'rl orso n'roo n oonos Degree of LL. B. Conferred. SCa~kin' P hctrrncy Fall Term of 1892 Regins Sept. 13. nAidress Itic Dean or Secretary, TRY IT. ALBANY, '_. 1' SZ"O TTI 125 CEN S'S 721-=- HOSIERY SALE AT NOBLE'S. 5c ilie \Viii lce)w I~ispil. -- For HIGH CLASS TAILORING. Ile. haos the LEAD~ING. SPlI G (5AMi) SlIMMEA,,(GOODin 0Sntilngs, Trleiong-ro.- Silk VNe-hong-in tlI i. D ull tiress Soitings a Specialty. tPu-becll and exI i l No. 2 East Washington St., near Main. R JOLLY, 00.,l A~AlL 1,1 Leai cOtniers toeall ATH-LETIC + GOODS. a CIGARS BY THE BOX. P itnion li stogies, l0iillto Box, - - - $11.00 t°'ioiii-y" II in ai li 1nngfiller, 1till Boxui, - - - 5ie "G ieer e, Si. - - $1. 12 "'Foutlen," ii - 1.75 I I"B illy Bob-,'50 1 i Skippler.- 0 - Ii 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. TYPE WRIUTING". All kindsiiiitWorea iitic doe atreaonanleeprcen. 89 soithti ciersity .1cc, YOU CAN GET lieu qo al t, tnI)IthePrice Mill leCe nil i BROWN'S DRUG STORE. Chemical Physical Apparatus q C. P. and .t% oarefem6cm reMicreosopcal supplies, EBE1KBACLI & SON. H RnoTT I ON S p.CortHouse. O9GJDIKllRT7 IL +1 fOWH STUJDEN~TS' IEADQUARTJOIS. lota if roa are looking tar any of your fies, taea cthaeain atheOccidental Hotel tffice tat tea miautes. Younwilitnarely ae thema.Ftit ociockdinncr, Sandays. Special 71 Fort St., West, - Detroit. Mich. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS. -AT- F. 0. NE S STAND NevepaaterCMagelnieri m edic in em Coifeeotans, tCiga re a4 Tn~iaees CAMPUS, (Gco. IE. lccgani iniidispcosud. 'H inn FlcrnucI lay, it Seanuky Olum, in tierguesnt of J . W. IDurkee. R. Sit luttaers .'95 lit, htiltsfct rot- lcgc r intha eiainetr ci tirenserns ter. Tlic I )rmcrali. CleetsnSatur- dayc evceing, at 7:30, ini the lac eIc- ture ooca. 'PIe '93 lit cicven plaly the Nor- mat toot-ball teane at tpsilainti, Saturday afternoon. NV. F. IDowland, uiitil thiemeius- ter weith '94 lit, istohte guest ot Geo. R. Rae', '02 lit, for a few' days. Mrs. .1. N. Van~emn, is ther wtest otftier sonAVXX. H. XaiiDeiiuai, '93 dent, at 45 Washlenaw avenui- Mfiss IFtittu Atkins, '90 lit, is speinding tier cacation at tier hoe iii this city. Stir is teacthing at XlI aieec. AXt the neeting of the ligineeriiig Society this evening, tarot. Green wilt reat a paper on "D)etails of Hcouise Construction." Mr. Anmes ananounces a written quiz for todtay for his classes in Englisth tistory. Tthe boya feet pretty sure that it isn't any Atprit Foot's joke. The water in thae upper dans in the river has been let out, and many students find fishing a pleasant amnusetment for spare hours, although not. an overwhietrningly successful one. P'.i tlsy,plicipal iiifSet- tusks , ( Ililo, teglelc I,cwlio, neih ai t ipai nit, tias lciieniiting the U ni\ernity anecitil.retrtneditoI Sanuskyesrdayice. 'The resigniatinof Ee . I f. Chreey fromie irGlee Club, anthelrfat thaetXX \V.L. Websnterhtis btenritecd to reace collegr, lraves tier clebwithe but tirer first trnors. 'rot.'T'riurblotd's classes itn Oral D~iscussioins, us bothe lace and literary detnartmsents, ccittlseect as usual dur- ig the professor's absenece carryiing on the debates Icythenaselves. 'Tle Geological Society meets this afterisoon at5 o'clock. Xtlr. H-uney will read a paper cia. 'Thi Solar Systeni according totte Nebnu- tar antI SMeteoritic Itypotheses."' tarot.'Triieblood's coneditioin sas reportedl yesterday afterinoona as soniewhlat iniprovetd. Ite seas rest- ing easily aindIis ratnidt recovery is confidently expected by Isis phtysi- cian. G. A. Albers, lace '93, tiscenter- tamning his friend, Mr. Solon, of Hollanad, Micts., a student of Hope College for a few days. Mir. Solon will sing for thse WXebster Society at their regular meeting to-night. The matter of transferring Dr. Grant, the S. C. A! missionary, at Ningpo, China, from the control of the S. C. A. to that of the board of ts own cthnur 1, is 1 ging considered by a comimittee from the S. 'C. A.' BILLIARD PARLOR-2 Elegautlyticeeittedldacic thue ps umr Nice luitcti coantee ituconnoectioni. BUTTS &HZEOD S'1'A'JT11'tIET, NN ATI.81. .-OTHE ARGUS.'- FINS JO13 FINxY;JN@ FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF- ANN ARBuOR. Capital, $i100,0000i. Suieplus i ndiou t 'iuits,$, 0t 'ienstus eeral bnki ng ui bocuiislin s.ifo e'igtn exnrold, ei.iittiesiiofrcdit ocr_ SCHOOL FOR OMN IN0 Nosw openi for recetptionmtfIPutpils. Wagniei & (C'o, MechIlantTai- ors, are'Soff'ering N50 suit patterns, the regular priice of whicll is fromue $28.00)td to 3.00tfor' $25.t00 a stiit, madeilO up fir'st class. Atso 150 patternis of Trouserings, the regular price of whlich is fromn $7.0)0 to $9.00, for '6.00 a pair. They are also offering some do- cided bargains ins Heavy Under- wear. An inispection of goods and prices is invited.