THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. New Avareeroolis,(orer-o (f Alain 011(1 Iibe-rtySthree-ts. I cwiii 'Open the Ball" by placinig a fine stock of Guitars, Bttttjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. YOUR GIRL lvi (1 ittitt eate a b)0x of tftoof Fine ChocolatfeS -AT' Calkin~s pharmacy 'TY IT. lbany Lawy School ES~TABLISHEt85.ittt jCOURSE, otne yealr. 'Thirete fill terms requfreti. Terms lbegfit, Septtetmtber, .Jtttttary antiMaci. ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. full Corp of t uotoro and Lcturers. Degree of L.L. B. Contferred. Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. Address the Dean or Secretary, j ALBSANY, N. Y. Three ?airS For Fifty Gent WQ'CT -I 25 CEN2W EACHT. HOSIERY SALE AT NOBLE'S. Saeith Niintdoac Display. GO 1) ..--For HIGH CLASS TAILORING. Ilie hos the LE"ADIN:G SPRING AND) SUMMERIsI GOODS in Suitings, I rouaacongs ait. Silk estiogs inth te city. Fell Dress Suitetgs a Specialty. Pease call anl examne. No. 2 East Washington St., near Main. 1 -- --- I i B, E, JOLLY i SELL AND ALL L.eave Ordertfor l ATHLETIC + GOODS. fi' i t 1 dottecat reaonable tricco. J . B IDEOF 3t)itttitvoiersity Ac-e. YOU CAN GETI I171tal 9( aidand ttulte'rce 'w(ill 'ite ri/l, at BROWN'S D)RUG STORE. Chemical I Physical Apparatus ~X Ce P. and ;arae (-;e-icalsM 'crascopical Sapp4ics, EMERB4ICL & SON. 6 0 YttURtTKtA4t EA. I Sye? er& So it' you tarteclotintg ttr any etfeatur ivatia. take aitahaittinthe Occidentali-inelrt OffiCtel minuatces. Yout wiltlttrely gott' tarm.t.aive oacloatainnier, Sundays. Spefaf 71 Fort St., West, - Detroit. ich. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS -AT- P. 0 ~ ' TIT Nettottatert, Magazines, Periodicals, Ftime! CofectionsICigars fend Tohaccot. CIGARS BY THE BOX. BLIR ALR PittsbuergIt 'tlogies. :100itnlBox, - - i lii ILIiD FA LO S "Prodigy" i s ottt h b f iet.10 i Box,1,1 ltegantly refittetidutinog the pot sttmete "Bet-Iler,' 5 " _ _ 1 .=,Nice Iluch coutnter itn cottnection. "S. &8".lBottqutet." 0 " - - -$3.50 BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, "Mlantner," V 1;;' i STATE STtREET, ANN ARBOR, "Toodies," i "Iinlly .1oyN,- :f1 C lat-i5-iTHE ARGUS,- "Ski uler:*' 50- $12 FIZ J1 9W;1& 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. JO II.JN AT LO1W PRtICES. THE CAMPUS. TheLit Iietary Adelphti will ntut FIRST NATIONAL BANK .11 is(ertner, si al lit, tas lit mtttt this wecck. OF ANN ARBOR. wtlie e li Dr I FatAl Blrisoll, pasitor Captitalt, e100,0e00. Suarplus ndeaPirofits, 530,00. ' e.Tratnsatsnagetneral ttackitngbusintess,ifor- (ofr ltT i n itytu churttvaht Chicagot, tas eign exchanesotdtlettersofiieeedlia rocareed ittetbisecu4.d tordrlivtrrtht teird thl the tgritpe. ut siitelt ili v It ltrl r O.t CHMONDies.i P.a 5 tAt i a. ittg aetue intthtite1leyaedo.ildOtt tVt CLARKSBS Casir a evi too ao tn t tlcCttil taittitta ittit " h 1~ matem tt re te steritl a f t ett rnoon. tv [ 'r fotr base-ball proe. teftr ewudete uzo uzwr iotsr lthe unor al thrll les, cwiii tommenitceteacek. - Mr. Jasoat Nichlolsatnd Sitleri0- 1INowa oient fiat recciaeptif Puils. M~r. I>. A. Finettyi, assistant at tetencodentt(lCccv.r of the Latnsintg ~M lilivary, htts left twtn for a fewc days. schtooals, arc ini totwilaokitng fair a 1en-, the C. F. '94 lit, arlto acas teachter. The vaat}' tois al lay ittnueida short litte agat is ret-vaer- NIiss Reedl, att oldalumnitat . tag. lir. 11. A. in tsdatle, scoIto owttcitin Secvertal stdettsllocii yotanyt r-lIitt, acill soirtly cotianetnce tt se-. Watgntr-&( Co. , ri--ltTalitil - th le tc Cliibaonti trIripa ti Flinttries otatitcles ini the Schlaai Ioder- orsair- offleriig 0 suit pattrnst, 1ridiac-. aloe relatittgttIterectlG ertmatt Ilte Elite- Tevrpsicholre hoti it s educttaionibill Itattd itsobralaal e cf- teregilatr prceof was-Itliis fi-oti lata meetig lt- ttarroar eveniung atI feels. $. .1to $35 .00 (ior . 23. (10 a oacloack shtarpa. Abotineative per centO. aofthe readevs intthie libtravr- last lotlar-, ee stttdents. Nece seals Itave beetn placed its Alphta No hall toy the benefit of Ptrof. Scott's classes. Aliss Anna 1I. Bailey and SNlis Helen :U.- Kitog, of East Liberty s., gave a sprveadl last evening to a fecw friends. I-arry Bridgmsan, '95 lit, lenvs for hishlbme'at "Flitit, touday, for a fewsi clays' visit. Ie is accomplant- ied- by G..C=. Pretis, '92 lit. Allmal mmbes o te Cora 1snit, imetde tip~ first calss. Also teiotn are reciuested to lie present itt Itecelac at 2 o'clock.- Saturdayv10 pttenstf Traalscriigs, the~ aftertnoonc, for practice ontthle regeular price of ahc-lirh is fromc chtovtusesinthfelDamination of 1aut. Another tiatter of imilortanlce will i( 0~. 0 rit~h (1t ar be broughtltip. They are also offerig sonie do- Mv. IDavis, librarian, is gathteritng cde eedr b cddbargaitns i leavyUdr statistics in regard to thtose making;I tise oftfhle library. It is Isis pur- wear. Act inspectioan of goods pose to fidlthe exact proportiont of and prices is inivitedI . readers existimg tetween thelsevceral departments, by requesting ear-l tol put his departmntt ont ear-I book- slip tatnded ic.