THE LU. CE M. IDAILY. WLARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN- COMPANY, 'New 1'ltt XX itt Corlwr(otit I lal iadi i bel IttsStreets. I wxil "Opc e I i,tIl ity plttig a titne sito f(Gintars ,ttno t cx . d - --Three rains For PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU., Find i7 . Y'S Mve S o 25 south Fourth Avenue, (City.~g ~ Z ~ Fifty Qent§ YOUR GIRL IWotil lilti reiattabx of hos Fine ChocolateS Alban LaW School HOSIERY ('URSL 1 w, veerx.T hre ill to Iills S cX i ieI)sttx reqiriedl. 'Tedetit lgiti, .elttjitltet,I ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. G0 '1') SALE AT NOBLE'S. 411 Corps of initru ton ini Looturors, f _r___ TT Tr TT rT . rc m. TT nnTNT r Degree of LL. B. Conferred. =For HI1GH1CLASS TAILUORIN C alkin'~ hcirrnacy Fall Term of 1892 Begitns Sept. 13. Ieii i ~~ttSiiGAI xJ~RGttt i iiii Iiert. CaliwpSik V tng>intl cty.TrlxiliDre's Suitinigs .a Specialty. leasecalland exaine. Addexs the Do to or Soeetary, ii ihIjALBANY, . NY. No. 2 Exist Washin R. iJLY~ 6. CIGARS BY THE BOX. Pittshitigrl I Stxgies, 100(1 il ox, - -- iili 0 .)ii lititilt' axtutloltiillhe.100 ilBitx, - - .:le t. &S.hofIettte. 50) - (Greet Seel. 50 -- :512 ile rs foaifi"Shipper.". 50 hi ATHLETIC + GOOSO' 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. lgtart St., uneai Main. BILLIARD PARILORIS Ol;tei rrefitted uiing: ihe pasot0su1mlmer, Dilouncth counte r itnrconnection.t BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, STA.TE STIREEtT, ANN ARIBOR. -- THE ARGUS,.% AT IiVLO iil(Fil. '''If WJfITIN(;. Altli f. Wrkhnatii doe treasoonallhe Free. 1 3 out nixeroity Axi- YTOU CAN GET. 1111,1d off i 111111 miid theices ktill lbe right, Wl BROWN'S DRUG STORE. Chemical0 Physical Apparatus ScoP. andi Kai eCl.erncus. Microscopical Soppies,' BIBERBACII & SON. E AV AREDA ENVEI' lA~QABLE:iS iH ri 111111 lu olfl. tsFORny 18lrats LEV YOUR RDE: 1?. 0. IOLIITAED Neen r Ma~EzAe. IerledliSo n nnrten laS Oppd ourt o e . THE CAMPUS, Altotl tfiftreen fct-tbailpluayes FIRST NATIONAL BANK ,Ir.I Lebec 111liii lclaxsses tester. xxcir i iixttlts ctelIc(iANAll tifternonx. v0 11111-l1t, mt~,tt0tt Surpils andIIProft, 0,(Olii. Ix v.llxxtri egro tl x Tlx rao rn ts enerat l bning-111110is4 o.r- IL._The ~pwortl l~agli of he 1 Meh-rigfn echainugetold. ilittrsxof credi t rortec cc.e,9.1 law',1is ecoted otitchrhixlItol ' ab r rriroad~tl. ods hrhwl oda rlfras seitouislyIill.'ltrsla ai C.itH ONN). Preso. P. hA(11,V. ires. i"-e Soicial , Tu cxc eeigin ii s. It. C(I,.(1l01Cas'uhier. F.G (onexxis, 19; aix. lhaile.°t icou- the patrlor's if the (churchi. lei~c oi thi xc -i lrexf. t=rereetrill read xi xpipee Thle t'iviersite f iif stconisini is t~ioiin''ThreIDetails of House15CConstrue- hare xi college dclysti on."Fricdxixnilght, in RooumiA, le Stree, '9 it, ies rturnd aftrbfoe the Eninxueering Socuets . a tiwo werks' absence. Eet at dcsii lct SUiIJ.UUL FOR DAN Mxlr. (0. T. Bolt, if 1Hillsdhale Col- sportsmieix(Ygoualitoathe wood~ls,NwoefrecpinfPuls lege, is visitlig fricends iin the cite. thelIatitoetic crtionds.itTheitall dull)'o bnj club hol)111 its first comxe back againx emupty-lhandedl. regular oeetiugfor plractice to-night. Prof. Tall, of AlbionixCollege, xis Frot Nilieloux. el (i a'xg, eent grxiited xi Irate of abseixce aind visitinig friieds at the lxx tersit, twill iake ilt-) special twerk here. II is thsplakIsxce trill be fiill e lxxiiinert Ce. litter Xail (). L. 'ililee, '1)0 lit, is spenintg (if the I.f'l. f (.Mce'Min.Ti thle torch with told 1111ualintanices it MIr. A. E. lRtaeuxgareu, oithex cors, arc fering .50 suxifitiilttrs, the IUivxersity .t(;olenutIxgleC (loiu n g Hoeuuse.xwilliilloli uiceftlleli etu II.\'uuIS ee, )4 lexl, lxu le at the took Ilouuse it-day aiud ieturinecdteluliege atler a few"teoe-umorrowx tithx a hne lute if siamplel o$2.00)to(1 ; l,5.0)0for t2 ). 010 a wreekus' absenxce. of thue latest sprhig, goodes. sit1 , fstcas.As Bi. C. Kiuies, truouithIe :Northuernt hut hrof. Aumes' class ill Euglishit Peuninsoula, was yesterday thuuestlisowest strac xl.Stel se ) patterniself Trouisei'ng5sfte Of ID. F. Wilcox, '94 lit. gacre thle first of a series eof repotl regiultir price of whticil is froot Judge Cooley luas twritteux anuarti- on eutuside reaudig 119yumembuers if' doe for thue April Atlaintic out1,lFed- the class,.this subject teas "Thur $7.00 to $9).00, four $h.00 a pair. oral Taxation of Lotteries." Groxwthuof the hEnglish Jury Systemu."' Thtey are also ofering s01110do- 'fle Banc sive bih wll ie hu All the candidates for the foxur liutie a subject for discussions intsh~e Mock ball tenus, andtiwto lines picked I (iebagains in Heavy Under- Hlouse of Representatises this even-s froum the 'Varsity candidates prac- wear. An inspection of goods lug. tieed 011 the canutus yesterday. The and prices is invited. 10 ePh Bela tPhis wilt be at luotne batteries for the ater were Austina to tete Wrmens League at 90 Sotitb; and tHeywcood, Seymour and Richl. State street, Satulrday afternoon A big crowd turned aoit ho see the from 2: o to ts lay.