T51T2 11(>2M. D AILY.f NEW GooDs ! NEW GOODS'I See our 'line of r oc Neckwear, shown in our trliN(iiSIML Sl1(Sii'iiiin'uai We Ihii in toIlavett'the beettS'lected l iin ililie Iniaiketit tie l(w(t window. prices. IM snct buy ui Slit, Sit lct ePal, ci' SpritigOveicoa1- lt il fiiii lave seeti ciill' liii e. Al1:11-oe line of' Truisks and Ito's 'tlwas o11 -n %e=TH E TWO SAMSes=±'w IiandiI at The J. T. Jacobs Company, +ANN tli(). R 2"T and 21) MAIN STREET. TQ TTYY ST T= IOAT=© _ GEORGE L. 1MORE, (Moesor S to) T HE 1FISK1 TEACHERS' AGENCIES. A Iniii Line ofeiill'ciiege 'Test Books, inciuding few awd Meoticat 1Book;, by tegfrv '106-108 WABh AE, IC'\( 'beapespaeefor Nate Books and Founti ensiin the city. Freshmien crwd in.(omie aiong ' old frie~~nes Inw haeemy entirenstockat mystoeeon NO. 6 S. M AINT ST. SEND FOR OUR MANUAL. aO.. DOWN NV~ST TOWN, ,W HBfOOSTORE,I I AS gCTR. OPPOSI TE 'If Has juot ireeived ai full lisie if illt Seonid Semiester Text-books. i 2 ra SW~O'T'S" CO PURT Hleaduarters for (i'eiinsisnlnd rench publicaitionsr. Soloe ' S.'LIVERY, IIACK AND) BAGGAG.ELINEs. titirl Kno STATE Ordes for trais, parties, sniedehings, etc., JI~, agenttfor NWlititigs''4 ine cStationery an (31 sPl &1 :ser S;t EIprompntiliy attended to. MA.IN (Celebrated Matlietiiaticil 1Isti'siteints. sportni____gaiotop.lnt(.te JO1Nrl 5;lI11+, THE - EXCEI1.S1OR - I.AUNI)RV STREET. jIBlanik Books. 1 Manjager. IlHas ailthe imnpronvedl achinety. and is pre t ice. (Commnerialtnnerktturnednout saenday -- -- iesneaseonahie andlwork gaateede. Noc IEW ESTERN M ICHIGAN COLLEE' R. {DAL Eostneetiet nt. A. F COVEIReT. oet, il'haeteettanedIncorporated. R A NM.AMARTIN - GRA1V-t7Rn A'SIJS. TCYFINE PHOTOGRAPHS. DEALERI IN NOTEIID tO tIs 1lE iPAl4tA'l'Oi t)i'S('li1i~K. Pepepsstudents tee any colieeneloe scieti-MLLNEYAND ATGOODS' Cloth Caskets, Metallic title sclhool in the countitry.MILNR AT eFore itsiCLL.K, OE (iS'1i5t. Preetarestieotl theerenes tin imat tie breoadent eiitiee aitt AND) COMMON COFFINS. the most jiiriitiiiti resuitts. atetet I30 Et HuCron Sirent, Fte its Yi)IMAI, ANI) TEACHlERS' TUIit~NO ji);PA11ffite,V'i. Special anntion given________ RNE SAOT to perjepartionttfor eeaminiatisoneatd teachitee.I NSY&EAO lee its 1JUN11' .11) FIPI'i L 'TDlFltIIITI E '! S, Slein t tit eVet'il the t'iiite sttere TAK I , lahkesattd dnatees in Fee its (COMMERALL .IN)D.511)1'l'JAND I ItlAtt IEN'I'Stie leiitg schoeel ofbustens. S1O 1 fl 2;AGrceresPoviion, radFeed, Foe theextrettely nmodeeate exptetne te studietteattetingit. 'lTie'ie exens eiiiitcan eliefileg COURSE. ~oeie,.OVS~f.ou n sa etime'live eweltiaid ctutuItettbei' Evrnthiete ireishe'd. t'1' W ttLPAY YOUT. Shoethetid sctoel, NewiWsigo t A. 1-,. VERIEX, leresihlut. Building. 20 Sousth State Street. . i THE CAMPUS. ' ing' friendis. A schoii oft plii Iticittil e as heed foiiiiietlat totlumb ia. INTER-COLLEGIATE, .:. sJpoops 'the ''lafaveite'' has adopiltedI tieSI reform ueetihodlof spelltu. i ig, fcclii11 Intlro. illarch ofii I itnte is the le~laRNOL'S. ' - 36 Main St. A MHFIRFT I mg a(Qvocatc. and Univ - til tcii li itlu t lssU tv cittiOii Po.Se -c l ted'. i cas i ll 1 iietne iboardlot i tos)fth bo it ic)law a e asd i c rlitn s i iii change itie siir IiiBanjo Clubs, ce st ' li, i re iiampi llii i. itus slecturigft~ l osadahsia r i - itncciin iia'' fr eil ast iiitr li Kit bcilttiiitanfic' r iers.IcyCl tlcuesd~r .r ~ay April 1)h . itit .''ltiiotaiiciitcstic iii 'ii n ('it c, cas l u a i ii ut aiiiiiticr it Itiut 1-iti(is ilsiudenis ill ted ig o p iii1 'iiient Niti'ilu