. a ' t. ail . Vol- II.-No. PH% UNIViERSITY OF MICHIGAN, Ti'III'ISL)AY, MAH"(1II :1, IS1tO. Revised Class Schedule. Ihe lias Ibal~l cIo Ilmm ilte ()f ile- Atltcl i iltllatlte I i Cii holiltlastevening wih thelmlna teas 1o nm tlt thIelshetill) Ill sIlilhtl-,maingSt1111datesilaIlfew lays late 1,1so 'th t ti l t e slwho werlmell II AIthe Glee aillBanjo '9; lit.I 'iheIfNlluingisl the sched- Mo da , a 'I2,( 1 Ill2llt VS1. 43 lwcampus. >1 lillIlli II l lMay I-1.. li 94llitilvS. IO C li lIamp>s. IitW1cdn1111 MayC Pharmics s.Icnt01 atlic rtfaie rd. Communication. stlie tIChat telstphomoriCiha corec 1awrn ll teill ,ll ch lln ig ctlas. II lt i l1IIIC II C rly I I , fll Of1111CCill I D11Ili tu11111t1111th ill111 till tt t'i'comelllt (li t AfterC leav i ing h mtterSItCCt a longtllll Iti e ilt IwasIdetemicII mooeCloftheshouak eie i i'liCilccpI te chltlelilt.inlyC soi illtimellIlla111lasd in~lce Ni in dle11111 i till SI d i 1111111 15 to il iy t o tin e pill in111 c i ona SllillIS- ivill I SI lml li 111of IN18 111 ( h A h I lll i Inti 1111r is II C 11 ll na 1 I lSlll oy f 1j1t1(i III e 15 thisa11111 C Sil 111'111 itiI 1111111would I Illa unl~llikCeIothertI andC ver alli ICy ti 1111111 '' * CCI Cler tilred.l I IIn folr l I C lh e ,tr till/t and IpIrbsor 1111to 1 11 tl lIct titsI lloi llClC? They S it hIai-IandtheS bettl it111iCen t ofInn 1:111111 l oll ug t tiusethe i ICIII C tn tiltInIlset Tl l) ose WsIsot o e n tlto r t5oOIaCCarn 1111 f rteI nd., Ia 2; Col, ISn,- P111C, rIllit C ENTS. I DF YOURI M~ailetd to You - Through Your I APPLICATION. DETROIT. - MICH. oII vllt th1e11Latst ltrllllAitIiSty6I ]A -F Y F E " IN IIt U.LOF INN.DAILY 01l1 I ll iv rIt' a1111 ~~~> ( ~ sI w it ll bIllade t1I I I'. Price flr the rl t l i iftov vor 12},> tiluch pleased with the appearance j full text of es-Presi(ent Cleveland's of the students. I sate,- ,ood, earnest address, it contains a I)i-lcf account j I ces andlli aII 111taltfollmsI anditis last iIwall to IsCee,1for,111o11caIs- 111 Ilt I-V till C 111adilupposed1 ou11 1 111o11l' 11vereIIbec111ingli;lsorter. 111' nil he thi,;wa te um' o Iln ln fs l mea111 s1 I clirIl of theC Ce CIIts If tilt a , heIiio tiltor C peho rsdn el Cov. lt alli ll it IaCdIIthers.11t1111 o till k ado 1pte )1 h. td nso Alto eh ri mn a.vr net I lli ItAI l' I iit~ ', g eII n 11111 u11111 11 Inc twI t I'' Si-o d ndtnclilit S'111 CC CCI 111 la l il sel~it II'l bC.Iy ih N tNarll~tf 111l2-1111l 1 111 1111. T lilt tE' r'i e'1f~i ' tl( h~i No I "Iattr hs om11te 1111111the fa i11s1a111negla ly l~ivllit'li{ IllteI liltan1w I CIG1clat heCIG RET ES rcordsI fo prest t-l - s11CsCS ileI ct _l ilois I C 111 tit E a lt'11 1iie to CC1i e it e tNv Il toO t>t-aIC 111 1111511 oitrXIIr Ill IoithsCe 1101 tis c111111 1f'terE 110' ' a tt 1111111 lrtIt i t le C IC1 CI iSoIll. 1111 ~aC olllgt Theby a i Il tle taitt Std ns ao e u of te w ol t oult be bet 111111 111s111 R idst h Iek Isate da ceI)- esm ost dC 5 elletl lrda nd555 CCCC ICIC cl:g 111 isev rattllkS liI tictkets are $5 a coule and1111$2for aI 'Soome Logical Consequtce~s of Manufactet~ rs. - - lhebatd. Virginia. I of Nt, 1s 1o betheatiitly ogrtut- ci age't twitht flotwtrs or n110, ill youI 'Rejtcting theIDisvinity of Christ" sated I plelast.. A dress shitl is tllltlrtls t Cr111 be the subjtct of IDt.(Coberns's J. A. POLHEMUS, Alia hi apter of Xi Psi1P11i ''s s A sweltl nutedttllbanqulet w itoult mo0rnling ssioniat th i1rst 'NI I.. " I - E XT R libe IIarticles of iassocititon. winet, is a good thinog. ' 15reissouse-c hustlr1ch ext Sidymrig LSO 'IUS HACK AND BAGGAGEI LINE I lit~l.St~lday 110111111NErth Main StrCal.