THE U. OF M. DAILY NEW GOODS THE TWO SAMS. NWOD AGENTS FOR- NEW GOODS. -4 "YOUMANS" AND KNOX HATS. The J. T. Jacobs Co., The J. T. Jacobs Co., Novelties in Neckwear. Latest in Furnishings. The J. T. Jacobs Co., Call and see us. 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. L- BLITZ. N. B.-We still have a nice assortment of Light Weight Overcoats to be closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS COAL. GEORGE L. MOORE, (MoS~al aber.) + + . 0. NEW S STAND FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A Full Line of all College Text Books, including Law and Miicai Books, by the stacks. CALL oN Cheapest place for Note Books and Fountain Pens in the city. Freshmen crowd in. Come along Newspapers, Magazines, Periodicais, Fine M- El~'A ~E3L~=R' old friends. I now have my entire stock at my store on NO. 6 b. N ST 9. Confections, Cigars and Tobacco. NO. 11 WEST WASHINGTON STREET. OEO. T-. MOORE BAH OOKSTORE, D0 Every Student will save money by buying University Text-Books and all special discount on LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS. DENTAL BOO University. 5,000 Blank Books at lowest prices. LEADING BOOK STORE IN THE CIT 9iehmond Straight Qat. UNIVERSITY CHANGES. No.5_ --- CIGARETTES.(Continued from frst page ) Cigarette Smokers who long and honorably, has been re- arewii moren thanth rce tained as Professor of Anatomy. cr gaore the ni a The building which was. formerly aithBRAND superior to known as the "regular hospital," The Richmond straight cnetdit noea Cut No.ICigarettes areT maderomtheright- has been converted into an opera-s Gold teagt rown in Virginia. Thin lathe Old i ng room for the Dental students. and Original Brand at Straight Cut Cigarettes, There are now nearly fifty operating and wan raghtaout by an in the year 1875. Teeaenw ffy P Beware atimitations, and oaerve that the chairs in the new room and all in Sent name as heiow in an every package. car ntenwroadali The ALENe GiNToERbaeo Co. all it will be a decided improvement Manufacturers. - - Richmond. Virginia. on the old quarters. tkg *ar8.r; anlIgo f jflj . An addition has been built to President Angell's residence. Capital, $50,000. Surplus and Profits, $17,000. Does a general Banking business. Pays in- The asphaltum walk along the tereston Saving Deposita.Ras safety northern side of the campus was Depoit Roxsnftr Rent. R. KEMPF,rens. :F yH. BELSER, Cashier. completed earlyin the summer. Rankapen Saturday evening. e Ann Arbor Savings Bank Foot-Ball With Cornell. Ann Arbor Mich. Capital Stock, $50000, - Surplus, 81Si00 Organized under the General Banking Laws Manager Farrand has arranged a of thin sa te. Receives Deposits, huys and seli exchange on the principaltties athe game of foot-ball with Cornell for Uidt~ate. Dfscas hed upon proper ia deSiica a r.Off cas r Saturday, November 21. It will be CHRISTIAN MACK, Pres., w.CT. HACH IMAN, Vice Pres., played at Recreation Park, in De- CHAS. E. RiSCOCK, Cashier. troit. It is understood that the iWN TBUINESSIDIRECTORY. TO N. TINE - EXCEL.S1It - L.AUNUMV supplie at Headquarters. We a pared to turn out frrt clasos work onshort no- OKS, in short, every Book used in the tice. Commercial work toene out same day. Prices ceasonable and work guaranteed. No- 20 East HuronaSt. A.F. COVERT, Proprietor. O. M. MARTIN, DEALER IN TY. Cloth Caskets, Metallic AND COMMON COFFINS. Foot-Ball Prospects. J. A. POLHEMUS, The foot-ball element of the Uni- ALSO 'BUS HACK AND BAGGAGE LINE, North Main Street. versity has not as yet made its ap- RINSEY & SEABOLT, pearance on the campus. It is Bakers and dealers in utterly impossible, therefore, to Groceries, Provisions,Flour and Feed, predict how strong a team will rep- 6 and 8 E. Washington St. resent the yellow and the blue this J. H A L. L E R , year. Fortunately all the backs of T wr: , last year's eleven have returned to Repairing a specialty. 46 SOUTH MAIN ST. the University, viz.: Duffy, full I. D. STIMSON & SONS, back; Grosh and Jewett, half-backs. State Street Grocers. Dygert and Holden have also re- Studentspatronage especially solicited. turned. Among the new men that 24 S. STATE STREET. have thus far made their appearance FERDON LUMBER YARD, Manufacturer of and dealer in on the field, are Hayes, of North- SAGINAWGANG SAWED LUMBER western University, and Cruse. Cor. Fourth and Dipot Sts. Adams, who played on the Yale JOHN WOTZKE, scrub eleven, and one of the mem- Maker of fine bers of Harvard's '91 class eleven, pADIES'n dGENTS'. SMOES. have entered the University but Napairinganatly done. 43S. Main St. have not as yet made their appear- Minstrels has been so favorably ance on the campus. commented upon The raw material has been prac- tising on the northeast campus E. H. Clement, Senior Law, was since Thursday last under the direc- first to join the Athletic Association tion of half-back Grosh, who is tak- for the coming year. ing an active interest in the work. Thc registration in the law de- Captain Vanlnwagen has been out O only once. Hugh VanDeventer, partment last night was 231. Last ya thecorresponding date it who was elected foot-ball manager year at the last spring, resigned shortly beforewas 201. t Commencement, and Royal T. Far- Secretary Wade baa refused to rand, medic '92, was selected by the give the registration in the depart- directors in his stead. The foot- ments, as he thinks it gives a false ball interests lost an enthusiastic ad- impression. vocate by the resignation of Van De- Prof. Edwin F. Connelly will lec- - venter, but they will not suffer in ture to Senior Laws on Constitu- the hands of Farrand, whose very tional Law, and to juniors on Agency able management of the University. and Partnership. You Probably have some Broken Arti- cle of JEWELRY OR A WATCH OUT OF REPAIR, WM. ARNOLD, 36 MAIN STREET,' Is the Place to go. ANLDAL FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! 30 East Huron St eet, SHORTHAND TAKE A COURSE. IT -WILL PAY YOU. Shorthand Sehool, New Buildiag, 20 South State Street. terms are quite favorable. '.'0 Bulletin Board. There will be a meeting of thi directors of the Athletic Association Thursday at 4 p. m. in Alpha Nu hall. E. E. TAYLOR, Sec'y. New students will find convenient references to rooms and boarding places by consulting the prepared lists in Newberry Hall. Announcement of prizes to *be given by the Castalian, the Palla. dium, and the Inlander have been posted.