o .- ~ IBoard of ~Lditors may recomnmeti (._ + FO7cniatsEo eee~ ll e 0LlTilE SO TP EMESTEL
selected on the l>t sSt of wortikI done"
Publtihed t Oily (01 nto to'ex1ce 1ted)drng I.- Gicel. Latin, Frtench, (Germntt, moidMathienoitieoi
the ( eno itn, ' ; on 1fo i ti J ') F + ittolit. Ae tt iti 'ttctttttlit pta
Otto rptonpr .t' el r t, itna't'nrialy'
:p no,',' ttt,'tt't g n t ,' :3 olto. ()n ostle at, it) Ibi t
o'cloknoon S bsiti,, on ayIne let It I, I
he office f t t nDA i 1iOtt n byusetlot' ,itt
THEcoc I U . nOhe an o appaLY. nat Oflye. i
Ann Arbo, Mioh. tDaily itm
tt ott' It
.. t'tttettt ,';,lot. h nt IttolitaCeeI)
SN.o cu~~r sit. i nesso I toi h, tiut
1 it N K _ IO iti 9. 1 S'l ic a5 l It I t I tot(' A f lel
I'h I lit 'donoitl twml vos (ilr
sililo h pnon saeet ) oie-jo salpnet tt I 'inritiiitheDL't It' S 1
toels tiofd th t el 1. 0111ea
T11 itleltteltuii 'P 'Univnrsty ooksellers, S- tate Steet.
itl I. '] ' itiosituiitin itmat
i(eat a iiincil I'. t i.
a 11lel tle eerspeet,
entp'elishd nthiCifil
y itt thet Contituti won oly
at thle 1a1ily ohffie Oer
Ilitl:, this even'ting n toilli
iiVettite'l ii'et',t,- ottitan S
'Itt isto0 lave ot tewit' ut
it irotillaoratory
islituy 01I'l-toperatite stolre.
I ll eye hbolatiae atthe
I 'ilivers' t iof Illitois, oil
igit, wtIIaoit'a teitNatural
bling, tol0 ctost Ii liii
'I th o o peraii t i so it
n iv rityofI I 011111 to i tto
th tPnnlvaiiiothis11111art
sti ng att l l rpo ts i tt',
it e anylt uden0't toopll'ttin
of-war 1 0il Aiiithuu ipres2'
ion o'nidiia 0d1 to's ti icat1101
I'rll t it it i;; t 10 lilt
l_'liv rsiy (t, enn ylv ni
I{ V 1 - / i/i° i i C/l/",- ,~/ ',_
VoIS the LEADING SCHOOI, of 13T' I 1 E; .
I EE .
l I t 3 _ I'om del lrtBiel)t f'onlnat r6 al. fit, fc Nt 1 I al;
s ., ornlatlu'seriptMoth- I;ttglih hotfhlyd >Id
I ennlan hi i.le ' nt I>ulldin"
tendai ce, efi < is nt instructors, tit'orf: llor
_ _ - - - ollgll, 1ivingex lxetl'scs extremely to«',
$2.50 per w k; I idettts a"5Jsted to positions.
For catalogue, addre-s P, R. CLT A RY, Pre, idetji.
iedotlttto Picton(101'ctlty atiIT1111Tes
cto'e oilleat:twolt 0terms.O Spring
'Ihere ttill lie 1atieetitty itt Ite livt ;U111 S
letulire roomtSaturdaoyevein01gliyat
rt :30 Impo1 rttuinesttia1000igoodyiil ntaloo
N ttic i v Xl the lit tti' i)fii l~e
Intdil lipienden ti t tlicr t on o ttrlay V stcu
the11 tilol01I ' ' II onr t i ie! n
Steadof I'hcOffiers o 0the Lito
andtw Asisatt usies tNne -
lot Ii 1 lie lg
th 111ito lil lshl ossto A , ""F E
\O rir:_ Ter b amitei 0 Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
1of ine rpuiai « 1w1 Ic-' Michigan Railway.
lm o m 1o d y e ing, 'at: I ii 0111 li7:31'1.1.
I~~~ m oioi Cdin ~tleff1ect IS l
will Gc
an ,1 ofl 't'he o r dlpatieno, tos itr, dli toesot liil' tcteteitl
thte toted of11F11tort. Biii o fTrius'tees.
Section11 ''iTe lulitorsomotut hte it lett i ii I '((e
LiuteayD .tt tlttt/ hali e ' 100 a ppOtllor-i ltottoi I t 'i' 111 -il ee " io E
There stltllihe .at leat tthree tellnie 0lerr 1 u rtioi h iotl e'
1dtos at eas t ' ' irs a l ost l-po ctlenb tt. ikero ltt ean itd iti
nesooor14 nlt,. ticileat tonIe o etyt 4 10 et tr It
elce th I ttio 'ttroti ltoloietar' rIcte n'tt 4or1100l'ctatttacit.In
tttettman.a'ttyhe rtthtttifourrtel01ctttttt
S~cttot I eail leeitjtt t e lasoIit t gu titels 1at lnr
la e t olee h.nnsm krshvegind,
j tu I1till1'0C, Ntui 'l1l
~t 'o liiil 1111 'XprIs. '11 a
Ni ii i III 5,3 0 till1111 00111Aec tOn
meetng f t e A hei c NI. I' i 01111.'<.setca .. . '
\\i' eh l 1ii ,I I the ilo 0010 ot -, oll Ito
11 ,11liol ', . o.'? ti11 9 e ii ii.. 11i t~
NoA. STa I MOOpres- .. S1)In
A..'U H A E R N, 6 St<rste See t Gr(I o cer. ;Watn
spent~it. diCe0tr4al . T~t AT oSTIEET