Of A t l. i, VOL. II.-No. 1fI UNIVTERSITY OF MICHIGAIN, FRID)AY, API'L 1, 1--92. PRICE, TH I' ECENTS. Cornell Glee Club. Th onell Clee, iBanjo, all Miadolin lcillbs were greetedi be aI farsized audiencre last evellilg. 'the ialktin tihe size of tile audence «-a lllt i lnde t yentihusiasmll. Six of tenmbers were tencoredi N1I r. tIsoln i HC\-reciing H Hiouli cllore ill tilJaee ~ ~lSe8r- otad.H is0rendlerinig of the jail- aile.'5 part of tile 0o1g took tile 1Ihousillby 01111m,1and a perfecitthail rcheering 11follwed. i"riii ye of ou11 ow11 ills,5 Naa1 1n01et on ac- count)11of the il-liectpartsi. 1Ir. Pakus has1111 I Vlost noneltot tile btil- lance5 iwhihlile Ihadilast year. Illti the liBanjoclub tile)re was aplre- iml it).111 (f lanleaurliles withil 1n equlal lss Iof lanjos. 'Ille pa ftile proram.l The "Andal- deseved Illmuh prise. \VIe are I is sorry tIec Iib11was11 lot greeted. 111111rge 51ose Senior Law Class Reeling. Iilmleetilng yesterdiay tile Senior law1 cliass amlendiedth ie Constitultionl concternlinlg oratiolns alld the olratori- cat contest to read that tile ciass O ratolrical contestsihal 1101behetldi alter tilalntile mlidlie(If April. Messrs. Mfort Reynlds anti C. 13. Mtorris wvere appin~lted a conmmlittee in~tol positive ilit. If tile an~tics of thlese iboors swere tiisownledl ty tile self resplectingnmenmhers thley wold Jefferson's Birthdcay. W Iith tis stlilelie in Voguletile in~terests If tile players 11111 he111a011 tilnell tol tile end andI ilt 1salso fallrtr to tile rclubs thaIn is tie led111sstem. Mni aI gais won5 101 ly IaIt)r1y5s1111 malirgin let ill Imaking 11 il)tepe- c-entages i counts for'1a1111ilc15as1an i r I The co1111)ittetelappoilint'll illthe all-arou1111111iedvlicItory.--i to111 p elIre l t o 1 111for til1th llof irepor101tell tile fotling: lllleg111te.15isipendlin111tile week ill filendslis tc. WNalt, Songl - '-iss Imlogenle 111111 i t 1.111in ),' it. 111)11 nIlticello, tossa. NAdamls,'921 law,1 15slbe11 1u1nable' 'elntertalinmenttw111 hieldtin1)Ito attedIiclasses1for tieltalst lewls 5, [ i HI tsity ihall, a large lattelndance 11 lrnl fll ci Itil early to enalthtiose 1w1)0h1115coHsin, C. V.Iostr,'95lit, a1 desaite, 1o attendtitile IDemocra tic 1P11)Delta Thieta House. lallllet tile same ~evenling. Prof. Hulssey, of tile obset)o ~ry, -- " - -- ill Io to 1Lelandi Stanlfordunici)t ~y Foot Ball. ass ~t1lfsllIl.511c11 1 sertilly Ilfternoon, for.thlt first Niss5 I11Anna Baley, forllyll ith 11 tim tiI ieso, toall 5e111veIns )'9litli t t tow teacIerin t 1 lCre (OF YOUR ( Gil SO ITY PE.GE IMailed to You ' Throu~ghoYour CHAPT E1R PRICE I APPLICATION. JLISP. Mtawollr Itirli HIf "inlesItPlain 11111 Ir Iellelsociety IBadzes. DETROIT, - - MICH. 14 hen y1111 Ianl Iha Latest lMe)tropoltanS tyles 1 prices, send f'or Cataluie to footll l.i a (1pi Iced 1team111111rItile directionl of CapItain 115' ertland a o001 stiff gamle otf anilhour's lengi'thl wais playedi. '9)'s team111was15a15follows: Ntillei, Cleverdon,11 DeckeILon~g, I'Mason, ConklinSnmith, N ichlison, J ones, Parker andlINorrison. Agn st theelilned tullShasw, Mc- Kenlneys NealITupper, lDyal, tklls- Hier, Rittingerliociaker, Jewsett andI 111 have chlarge (If tilenmatter of class Dygert. iats. At tile concilsion of tile '93's teanm is gettin~g into forrm for llneetillg the NI.hintaon birthday a ganme ith tile Normal teanm of sonvenirs were disltribulted 1 tilte I Ypsilanti, Satnrday, Aplril asi. Ar- Iliembers of tile class andl aftervral rd rangements hlave also heel) madie for placed onH sale at tile lawV andl lit a game withl Hillsdiale college to diepartmlenlts. take place some tinme illtile near - - -..-- _ !futu~re. 1r. Nanl~crde erforme Ganti11111I 1 . J.4 FsY'-E& i oltoly Ifolrtlcr(If epilepsy it tilt Clinic sycsterday safternoon.I ill Dill IT011 Il ii. Calrots'aso heic ti aIer) ltc I staig J clinic:.STUDENTS!, At tile reo-llar mlonthily bulsinless Illeetilng of tile'S. C. A., Wkednesciay cn~ci~ o it evenling, it was decilied to enmploy a I U 01OF NM.flALY general secretary dulrinlg the lexIt1c(11 lege year. Anti 1keep tinItlline Prof. Knoswton inlstitultedt icl iO Unive1 r 1tlstyta1111 neededi reform in1 severely cenlsurinlg Inltercollegiate dly ins. tile laws, yesterday' afternoon, for too mulc) vocal exercise wiltinltile- law building. It itl'breosti'o(f ALL ItASE V. IL. Webster, '9a dent, 1w110 ias BALL, GAMESwsill be lmaldea bieen sulffering frotm a nlignanlt at- Spetialty. Price for lheie rtlitlill- tack of tonsilitis, hlas left for his der' of tile college year, $1.25. home, at Norwalk, Ohio. t3e whll not retulrn this year. q i mon eStaight)+ 'aen4 Miss May 'Thonmpson, li '93 leftrelaat~ aua~a V No.)2 Monday for .Kansas, as thte deegte CIGARETTES. from tile PtitMeta Phi sorority herecgrteSekr h to the national convention If that a e willing to nay a little order at L~awrenlce, Kansas. Miss chaged for thri ar taeCgrtewill fend Gertrude Clark accompanied her. Tans BRaAN superiorto Thtey will remaitn until the ed of l0 the rlse. ta h the week.Cut No. I Cigarettes are made from the bright- thewek.eat, meet delcately flavoead and higheat cat Herr Paderewski left for homneGld Leaf grownin Virginia. Thin la the Old XWednesday mtorning with %7 5,000 inandewane breught out by ca in the year M451. Beaeo mttiens, and observe that the his inside pocket. He has been en- imnm sbleisanevr package. in thieOfLtEAmrIcTRan bcchC. gaged for fib concertsihs coun- Manufactureras. meicalihond. Virginia. try next season, beginning in No- vember.-. He had better keep away, JAPLHMS -r~ DPetroit, however, for 'long=v haired people are in rather bad odor 'u AC NDBGQQ I Communication. SNew Rules for Base-ball. T() One [I. OFdrM. DAILY. I Prof. Knolliton, at tile beginnling taresidenat Noung, of tile National If his lecture yesterday, addressed Leagule, has sent to thte playing some pointed and forcible remarks rulles committee, with his approval, to lie junlior law class about some a new plan by which a clubs per- of tile actions that occurred recently centage will depend _ upon the ag- itn the room before tile lecturer came gregate nlumber of points obtained in, that met the hearty approval of according to tile followinlg bible: every respectable member of tile A lead of one run 'andi le~s than class. In every large body of su- three, one point; a lead of three and dents there are always found a few less than. five, two points; a lead of who, being ultterly devoid of the five runs and less than seven, three training or the instincts of gentle points; a lead of seven runs and less men are -always making an uproar, thau niis, four points; a lead_' of and confusion; which often passes. nine dune or more, five points.,