s f of / 4 I , ' a . Vol'. 11.-No. 1:,(). UNIVERSITY OF M1IC11IGAN, WI)N "SlA Y, MA ICI[o, 1892. TrHE WA'EBSTER SOCIETY. oie the pseople must be capable ev'eryrociotin."' M1r. Iepew thell ot self cos-erislent andi be imbued introduced Edwaril IHenry Warren, Second Public Entertainment. ____ s;i a spirit of self-dependence. 'g5,of II arcard , whoi opened the lie- )II ii '' asI ~ll i st t iiiitcc I is the neg;ro dloes not liace. it bats'. '" The speakers see tcr 1Iwct tat thelaw lIectturte10oo1 is nose leinlg educateid by toutactt I 11.Warru, i: F. W. ID)allim-er, is' i 'litto55 lstss hosttiit with the ewhites ant i ls coiiiitioi i si';anotJ. S. Ps own, ii ofII 'ir- ii s' aiiiei "iistc b eing bettered lperceptibily, and el ar: tihmerslsiii i iislino Q4 shioulid not be takein assayfro(litt te .1 t lll1 9 5adt' 1 ~ 'ssr I isel ciat oigh 'lc 'el odltlie is copying aftier a'd ber (fuidisot i alt. Iitsac-i j doit '1I.NMtarss aroseto telits Iplsatedibeside the sasages.fZrct odauctc wi ttetprevious a-rce 1) I 1,: I --5 s"l ss 9 4~ slisa i o*~--- u iinit isin sis iiisi sis o lste ii'.it t ofi ll>ades Ir er a e asrvard'-Y aie Joins Debate, iistsisxissisirsl Iiiis his lea saiithisssdetbateiisigt ue eriisi ii tewasst hel 11d Iliic, Tounic ,,CENTS. FSo CO UEi A L GE Mailedi to You Through Your CHAPTE_( -. APPLICATION. Illdl, KAY 7-(01f, tdon of5if heares.'Thepartic'- ul iii theme iwhich sis dess pre- ici"d w s s salit sf opposssitions. -Oppoition"i awktnss asclivityianm aIi ain inall isisi lt i i-' ssn ittics lc , s issite iltsssiralie assd hotteriappr'c itd. lTe s'let'is byi thei balist ii i - ttstse, co'sosedif NMtssis. iliesii, For, sLtz ind ills's sss metswitih iiisor'if aplauise sisndssw'se giess a Its its1 tencosre. Lwyr ii isansi State' 'wassthe '!l eel iofthe orastionssbyiC. . It, I i ]' ls sbisect sias pasrticultarly ii lissil~r to t'e stisleiss ofi lass iebeis l t e'teniVale sassit I larad i trs'i'te of'' F''~ '' ''"' '''''" isuscuisi i nest li *hn vvs h ldu t lihe I Ii' ri iofi lie Itarv~arid ieliiesiatisei 1)i i ' in ru''rs .- ii' i age's. 'liesi re'sut lst'issi'asslarge, ,~ n ' sltenesidl r. lit lw , DETROIT, --v C lis iietiand s there was li siais cii's+- taisii tssi hit t 5 isii's'The Mock Congress. issnumbier it incited ''siesi's upn the plaitforriianion-twhom sr reii konI (i last es eiisigthe sisvet hllicamsie Chiauncsey 1.1Depessw, -6,hopre-sits for tliscuissitons, wichiis is'sceil shIed: Pre'sidlent Dwiists(ist sll etaly ushe paittssssilvti ill inowshe- 1ev' loss. I. .I I isclpissu e LI foe congress. Pasrtyhusinstitrehnt l. MIotrris, siil II so is 1:. Isisw- udrawriivery clsoselyr, stivielr l te usrulil ~lsLsetMlri~iiilitre hr. Pal rb liii ofii liii i ii it I aniisi Whiiein thie questionl s ris ait-Isis bsa ti es en o a rao >t esi rtK of i Ilis i iI is Iit. iltr tilteI lie tsissti titdIvt b i isii f nr ~ , tiio'i''iit'i lur tlet ito illn5 ider.11 ""'ie Stymoisis t t bj h ofii -i c rtiyni out tof the iloori, siisel _____________________________ litsi il as" e iccisi ' hl sis leslsclIliiIii ) r airs iof feet scrsiambing ini liie isll ST"[JDE T~ toi keetp thictuiidats oif thitStatsiniiition to thli lldiStit's shisoiulii be isy, all the ressult If hf esIirsad en-s t'e lueiris1f itsci tizenis." ltuiisnrestri ictd,"ValetaIllisigthe lie''-ilcasor tio escape andiavisdislfaici ng; Stil'si sit firtheli pointe iscout hmanyi w's y'' wh'iiIichti ilse andl IHarvaird t teasimative dcfeait.N tiitistsisiliig their ig- hiis pur~posiescani litaccomliashed.Isideuof thie Iquestions. [Teseeiest s ominioiis retreat tll prevenlt aiquo ' '1'O IV.DA JY W. 191 uaniny thieisreado 'n inter- of itiheseniln" were opeiiedl byi 91r. 'rumibeinlg sresenit, sixteen miemibers tits"piperlion IHeroiism ni itlihIel esistwho us 5intlroduiceud iiIby iniik.a Iorii,)riiiei iilXiiltilIi Ill sCossisnsPeopl.c lie ipointtelout im. Liphun, ' aiindspeoke ini lrief is pssetdIthe biliit6 tuco thoiitgiihihe of tti I liiiCisit5 iti tiot uftein tileimoust heic utdeed's -ire'folluws:s "It i's lalhappyomienthilt majoatyloillthisse svotig for it swere I hiert'ullegilhfte du)llsi leftiunseenuor at most91aire sot "useni lintfiui tiltsecun iim wi e see .tice opposedl toIfrtt silsver. After the propuerII ciutiindrferired 'iitiuwu'-jIblttler Idis'growvininto 11)1(1nlot -blll ws'passeud it ws 5rtecoiisiuderetd othesr thin's tuitiitself-sacitfiltes 'indui day, Ithetsrisiviirutfilelateg"oing wei" gai"ii asssed, 'ifter swhicli the osFiit'Ieluotih'iof AL. .Li ASIA ri aliuus minyriiothier's ofii u'ma'in'oisto his ilidht il srength. ITle fol luingiuresoutiitinlisacsseid:S BALL GAXMES wsill be iiiteit countsrysivestufifecreidho irtar tis cii efftct sitthe tdissoltionassof thi ltdl elsuliedti'I'hatit ble the senuse of spi-lltk'. Prietforuihe1111 i'eiiiii- sn to lite1pillarcsuof thenaItiuun. udebeitingi" societies uis seein in tie u -i thit Houisetif Repiresentaitiv-es thaItlder of thetscoilhge Yeair, $1.-25. ti lie roram enedelwithi aldliteI pI iiihe aioinaliasssemlies,'sail the'al hit ricmibers whto left the I(louse, ________________________ uon tile qu~estioni, "Resolred, that lu-. It is ittiicg that tse ol cii's-antlespiecialltlie acing clerik, whien ,iti i'hmOnd Straight Qcit. c'olonizeationin iiAfricsa is the soltionic tornishiuullie reviveid by I liiai tIit wss iioilthe 1pointl of a i-rue oiiithe bNo. I ud the rare lproblem." - 'The afflirmill ndi1"tle11. ''or icearlytwoi hndresI lislver lill ,be, aisulare iierebuy CIGARETTES. alice side seas presenutedlblip Ii lii yearsItley issue beeii anitagoiists'Severely' ceissiretd anisilCigarettes Smneerswh ire sWilliig Itiepa'a ilc Niartill, Ie 1pouiitedl out ilou the but thieiylisle beeii anhtaonizled in115 esslvedltlist this resoltilon bemore than this pricer I ' charged hor the is ruin' dierenlces lbetweenu tile tvo rices i'stha't cay ini whlichi esachi has --aiedIa luiiiillietl in at ileast iine uof the col- irull cgirreti's, will finds "mr ta sii ' - ." Th if-is ieramiaio o teote-atrTHISIBtANDtisiperior to I The hRichimond Staigtt ferenc-es imake it iiipuossible for thiem esvery sraggle. Tiii's icontinuiedl - ' " } - ' Cut NosI Ci aises eare mailea m th ight- to ass'ilate n iv oe herin [ont'st twentetwouu nis er h God Leaf groiwn tan'Vhrginia. Thin it the 0fd 'i ir utetgisrblte A. W. U'rarielle, Seinior Lat iiniIand Orignal Brand of Straight Cat cgarettes. tiis coun~try. 1Ills plan ws for01the siliess 'uled to theimpls's 11 ioni 9tsGae oln f n roandwan broughtnouttby uatilathe year 170. HissC, ace owlng o An Arbr, eware or imitattona, and obnerve thtat this tvenettaithmtcoo ize ite oiitsidle tortl that the class-''aftrhm name an below- in an every package wsere miarriedtquietly yesterday'ate- Thn ALLEN & GINTERI Branch ii ini Africa; 1o offer themn indceentt rouomi was a kind iif gymnalisium,11 no oiOf at the honie of the bride. Manufactarers.eAmerntasteh.Virginun. Io go, sot to force themi. Thle neg- perceting that real education de- Ret. M\r. Cobertn officiating. atiee side of the qluestion tas earni velopes both thie body andi the mind, Miss Mary Blarnes, L~it, snd AV. C. J.A. POLHEMUS. esily supported by W. '. lie tier. so t'st tlte mfld can hatre coiitrol G7otman, Lawv '92 were the only tin- I' I17 R..W Ile argued that to su1cces.sfuilly col- of itSelf anti' can expsres's itself on vidguests present. ALSO 'BUS HACK AND BAGGAGE lINE g p North Mahn So-net.