tilt, ' irttyew-,
I'il V Ir122, p n
\tir l ;si_°t 1>> ( ii ietsit t',
O ii i t livet, .Xprl l - .
No idrtinii' ulaelis vet Lxiii
tlhattthe Litre iiill lhe Wavedl Apiril
Qo~e~ei 7 lE OCCIT ] O 7iILl
Colleget ItiY T
ripor 'i'n' eilt foiri wili also be tlaile to Un~~ ivoersityBookseletres, - - State Street,
,Wio. ccii . itierrittit tetti'i i ctktt it grictuir al (College ('lubobn(iApril
shehattsat Stt-itttt'sorwit' Sittiyio f itthe 9. Itf tte iilaget is suitcessfitl the ____
commniction shuld achtitlie y gaime xwi lie played l in A ribr,
o'cok1,. Cif Cthey atet oaptearte etsottthe inewvathletic grountds.
ca.Adtiress all mtatter ittentedtd'tirpiublic- ;
into ttie Managinig Etitor. Sitltiatiness1-t '
c~arnnictins holdbe en. t te I11i- Comptimnents the Law Journal
!____ Istte LEADINGO SCHOOLfI tIittES.
=1 tittite#1akPt'. tile iteni fou dpattmentt-Con iterciat INO testbo
THE U. of M. DAILY, Thle March titumber of the Gireen orianutscrtptttorki-Enish. Short handtetit
Ann Arbor, Xichi. ti=penmnhiip. Elegat ild itiing, atat- c
Btag speaks ini the followeing tertsoftt _ tentateeffiteient ttiinstrutrotimh tt
the > O ef M .'s latest publication.: , 'itbpeeiseek itittent asxtreeelytoowo$ttt1tto
EDITORS. . 0pr-ek tdnsasse opstos
ivo cto,'eMtiii titr. 'Th Iiiiailt trilFoe eataloguei, address P. R. CLEARIY, Pttesident.
c3. . tCAttA', 'tilt, Asstht. MamagitiE'Iit-tor.'tiakes its first bowv to the public switith pitedctoa tttttttt-L ______
W. tMt scitiso'E,3Assti. MattagitngEitorti. its IFebruiary tinutiber. It is a fittingare the niost hteastly ttlFUeofL ' I N'E
J.( tTA iS, 9, Ittittest attager. e do e o n
It..tis'trs 'ttAtts.Iosneo hteti tes iottpantionitto the joiurnals pulhishteidreliiouis denoionttation, havinsg aboui
CCw. itICKFas.'tit, Astitt. Busitness Mac'ge. liy the tither laiw'schools itn the i 000 000 tat colleges antIuitier--
W. 1'. CPAKit, 'ti3-, ..5. ARNeta,,'cc. cotuintry, atnd the IUniversity ofih- isties. 'Spring
Mu' K itttstts.'t9i.. twa. Itsitit,'5. 'iganuis reasont to bepru of its Bate-ball is atpnt the all ab
'. E. nutclertrs, 'St. LUCtA jessE, '9a. offsprintg. 'Tastefully gotteni til, sorbing toltic at H-arvard. 'l'ii"i' S i'tn
filleid xxitsvaluatble anti interestinig i Keefe, twho is coachtitng the battery, '{
mtatter. thtis tiesw vetnture oghti to sastitatHihad is otte of the T
'TeEitors tie notholdithemsetveetreson-t{i meet twithi atCordial recepttiotnaiisxitstttesh asnde o- antaloons, x
thee tue theopinions tir statemienu t suie-1) lttiixil 1 ~ .
ponitento, aaringilce AL. ehv odub hti il
Antongp the tmore imtportant articles BUSINESS LOCALS. An
As wvill lie seeno elsewhlere in otur itn this nuimbler are 'Erubarrassuett t [Sas insoertedt in elite cotlumn at theraen
nteiwscolumnis,,Mantager Stone has in legalEdutcationt,' by Prof. J. -ttiSettndexpt'atinespeernihedtby aoeltongeeat
fitally comptletedl arrang~emcents withi Knooslton -, 'Mettosds of Apointintg Diefle unthe d hy appyingat'Fanc
SStuidetits desiritig tic see otie of thei'p
the leadinigswesterncoltlege clubls, for : Iresideitta] Electors,' ly Hoit. largest lines of Wotolents fior Spring
a series of gantes to be played duir- IlTotias sM. Cootley andil'Thlree thland Sumomer wxear slcoutldl examnte the
ing thce Sprinog vacationi. 'flis till be ftratait ass ~I . ~lite of the (goldeln Eagle, DetioiE, ex- ;Vestings
b r ( orpraton ase inr,; I ., Iytibited ate Cook totuse, Tutesdauy
MIchigan'sfirst wCesterni tour utntl i Eotn. Alfredl Russell. tlaid Wednlesdlay. Marcli 29th tiid 30lt. ! i oa I E NG)ND AND 0 55 tiN
the ttatagetuett to th ' Xarsiy IThey sliesw tll tIce latest notvelties inIi
the-mnaemntof he'Vrstyimpotirted -clis whlichi they tiake lt
teami is tic be congratutlatedl tinlte Yesterday's Base Btail. nieaistire ini the most perfect mnannter it
inntovationt. 1nltIast years the Icties' popilatr prices. Mr.1). 1-. Foley lotte JA3 lvY. i'k FORL,.
titti vsei l) ra5 ifei1li- h1 scotl triic aitix- of the of the best cutters i lie staute,) will I
lio o aweser tip asufee di- 1 h tseon prctcebte on hantitoictake uteastires. If you Nit. P)South:MiainSlreet.
stsc u irsaitusract 5teausont tas calledl yesterdlay at four stunt a itobbly suit orv anythintg iii theic -eshm a ee u nooeain olltelca aeewaonotaicls
l~.Xl tit-gaitetra tt a 'oeishue it wxill pauy you to see wh'att'theyI
andt it its renmainted for this scar's otteiayIrctut tii ttte lIe'C1Cu.-\esvt never uised, otinter . Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
chills' teathter. 'lie gatrne oas torne gointoXcEuropoe; cost $135. Will sc-li
lbtotittake thir inititivc. The toutr a.SciieMihgnRiwy
ix ill ~ ~ the less sptiritedl aldIpromtntess aorrir. Addrss,L.. ., olst- .McianRiwy
iul ud ubhtedlc l t ro e aa tage- iIo '. 1 lzc arol c iiniieffect lt iuuxi:t4t'ttx
c)1StoMchga 'snieantotor !ws shorn ott ther hart of every ' 'it IET ;-'a.SnittOfthlpeatdi1'00111Si'. 'S SiiAoftrinat rt .5tt tiltyti.
li)ctueXi i ltttgtu ~hlaier thatInituiCateS thai there is goiti floorh. tc 34XNothuStatte sltre..-
not huchkiof courage-ctand rutitusiasti.1 c"o~c,< tt
es illiforitl tfor their eastertn tripi. - - 77 '2Wanted-Cast-offtClotitng. tiNo . 1.'tMa itndIt Etuti'i'... . l It. n,; o.... t.tu. tte. _utuatiA-a.tutt"> Iitlr
i'iiilil hirdevhexdci. 'Ihe itttcitiuteoftt
Haywood made made a two base
cotests ux ii t uesternc olit1leg'.'trinsuu lit whiuch'u ous ftlo wedtxu'r i uitith e t' iiThe iupluhux'ulepaitrtenit t)f li.'
itili, iuu ~Ii a egre. lie aigoodil criterionuihuee ixe lut ii t uu is(iuotit. Itttu i i'
sltIuu' u cc otess wh~i ii ii htuuii iut i t it'. U ° au4. ndcat-ffi ithiuig is sxii
'O ''u )ii t tire, Mah'u'all. iiiitt iifto studtil rieuunuds. 'this
oliiTheifaliinug is the scoreu' by inn- Itis iihei iii I uucganiza~tionu t he- ii' itt'
ux'e 'Wuestern Terip. ;xforitheuissuinguuofitt ceietticarty
- iI t iuapp ali lut il ii s illeaseit such i
aisp'..111team tu is noiwx'a icu'txoiitt ! '- augarmuenuts asuyo u cnsar tI turns
S~iis ct uii in xi euitis uxx tnt INTER-CO LLEGIATE. Iliitu. eiuu sxituueuiri
tot recie ttheet or tic I ,; Sth 4i
maudeul ithu iu.tueiig Intdtittna, Ill:- I'ue .jii uror' tliss it Xiiiluerst wonuu Statei'street.
iutis andtiuX stconsuu inhlege organtiza- the greatest nii itt er of luints it thle -
tbotis, ntui het.fillowauintgi cliel ed ul recete xiitiixion in euvy gx i ax-
gauis itll h athutyed: ut'cs.
Suirsity of XXiucotisinu, .at .lxtl- I Ir. XAtireu 'T. IParker of the lI
itn Apr Iis8. of lteiitt.,twhto lately diedh, bequeathi- PHOT RA Ndll NR
Beiloit, at Beuloit, .Xptril irg. ed Itis braito to science anth it twas NO 12 W. HURON ST.
unitsersity tat Iilititis, at Chaxti- founch tic teigh fifty-orne outnces, _________________________
paign n Xl2.o thtich is above thte average wveightt, HALL R,
Nsotte hDame Unuversity, at Notre one ounce heavier than the braini of- TER ,
P~ante, Aprilhj'.Ihte hale crof. Leidy. Repairtinganope ist ty. i46St uen M UtNsi'
Nouit. P5i't i nntti ot ,<r...'
N ii. 5. -Ma i a s n e .... i .......t H'cu.1c
ito it c-i M ta i t 3se it .. .. .. ... tiii
sxN . i. it-a ic1rc s it............ih- ]1)u p.u1u1.
J. . 'ssgeTMoleON & SONS,,00a
CnrStaedSr iee.4ioes
S Trnts paionaeespecumiay.slctd
l en Ps. AtELSTREET. l