THE U. OF M. DAILY. JWE ARE THE PEOPLE. M |YANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY, Formerly Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. New IVairrooms, - - - - - - - - Corner of Main and Liber/,i Streets. I will "Open the Ball" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find ~ 7Ts msR 's R\M tsic Szom , :L South Fourth Avenue, City. Owing to the Expiration of Patents, We are selling Nickel Plated Centre Draft Lamps at greatly Iteduced Prices. $1 50 will go as far this year as $2 50 would last year. "RED STAR" OIL SAFEST AND BEST in Market, Delivered in our own Cans to Customers in any part of the City at 10 cents per gallon. OIL CANS of all sizes and at Lowest Price. Shoe Brushes, Blacking and Toilet ArticlesatOne-Thirdless thanusualPrices. DA + &+ omPAnY. UJOOD BROW, - THE NEW SHADE IN SUITS, AT " THE STAR." 11 .&1 ,:, 42QBLC9$o (G0 TO "----For HIGHEST CLASS TAILORING. New Goods, new Fall Goods, new Winter Goods, Full Dress Suitings, Silk Vestings, Overcoatings, London Suitings. Trouserings a specialty. Largest and most complete stock in the city, at the lowest prices. Please call and examine. NO. 2 EAST WASHINGTON ST., near Main. 44 SOUTH RAIN STREET, - - DON'T FORGET . TO GOTO B, , .JOLLY C0 FOR AND ALtL Satcdcnts' Scpplias, Ice Cream, Soda Water, and FRESH LUNCHES, ETC We kee the very best line oft In the City. Leave Orders for all ATHLETIC + GOODS. OCUDE1PT4} { 0ThIM STUDENTS' HEADQUARTERS. "Boys," if you are looking for any of your friends, take a chair in the Occidental Hotel office for ten minutes. You will surely see them. Five o'clock dinner, Sundays. Special rates. HAVE EARNED AN ENVIABLE REPUTATION eOR US FOR 18 YRS. YOUR TRADE J SOLICITED Y A.D.SEYER& SON Opp. Court House. J. B. MIDDLECOFF, Type-Writing. Short-Hand and Mimeographing, Theses, Cor- respondence, Letures, also Proofs for 39 So th P oublication of allkinds. Uni. Ave. BILLIARD -ARLORS Elegantly refitted during the past sumoier. Nice lunch counter in connection. BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR. ANN ARBOR, RICH. THE CAMPUS. S. Sapinsky, law '90, is at Scotts- burgh, Ind. W. M. Miller, law '90, is at Bay City, Mich. Dr. Rishmiller, 'gi, visited the hosgital yesterday. F. E. Davis, law '91, has located in Los Angeles, Cal. E. R. Spotts, law '90, has opened an office in Fayette, Mo. R. W. Joslyn, one of last year's law quiz masters, has returned. A. Zimmerman, '93 lit, is in an assayer's office, at Helena, Mont. L. B. Reeder, law 'i, has opened a law office in Kettle Falls, Wash. Thomas B. Mercer, O. F. Ingalls and G. O. De Urfar spent Sunday in Toledo. The state Pharmaceutical Society meets in this city next Wednesday and Thursday. George Dygert received a severe blow on the nose while practicing rugby yesterday. H. D. Irwin, law '90, is in the law office of Hoyne, Tollanbee & O'Connor, Chicago. R. L. Crane, law '91, is a mem- ber of the law firm of Crane & Crane, Saginaw, Mich. F. C. Wetmore, law '90, is junior member of the firm of McIntyre & Wetmore, Cadillac, Mich. Dr. Hanus, a graduate of the Uni- versity, has been appointed profes- sor of pedagogy at Harvard. Laverne Bassett, lit '88 and law '90, is in the law office of Conley, Mayberry & Lucking, of Detroit. . G. E. Wissler, law '90, is a mem- ber of the law firm of McClossen, Beitler & Wissler, Chicago lawyers. The English Cricketers, Lord Hawke's team, defeated a Baltimore 15, 305 runs and one running to 155" L. Z. Caukin, law '90, is the jun- ior member of the firm of Walker & Caukin, attorneys, at Grand Kapids, Mich. This year's Oracle will be square in form, 8%0 x 8y. All contribu- tions, especially the cuts, are re- quested to be in before Nov. 15- A new grand stand has been erect- ed on the athletic grounds of the University of Pennsylvania. These grounds are probably the finest col- lege grounds in the country. The apparatus for Dr. Abel's lab- oratory of materia medica, and ther- apeutics is lying in the custom house at New York. It seems that the house through which they were or- dered tried to smuggle some goods in with them, in consequence of which they are held. Foot-ball games on Saturday: Pennsylvania 34, Haverford o; Le- high 22, Franklin and Marshall, o; N. Y. A. C. 2, A. C. S. N. o; Yale 46, Williams o;' Pennington 28, Rut- gers 4; Princeton 28, Crescents o; Harvard 18, Amherst o; Massachu- setts Technology 16, Phillips' Exe- ter 4; Swarthmore 54, P. M. A. o; Columbia 32, Berkeley o. NOTICE.-Foot-ball candidates for '94's eleven must come out for daily practice on the campus at 4 p. m. W. DREw, Capt. NOTICE.-There will be a meeting at 9 a. m. Saturday, in room K, of students electing course XI in histo- ry, except those who were selected for the Wednesday section. NOTICE.-All those who have not paid their Gym. subscriptions will greatly oblige the committee by re- mitting amount of subscription to T. H. HINCHMAN, Treasurer, 67 E. Washington-st., Chemical Physical Apparatus CeP..and X Rare C emicals, Microscopical Supplies, EBERBACH & SON. ----THE ARGUSs-- FINZ JO f1 IT ;IN@, AT LOW PRICES. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN ARBOR. Capital, $100,0000. Surplus and Profits, $30,000. Transaets a general bunking business, ear- eige exchange sold, letters o eredit proeured for travelers abroad. C. H. RICHMOND,Fret. FP. ACH, V. Pres. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. E 'GRAN'GER'Sfftimde S-HOOL FOR DNJNG Now open for reception of Pupils. WAGNER &00.3 Tailorp and "{ + Furni her 21 S. MAIN STREET. A Large Stock -of SEASONABLE WOOLENS. All the Novelties in MEN'S FINE FURNISHINGS. We have the Best Steam laundry.